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7 Online Quiz Tools Perfect For Classrooms Whether you want to have students turn in homework via an online form or simply take a quiz or test, online quiz tools are critical to having a connected classroom. Most tools are free, all are robust, and they’re quite easy to use. What could be better than that? You can use any of these below tools to get feedback from parents, students, colleagues, and more. Below is simply an introduction to each tool in case you aren’t familiar with it so be sure to dive into any that interest you and give them a try in the classroom! Quizlet Quizlet A free and popular online quiz tool, Quizlet lets you easily build – you guessed it – quizzes. Yacapaca You’re going to love the mascot of Yacapaca. Quia Quia Similar to Yacapaca, Quia has a dedicated student sign-on that’s managed by teachers. Google Forms Google Forms You can’t do a post on the best online quiz tools without mentioning Google Docs / Drive / Forms (or whatever it’s called these days). ProProfs ProProfs Here’s one to watch. Quiz ME Online

And then I was like ... | Make animated gifs with your webcam Synonyms For example “big” (an adjective), “slowly” (an adverb) and “talk” (a verb) all have synonyms, while “sock” (a noun) does not. Synonyms are fun to learn using matching and pick-it games. Kids like learning synonyms thanks to online synonym games as well as online kids dictionaries. There are many synonym resources for teachers available for creating synonym lesson plans, synonym worksheets and synonym classroom activities. Synonym games for elementary school students are very popular with third, fourth and fifth graders, while the Basal Reader Synonym Match is an ideal middle school synonym game. ESL students also greatly benefit from using fun online synonym games as these help them master the nuances of English vocabulary.

Hot Potatoes Home Page [Oficial]Filmora Scrn | Descargar Programa Grabador de Pantalla Fotogramas clave mejorados Rastreo de movimiento Rampa de velocidad Pantalla dividida Pantalla verde Máscara de dibujo Desbloquea más trucos de alto nivel con un fotograma clave mejorado que puede aplicarse a todos los parámetros. Mejora tu edición con un seguimiento de objetos intuitivo y accesible para todos. Ajusta la velocidad de tu video con un mejor control de los fotogramas clave para crear efectos cinematográficos únicos. Multiplica la diversión con varias pantallas para contar tu historia de una forma única. Descubre las posibilidades ilimitadas de los fondos de video con la pantalla verde. Editar es como pintar cuando se utiliza la herramienta para enmascarar cualquier forma compleja. Here we are making available a collection of audio dialogues to enable teachers to help students develop their pronunciation. If you have teaching ideas for how to use these dialogues to develop your students' pronunciation, we would love to hear from you and publish your ideas on the site. To submit an idea If you would like to share a teaching idea for these materials please complete and submit this form Please note - file sizes for audio may be very large and can take a time to download depending on your connection speed. To download the audio file:- Right click on the download link (control + click for Mac users)Select 'Save target as' or 'Save link as'Select location where you wish to saveClick save Copyright information - Please Read These audio files are copyright British Council. These recordings were produced by British Council, Singapore and first appeared on the 'Practice Your Pron' CD. For more information on the CD contact:

Crossword Puzzle Maker | Highly Customizable | Free with No Registration Required You must have an OLD browser. The old crossword maker doesn't allow all of the new features like cool fonts, adding images, shadows, special colors, and much more coming in the furture like saving, and being playable online. You can upgrade your browser to IE 9+ or better yet, get the Google Chrome browser and enjoy all of those great features. Not convinced? You can go to the old version by clicking choosing it below. 2 reasons crosswords will not generate: 1. 1. Take the following example word list: "home, cat, dog". A slightly different impossible list: "home", "dog", "lizard" - all 3 have letters that they share! When you add a bunch of words, the chance for it being an impossible can increase (depending on many factors). 2.

Seis herramientas para crear líneas de tiempo -aulaPlaneta Los ejes cronológicos o líneas de tiempo se han utilizado tradicionalmente para la clase de historia, como una manera sencilla y eficaz de representar hitos o eventos. Pero su uso puede extenderse a otras muchas asignaturas y temas, siempre que se puedan estructurar de forma cronológica. Además, con las nuevas tecnologías, las líneas de tiempo (o timelines) se vuelven interactivas, más atractivas y visuales, con posibilidad de añadir imágenes, videos o enlaces. Hoy te proponemos una serie de recursos gratuitos para que te animes a construir las mejores líneas de tiempo TIC con tus alumnos. 1. ¿Utilizas alguna otra herramienta para crear líneas de tiempo que quieras recomendarnos? ¡Ayúdanos con tu voto para ganar los Premios Educa 2015!

Clause of purpose We use certain clauses to show why somebody does something. These are called clauses of purpose. They are introduced with the following words or expressions: to + infinitive; David went out to buy a bottle of wine. in order to/so as to + infinitive (formal); We were asked to say over in order to finish the project. so that + can/will – used for a present or future reference; Here’s my number so that you can call me if you have a problem. so that +could/would – used for a past reference; We left early so that we would be able to park close to the stadium. in case + present tense – present or future reference – Take your hat in case it gets too hot. in case + past tense – used for past reference – We took an umbrella in case it rained. for + noun – used to express purpose – We went out for a pizza. for + -ing – used to express purpose and/or function of something – This function on the air conditioner is for reducing humidity. For negative purpose we use: 1.

Create a quiz with Google Forms - Docs editors Help Make a new quiz & answer key Tip: The quickest way to create a quiz is to go to . Open a form in Google Forms. At the top of the form, click Settings. Turn on Make this a quiz. Optional: To collect email addresses, next to “Responses,” click the Down arrow and turn on Collect email addresses. Make an answer key, assign points & add automatic feedback Create an answer key To add a question, click Add question . Note: You can assign points and add feedback on all question types. Grade quizzes You can see automatic summaries for all quiz responses, including: Frequently missed questions Graphs marked with correct answers Average, median, and range of scores Grade individual responses If you collect email addresses, you can assign points and leave feedback on individual responses. In Google Forms, open a quiz. Share results If you collect email addresses in your form, you can send results immediately or wait until you’re ready to share them. By default: Change how you release grades

Generador de Crucigramas You must have an OLD browser. The old crossword maker doesn't allow all of the new features like cool fonts, adding images, shadows, special colors, and much more coming in the furture like saving, and being playable online. You can upgrade your browser to IE 9+ or better yet, get the Google Chrome browser and enjoy all of those great features. Not convinced? You can go to the old version by clicking choosing it below. 2 reasons crosswords will not generate: 1. 1. Take the following example word list: "home, cat, dog". A slightly different impossible list: "home", "dog", "lizard" - all 3 have letters that they share! When you add a bunch of words, the chance for it being an impossible can increase (depending on many factors). 2.

10 apps de decoración Si te dispones a reformar tu casa, estás de mudanza, te apetece renovar la decoración de una de las estancias de tu hogar o simplemente quieres probar nuevas ideas y ver cómo quedarían los colores o muebles a los que tienes echado el ojo, te recomendamos algunas apps que te serán de gran ayuda. La decoración se ha convertido en una de las profesiones que más adeptos está generando desde el gran boom de los blogs y las redes sociales. Uno de los grandes temas además de la moda, las gastronomía, la belleza o la maternidad, que copa los mejores blogs tanto nacionales como internacionales, es la decoración. Inspirarnos con preciosas casas, habitaciones o espacios decorados con buen gusto y conociendo diversos estilos es lo que hacemos a diario cuando abrimos nuestra aplicación de Instagram o Pinterest pero... ¿Cómo crear tus propias ideas y adaptar "lo que ves" a tu hogar? © iStock 1. A partir de una fotografía de la habitación que quieras decorar: el dormitorio, el salón, la terraza... 2.

Un'alternativa a Kahoot e Socrative: Triventy Amici appassionati di Gamification ecco a voi una risorsa didattica, utilizzabile come alternativa ai celeberrimi Kahoot!, Quizziz, Socrative. Si tratta di Triventy, ed è una piattaforma gratuita per usi didattici, con cui è possibile costruire quiz ed avviare sessioni di gioco in classe utilizzando ogni tipo di dispositivo presente, dai pc ai tablet agli smartphone. Unica cosa necessaria è il collegamento alla rete ed un web browser. L'aspetto che rende diverso Triventy da analoghi servizi è la possibilità di invitare gli studenti a collaborare alla preparazione dei quiz. Anche in questo caso è necessario preparare le domande in un sito web (, mentre gli studenti per giocare dovranno entrare in un altro sito web ( Al termine del gioco il sistema restituisce tutti i report, domanda per domanda ed alunno per alunno, attraverso un foglio elettronico. Ecco una guida all'uso di Triventy in italiano, realizzata da Laura Antichi Articoli correlati
