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These 20 Photographs Will Leave You Speechless. Especially The 11th One. There Are No Words.

These 20 Photographs Will Leave You Speechless. Especially The 11th One. There Are No Words.
Take a look at these 20 powerful photos that will leave you speechless. Some of these photos are of truly historic moments, while others, are quite heartbreaking. World War II veteran from Belarus Konstantin Pronin, 86, sits on a bench as he waits for his comrades at Gorky park during Victory Day in Moscow, Russia, on Monday, May 9, 2011. Konstantin comes to this place every year. This year he was the only person from the unit to show. Reddit 100s of galaxies seen through the Hubble Deep Field (HDF), as they were 10 billion years ago. Sunset on Mars, taken in 2005 by the Spirit rover. A soldier making the long walk to defuse a car bomb in Northern Ireland. wikipedia Neil Armstrong after his Moonwalk. This was taken moments after Jewish refugees realized they weren’t being sent to their deaths at the horrible concentration camps and were in fact being saved. Ignorance is bliss – Homeless man sleeps outside a diner in Milwaukee. Nazi rally at Nuremberg in 1937. Undulating clouds. Source: Viral Nova

Amazing Photo Manipulation by Photographer Erik Johansson Swedish photographer and retouch artist Erik Johansson has one of the craziest photography portfolios we’ve ever seen. Erik is completely self-taught in retouching his own photographs to make impossible and extraordinary images. He says his inspiration came from both growing up with a grandmother who painted and having a penchant for escaping into the other worlds of video games, so he naturally blended the two into a technique using computers to generate images that couldn’t be captured by a camera. Check out some of his mind blowing creations below: Cut & Fold – Cut along the dotted line. Drifting Away – A safe place, drifting away. Electric guitar. Expecting winter – Where seasons meet. Snow cover. Big laundry day. Work at sea. Breaking up – Breaking up, drifting apart. Groundbreaking – Let’s go on a field trip. Lazy dog. Set them free – Do the right thing, set them free! Arms break, vases don’t. Roadworker’s coffee break. Penrose LEGO. Fishy island. Revolving theory. Common sense crossing. Face vs.

48 Unexpected Views Of Famous Historic Moments By taking a look at iconic moments in human history from a different perspective, we can learn so much more. Share29508People Sharing 16 Of The Most Magnificent Trees In The World How do I love thee, tree? Let me count the ways; you change carbon dioxide into the oxygen we breathe, you sequester carbon, and you provide shelter for countless critters. There are many reasons for which we should all be tree-hugging hippies, but within the scope of this article, all we’ll focus on is how amazing some of them look. Granted, not all of these amazing beautiful trees are trees (the Wisteria is a vine, Rhododendrons are shrubs, and bamboo technically belongs to the grass family), but we’ll give them a pass because they are amazing, huge and beautiful. If you know of an amazing tree not on this list, you can submit it at the bottom of this post. 125+ Year Old Rhododendron “Tree” In Canada This huge 125-year-oldold rhododendron is technically not a tree – most are considered to be shrubs. 144-Year-Old Wisteria In Japan Image credits: At 1,990 square meters (about half an acre), this huge wisteria is the largest of its kind in Japan. Image credits: falcor88

12 Photos Of the Strangest Weather Phenomena Ever Witnessed! (#3 Would Scare The Hell Out Of Me) We all know how quickly weather can change, but it also provides a wealth of strange pictures and phenomena. Some of these are funny, others strange or shocking, but all are bound to pique your interest. 1. Before there was air conditioning, the only thing these residents of Lincoln, Nebraska could do to bear the 91 nighttime heat was to sleep on the lawn of the statehouse, hoping to catch a stray breeze. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. These 22 Far Away Perspectives Of Famous Places Will Change The Way You See Them Forever Many of us only know the world’s most famous landmarks through images that show them in all their beautiful, historical glory. The world has changed since these structures were built, so the surrounding landscapes might not be what you’d expect. The Pyramids of Giza The Acropolis The Arc de Triomphe Source: Source: Stonehenge Central Park, New York City Source: Source: The Pantheon of Rome Source: Seen through the McDonald’s across the way The Forbidden City Niagara Falls The Taj Mahal The Brandenburg Gate Mount Rushmore Mont St. The Hollywood Sign Sagrada Familia Source: Rainer Walter Schmied Source: St Basil’s Cathedral Santorini Source: Source: Mona Lisa Source: Pascal Le Segretain Source: Rock of Gibraltar Little Mermaid Source: Source: The Alamo Source: Source: flickr Las Vegas Strip Source:

Utah Travel | Scenic 360 Degree Photography | Utah3D.Net Color Coded Food and Flowers Photographed by Emily Blincoe Photographer Emily Blincoe (previously) continues to make us smile with her arrays of food and plants perfectly organized by color. Blincoe collects every color permutation of tomatoes, oranges, eggs, and even candy and then sorts them into groups and gradients for each image. Her wildly popular photos have attracted a huge following on Instagram and Tumblr, and many are available as prints. 46 Incredible Photos You May Not Have Seen Before. #22 Is Unbelievable. 1. Path-Laying Machine 2. The Internal Mechanism of a Watch by Patek Philippe, Considered the Finest Watchmaker in the World 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Click below to share these amazing photos with your friends!

The 50 Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever By Internet standards, a perfectly timed photo occurs when two of the following three conditions are met: 1. Perfect Place 2. Sometimes the holy trinity of perfectness is achieved and you get an Internet classic like so many of the photographs below. Enjoy! Photograph by MARTIN BERNETTI (via If you enjoyed this post, the Sifter highly recommends: Rain Storm over Tulip Field Random photo Submit your photo Stumble Thru landscape photography, nature photography Tags: field holland rainbow thunder tulip rainbow over tulip field by edmund nagele 25 459 views Rating: +6 storm over tucson, arizona high five from god storm over dallas ricefields of ngawi, java, indonesia Place your ad here Loading... About OneBigPhoto is your daily dose of high quality photos. 2703 photos uploaded Important stuff Top rated Top galleries Submit photo Privacy policy Wallpaper Contact us Connect with us Search Some rights reserved. ©2013

The 15 Most Beautiful Flowers In The World Canna Cannas not only feature pretty blossoms, but also beautiful leaves (often likened to that of the banana plant) that come in a variety of stunning colors. Popularized in Victorian times, Cannas are popular garden plants. Cherry Blossom The unofficial flower of Japan, the spectacular display of blossoms that arrive in the spring are celebrated by festivals both in Japan and the U.S. Colorado Columbine Growing high in the Rocky Mountains, the Colorado Columbine is a welcome reward for the enterprising climbers of Colorado’s 14,000-foot high mountains. Hydrangea Magical snowball puffs in fall: gorgeous. Lily of the Valley A delicate and fragrant sign of spring, the Lily of the Valley has inspired a number of legends. Calla Lily While visually stunning and elegant, this beautiful flower is actually a member the poisonous species, Zantedeschia. Black Eyed Susan The black eyed susan, a cheerful wildflower, is a perennial that serves as a beautiful back drop in any garden. Bleeding Heart Lantana

73 photos des endroits les plus colorés du monde Artificielles ou naturelles, les couleurs sont présentes partout et il est délicieux de les observer quand elles sont subjuguées par leur environnement.Voici les 73 lieux les plus riches en couleurs du monde! 1. Antelope Canyon, Arizona Inondées régulièrement, ces étranges gorges de grès se sont formées au fil des siècles. vi 2. Le lichen qui recouvre les rochers de cette baie tranche vivement avec l'eau turquoise. via 3. Un quartier pittoresque où vivent "les musulmans du Cap", une population originaire de l'actuelle Malaisie, de l'Inde et d'Indonésie. via 4. Cette rue est célèbre pour ses cerisiers en fleurs, cette ville est l'une des plus ancienne d'Allemagne. via 5. Une île aux maisons très colorées au nord de la lagune de Venise. via 6. Les dunes multicolores du village de Chamarel sont l'un des rares endroits dans le monde ou l'on peut observer les 7 couleurs de l'arc en ciel dans la nature, on l'appelle d'ailleurs "la terre des sept couleurs". via 7. via 8. via 9. via 10. via 11. via 12. via 13.

30 Beautiful Doors That Seem To Lead To Other Worlds Most doors are hopelessly mundane, but they don’t have to be; they can also serve as meaningful symbols of portals between worlds or between different aspects of our lives. When we set out to create a list of beautiful doors around the world, we were surprised to find just how many truly amazing doors there are out there that have been decorated with beautiful craftsmanship and artwork. The door is probably the single part of a building’s exterior that people will interact most frequently with, so if you want a building to look impressive up close, there’s probably no better way to do this than by having a beautiful door. Burano, Italy Image credits: John C. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Image credits: Ken Piorkowski Copenhagen, Denmark Image credits: Ingeborg van Leeuwen Valloria, Italy Image credits: socket974 Montmartre, Paris, France Image credits: John Kroll Rabat, Morocco Image credits: David&Bonnie Valparaiso, Chile Image credits: Byron Ellis Garden Door by Kazuyuki Ishihara in Japan Lhasa, Tibet
