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How to flip the classroom

How to flip the classroom
Flipping is easy – and with a little thought and planning, teachers can use the flipped model to create engaging learning experiences for their students. This section covers the nuts and bolts of flipping – from creating videos, to introducing the flipped concept, to practical ideas for using class time differently. What are teachers saying? As an English teacher, I have several teaching concepts going at once, so flipping works well for me. The flipped classroom is about making sure that the "voice" most often heard in the classroom is that of the student, not the teacher. Related:  Teoría y conceptos FCPedagogy

IPad = Flipped Classroom Made Easy |  IPAD 4 SCHOOLS Yes, the Flipped Classroom (Video lessons watched before class time) is a fashionable topic but whilst there’s still chalk-and-talk together with standardised testing I feel I must continue to push it. And no, it’s not just chalk-and-talk in disguise. It creates a whole new learning environment for the student. I haven’t taught a whole class for 6 months! Flipping my classroom has changed my career. Why should all teachers flip their classroom? Online videos should replace all whole-class teaching because: Not every student listens to teachers when surrounded by distractionsStudents understand at differing levels when lessons are one-offsSome students need the teaching at a different pace (both faster or slower) to what’s delivered in the classroom. So here’s my workflow for those who are interested 1. 2. 3. STEP 1: Online Account setup Having a google/gmail account does automatically give you a YouTube account but you have to login to YouTube specifically to activate the video storage.

8 Steps To Flipped Teacher Professional Development How To Help Teachers Create Their Own Professional Development by Terry Heick Traditional teacher professional development depends on external training handed down to teachers after having identified their weaknesses as a professional. If you’re not so great at teacher writing, or if assessment is becoming a bigger focus in your school or district, you fill out a growth plan of some sort, attend your training, get your certificates, and repeat until you’ve got your hours or your school has run out of money to send you to more training. Oftentimes these “professional growth plans” are scribbled out in 15 minute meetings with your principal, then “revisited” at the end of the year as a kind of autopsy. The idea here isn’t simply that educators can improve by connected through social networks–they already are doing that. Also, note that none of this precludes national level conferences, on-site PD, and the like. 1. 2. 3. This is the anti-program program. 4. 5. 6. 7. How? 8.

Three Good Interactive Visuals on SMAR Model for Teachers July, 2014 In today's post I am sharing with you three interactive visuals on SAMR model created on ThingLink. Besides providing iPad apps that fit in with each of the categories of SAMR: redefinition, augmentation, modification, and substitution, these apps are also hyperlinked so you can access them with one click and right from the visual itself. For more resources on SAMR please see this page. For those you not yet familiar with SAMR model, SAMR was developed by Dr. SubstitutionThis is the stage where you use technology to substitute what you could have done with pen and paper. one popular example of this is using word processor to type a story instead of handwriting it. AugmentationThis is where technology is used to carry out learning tasks in relatively more efficient ways. the technology here only adds value to the assignment and does not transform how it is done, examples of this include using spell checker, grammar checker or electronic dictionary.

Siti Zanichelli per la scuola - Zanichelli Tutti i siti Zanichelli Accedi con MyZanichelli SITI per la SCUOLA MyZanichelli I siti Zanichelli per studenti ed insegnanti: siti collegati ai singoli libri, in cui trovare espansioni, approfondimenti e le risorse riservate agli insegnanti;siti dedicati ad argomenti trasversali, con risorse per insegnanti e studenti su prove INVALSI, competenze, esercitazioni interattive, CLIL e tanto altro. I siti dei libri I siti Zanichelli per la scuola Questo sito utilizza cookie tecnici per migliorare la tua navigazione e cookie di terze parti: per saperne di più leggi le nostre «Linee di condotta sulla privacy e sui cookie».

Cómo aplicar la pedagogía inversa o flipped classroom en diez pasos La pedagogía inversa o flipped classroom es un nuevo método que propone dar la vuelta a la clase tradicional e invertir el orden en el proceso de aprendizaje. Frente al modelo de enseñanza habitual, donde el profesor explica la lección en clase y los alumnos escuchan y realizan los deberes en su casa, la flipped classroom concede a los alumnos la responsabilidad de revisar los contenidos teóricos en casa, para que luego puedan resolver sus dudas y trabajar los conceptos en clase de forma individual o colaborativa. Esta metodología tiene muchas ventajas. Te mostramos cómo aplicarla en el aula mediante un sencillo video tutorial. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Descarga en PDF la infografía “Flipped Classroom dentro y fuera del aula” ¿Qué te parece esta metodología? ¡Comparte en redes sociales este artículo!

The Gamification of Higher Education - Neil B. Niman If we could design an educational experience where learning was a part of personal growth and development, would we create empowered individuals who would be better positioned to make a contribution upon their entry into the real world? Gamification has the potential to do just that. Instead of thinking about education as the mastery of a body of knowledge where the subject matter becomes the focus of our attention, The Gamification of Higher Education encourages us to think of it as a process that draws out the best in individuals and prepares them for happy, productive, and successful lives. Niman reveals how the power of games can be used to create an entirely new population of super-empowered individuals who are better positioned to acquire the skills they need to remain relevant in an ever-changing economy.

The Teacher Tools Collection by sherry lee edshelf Teacher Tools Curated by sherry lee Share: 3 followers 12 tools View as Grid List Compact ClassDojo Classroom Management BetterLesson Lesson Plans Dash4Teachers Parent Collaboration Read With Me Language Learning eduClipper Curators SmarterCookie Video Creators Chalk Communication Utilities ClassBadges Student Assessments Portfoliyo Communication Utilities Metryx Student Assessments BusyTeacher Printable Materials Common Core Checklists Common Core Standards Followed by Print with URLs with QR codes Widget To embed this collection, copy the code below and paste it into a code editor for your website. Want to customize your widget? Format: Preview example: Share via email Check out this collection of educational tools, "___." Close Sign in Sign in using one of these services Google Facebook Twitter Or, enter your email address and password Forgot your password? Add to a collection Sign in or create an account to add this tool to a collection.

Wikispaces Flipped classroom ¿Cuáles son sus ventajas? ¿Cuál es su origen?¿Qué necesitamos para implementarlo? Esta entrada sobre flipped classroom ha atraído muchísimas visitas al blog en los inicios de este año y va a llegar a las 13.000 visitas. Por ello, hemos celebrado las 210.000 visitas al blog Profesor 3.0 con una versión reloaded & greatly improved de esta entrada. La flipped classroom no es el “salón de clases flipado” como una traducción literal y descuidada podría sugerir. Flipped classroom es clase inversa o "al revés" donde Flip significa dar la vuelta a la clase y esto se refleja en que lo que tradicionalmente se hacía de tarea en casa, ahora en el flipped classroom se hace en la clase y lo que tradicionalmente se explicaba en clase, ahora en el flipped classroom el alumno lo recibe fuera del aula por medio de videos, podcasts y documentos electrónicos. A la acción de realizar esta inversión se le denomina en argot flipper (el de los que enseñan por medio de flipped clasroom) como flippear la clase. Base racional de la metodología inversa Flip in colors

A diák a jegyért hajt, nem a tudásért? - Tízperc Az iskolában az osztályozás a leggyakoribb formája annak, hogy a diákok és szüleik visszajelzést kapjanak a gyerekek teljesítményéről, haladásáról. A kapott jegyek hatása olyan erős, hogy még felnőttként is automatikusan azt mondjuk „ötös voltam bioszból”, „kettes voltam fizikából” ahelyett, hogy árnyaltabban, pontosabban értékelnénk saját erősségeinket, gyengeségeinket – de leginkább azt, aminek az értékelésére ez az az ötfokú skála szolgálna, vagyis a tudásunkat. Jön a félévi hajrá, az utolsó hetek, amikor még meg kell írni egy témazárót, amikor még lehet javítani a jegyeken. Osztályozási érdekességek Európában A számjegyekkel történő értékelésre sokféle gyakorlatot találni. Hollandiában tíz érdemjegyből áll az osztályozási skála a középiskolákban. Nincs két egyforma ötös Értékelés nélkül nehezen képzelhető el köznevelés. De lehetséges-e elvonatkoztatni a szubjektív szempontoktól? Olvass tovább! Pro és kontra Az osztályozás szükséges, mert: Az osztályozás nem jó megoldás, mert:

RAFT Papers TO: Personnel Director FROM: William Dollar DATE: April xx, 19xx RE: Request for Vacation My name is Dollar, Bill Dollar. I've been on the job for the last twelve months without a break, and I am writing to request a two-week vacation. My journey through the many hands that hold me begins after I leave the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and get sent out to a Federal Reserve Bank. In my case, I went out of our bank with a whole lot of other bills to become part of the day-laborer payroll of a construction company. I went into this very nice woman's purse, but I didn't stay there long. But I know how crucial we are: employers use us to pay their workers, and the workers use us to buy food and medicines and clothes and gas, and then we're used to pay the people who work in the grocery and drug stores, the malls, and the gas stations. Sincerely, William P.

Scaling Flipped Learning Part 1: Technology Strategy – Flipped Learning Simplified A 2014 study indicates that 46% of U.S. principals expect that new teachers to the profession should already know how to flip a class upon graduation from a teacher training program. There is also a growing body of research which demonstrates that flipped learning is showing significant growth in student achievement, satisfaction, and teacher satisfaction. As schools begin to implement the model, what kinds and type of support should school leaders provide? I have pondered their situation and have come to the conclusion that we need a more systemic approach to flipped learning. I believe three systems need to change for flipped learning to flourish on a large scale in a school or district: technological systems, pedagogical systems, and evaluation methodologies. Technology Technology infrastructure matters. Integration It is important to think through what technology is best suited for your school or district. Does this tool compatible with our single sign-on platform? Video Creation
