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Five-Minute Film Festival: Classroom Makeovers to Engage Learners

Five-Minute Film Festival: Classroom Makeovers to Engage Learners
Most educators have little choice about the (usually) over-crowded, (often) unappealing rooms they teach in -- but they intuitively know that the spaces children spend their time in can have an effect on how they learn. I've gathered a collection of videos to explore the questions: How important is environment to learning? And what small changes can you make in seating, organization, lighting, and decor to build your own space into a better place to teach and learn? Video Playlist: Innovative Learning Spaces Watch the player below to see the whole playlist, or view it on YouTube. Flexible Learning Environments (04:02) Students and teachers at Eanes Independent School District in Austin, Texas, talk about the district's experiment with creating classrooms of the future to foster 21st-century skills at all grade levels. More Resources on Learning Spaces Ready to roll up your sleeves and re-think your classroom space before the school year starts? Related:  Recherches en Sciences de l'éducation

edutopia Most educators have little choice about the (usually) over-crowded, (often) unappealing rooms they teach in -- but they intuitively know that the spaces children spend their time in can have an effect on how they learn. I've gathered a collection of videos to explore the questions: How important is environment to learning? And what small changes can you make in seating, organization, lighting, and decor to build your own space into a better place to teach and learn? Video Playlist: Innovative Learning Spaces Watch the player below to see the whole playlist, or view it on YouTube. Flexible Learning Environments (04:02) Students and teachers at Eanes Independent School District in Austin, Texas, talk about the district's experiment with creating classrooms of the future to foster 21st-century skills at all grade levels. More Resources on Learning Spaces Ready to roll up your sleeves and re-think your classroom space before the school year starts?

K-12 Resources & Videos: Schools That Work Skip to main content Sign InRegister Facebook Edutopia on Facebook Twitter Edutopia on Twitter Google+ Edutopia on Google+ Pinterest Edutopia on Pinterest WHAT WORKS IN EDUCATION The George Lucas Educational Foundation Edutopia's Schools That Work series highlights practices and case studies from K-12 schools and districts that are improving the way students learn. Share712 Share Blended Learning: Making it Work in Your Classroom At P. About Schools That Work Dive into case studies of successful schools, programs, and learning strategies with helpful how-to videos, downloads, and in-depth articles. Advertisement Features Travel Journals: Student-Created Textbooks What Makes Project-Based Learning a Success? Learning Expeditions: Rethinking Field Trips Nine Strategies for Reaching All Learners in English Language Arts Resources and Downloads for Differentiated Instruction 10 Takeaway Tips for a College-Bound School Culture Integrate the Arts, Deepen the Learning Preparing Students for Career Success prev next P.K.

PISA à la loupe, "Les devoirs entretiennent-ils les inégalités en matière (...) Les devoirs entretiennent-ils les inégalités en matière d’éducation ? • Si après leur journée d’école, la plupart des élèves de 15 ans consacrent une partie de leur temps à faire leurs devoirs, ce temps a néanmoins diminué entre 2003 et 2012. • Les élèves issus d’un milieu socio-économique favorisé et ceux qui fréquentent un établissement favorisé sur le plan socio-économique consacrent en général davantage de temps aux devoirs. • La quantité de devoirs donnés aux élèves est associée à la performance en mathématiques des élèves et des établissements, mais d’autres facteurs influent davantage sur la performance globale des systèmes d’éducation. [...] Cette différence de temps consacré aux devoirs entre les élèves favorisés et les élèves défavorisés varie entre des systèmes d’éducation où les élèves consacrent pourtant dans l’ensemble un temps similaire aux devoirs. [...] PISA à la loupe, "Les devoirs entretiennent-ils les inégalités en matière d’éducation ?"

TeacherTube Creativity Becomes an Academic Discipline Photo IT BOTHERS MATTHEW LAHUE and it surely bothers you: enter a public restroom and the stall lock is broken. Fortunately, Mr. Lahue has a solution. It’s called the Bathroom Bodyguard. The world may be full of problems, but students presenting projects for Introduction to Creative Studies have uncovered a bunch you probably haven’t thought of. “I don’t expect them to be the next Steve Jobs or invent the flying car,” Dr. Once considered the product of genius or divine inspiration, creativity — the ability to spot problems and devise smart solutions — is being recast as a prized and teachable skill. “The reality is that to survive in a fast-changing world you need to be creative,” says Gerard J. “That is why you are seeing more attention to creativity at universities,” he says. Critical thinking has long been regarded as the essential skill for success, but it’s not enough, says Dr. Creative studies is popping up on course lists and as a credential. Suddenly, says Russell G. Dr. Dr.

10 YouTube channels that will make you and your students smarter « EduTechGeek I only wish that these were available to me when I was in school. The Internet and the ease of creating video have unleashed these creative geniuses on the world, each willing to share what they know about all sorts of things. Here’s my list – what are your favorites? CGP Grey – Collin cover a huge array of topics in a way that will make you both laugh and learn. Numberphile – Math! Not just your ordinary math, but math is explained in a way that is quite approachable by all. SciShow – Another great channel that discusses science news, history and concepts. Minute Physics – As their channel states: “Cool physics and other sweet science." Veritasium – Veritasium is a science video blog featuring experiments, expert interviews, cool demos, and discussions with the public about everything science. It’s Okay To Be Smart – Yes it is! Smarter Every Day – Destin makes some of the best and most entertaining science videos you might find online. What are your favorites?

La envidia y el síndrome de Solomon En 1951, el reconocido psicólogo estadounidense Solomon Asch fue a un instituto para realizar una prueba de visión. Al menos eso es lo que les dijo a los 123 jóvenes voluntarios que participaron –sin saberlo– en un experimento sobre la conducta humana en un entorno social. El experimento era muy simple. En una clase de un colegio se juntó a un grupo de siete alumnos, los cuales estaban compinchados con Asch. Haciéndose pasar por oculista, Asch les mostraba tres líneas verticales de diferentes longitudes, dibujadas junto a una cuarta línea. La conformidad es el proceso por medio del cual los miembros de un grupo social cambian sus pensamientos, decisiones y comportamientos para encajar con la opinión de la mayoría” (Solomon Asch) La respuesta era tan obvia y sencilla que apenas había lugar para el error. A día de hoy, este estudio sigue fascinando a las nuevas generaciones de investigadores de la conducta humana. “Ladran, luego cabalgamos”(dicho popular) ¿Y qué hay de la envidia?

Movie Worksheets - Film Study Worksheets TWM offers the following "movie worksheets": The basic idea is to get students to analyze something which will interest them and to express their conclusions in writing. This will make schoolwork, in class and at home, more palatable. It will lead students to give their best effort. These worksheets are generic; useful for almost any movie or TV program of the type indicated. The worksheets are suitable for most subjects taught in k-12. To use the worksheets, first review them to make sure that they are appropriate for the class and the movie. TWM worksheets are ideal for homework. See also TWM's Movies as Literature Homework Project and Historical Fiction in Film Homework Project. THE ADVANTAGES OF USING GENERIC FILM STUDY WORKSHEETS Many movie worksheets contain questions about specific scenes or details to test whether students have been paying attention. This section was last updated on October 16, 2015. Some Snippet LPs simply identify film clips and Internet resources.

CONECTIVISMO El conectivismo es una teoría sobre el aprendizaje en este nuevo entorno, el digital, en el que la tecnología e Internet han dado un nuevo giro a cómo trabajamos, nos relacionamos y aprendemos. La teoría ha sido desarrollada por George Siemens un investigador en la Universidad de Athabasca (Canadá). Voy a comentar los principios del conectivismo y algunas “conexiones” con el eLearning: 1. El aprendizaje y el conocimiento dependen de la diversidad de opiniones. Esto es una verdad absoluta para mí. En un entorno de aprendizaje en red, los foros de discusión sobre un concepto pueden generar más conocimiento que la búsqueda o consulta individual de información. 2. Es una nueva forma de aprender, aunque es como trabajan nuestras neuronas y funciona nuestro cerebro. Lo importante es identificar las fuentes de información y saber establecer esas conexiones. 3. Las metodologías de aprendizaje que aplicamos deben considerar esto. Ahora dos a la vez: 4. 5. 6. 7. Parece obvio. 8.

Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English
