100% Legal Bud - Legal Buds & Herbal Vaporizer | Herbal Smoke Homeschool Canada Submit to Us | ZenFri ZenFri Inc. is publishing Warpaint – Issue 2 an anthology of bold, unusual, and provocative short fiction (up to 6000 words) and visual artworks in Late 2012 and is now accepting submissions of your . If you want to get your work into our next issue we recommend submitting no later than August 31st, 2012. Submission Guidelines Short Fiction The piece can be any length up to 6000 words, but you must choose a single work to submit. Within a single file please include: A single written piece, double spaced at 12 font.A brief biography.Your name, mailing address and e-mail on the first page.A statement of ‘rights’ which outline who owns the copyright to your work. It’s out belief that each story has its own appropriate length; if you give us two mind blowing paragraphs, the piece will be weighted similarly to a longer piece with equal ‘mind blowing’ qualities. Visual Art Photographs, Drawings, and Digital Art: up to five digital files (min 600dpi). Compensation
Homeschooling Canada: Education & Homeschool Curriculum One teacher's approach to preventing gender bullying in a classroom Supplies & Equipment My Account | Cart WinterGreen Search : Advanced search NEW items Proud supporters of 0 product in my cartSubtotal: $0.00 CAD Home »» Shop By Category »» Science »» Supplies & Equipment Supplies & Equipment Supplies & Equipment Contact us | Security and Personal Information | en français | Careers | Partnerships | Contests © 2014 WINTERGREEN.
Nest of Posies: Candy Cane Hearts Well, paint my door red & call me the peppermint queen. By golly, I’ve found a way to keep peppermint around just a little bit longer! Just to clarify, I’ve saw this a couple of years ago, but I’ve never tried it until the other day. I feel like this is more of a supply list, than a recipe -But before I go any further…RUN! Okay – back to supplies. *Candy cane minis. unwrap & place in heart shape on wax paper *Wilton’s pink Chocolate Melts. *note – you will not have to use a lot of melts, I just melted as I went along today *(use an ice tea spoon to spread the chocolate in your hearts) *Sprinkles *allow time to dry & firm There you have it. linking with: Hello!
Our HCOS Vendors for 2015/16 You will need an HCOS Purchase Order (PO) number to order or buy directly from these vendors. Your number will be issued after your enrollment for the 2015/16 school year is accepted, and all required documentation has been received. Please note that government regulations prohibit us from reimbursing parents for school curriculum, so the PO system is a way for families to obtain the educational material they need. These vendors, and many that are not on the list, will accept our Purchase Order Number (PO)...you just contact them, order your curriculum, and then give them the PO number. Please note that spending for 2015/16 is restricted to 1/2 of the curriculum budget, (before Oct 1st) and can be spent on curriculum only (not lessons). Any returns done after HCOS has paid the bill will be a credit for the family not HCOS.
7 Classic Disney Movies Based On R-Rated Stories Hercules: Murders His Children The Disney Happy Ending: In the Disney version we have our hero Hercules versus Hades, who tries to take out Hercules by sending Meg, a woman whose job it is to find Hercules' weakness. As she is a moderately attractive 18- to 25-year-old woman, she falls in love with him instead as required by Disney law. Since his first plan failed so miserably, Hades gets Hercules to give up his powers in exchange for Meg's safety, which seems like a reasonable trade until you remember that Hades is like Satan with more gold trim, so he predictably goes back on his word. He seemed like a decent guy. As Hercules is fighting a Cyclops, Meg pushes him out of the way of a falling column and is killed, which restores Hercules' powers just in time for him to save the world and bring her back to life. The Original Ending: "Do you see this arm? Tarzan: Doesn't Get the Girl, Everyone is Miserable The Disney Happy Ending: We can spot at least three glaring inaccuracies in this picture.
Cornerstone Learning Resources Search by keyword for: No matches found. Please change your search terms. Searching tips Spelling counts! Less is more: Omit common words such as "the, of, a, and". Using exact words: To find "War" and not "Warriors", use War!. Search types: Searching by Keyword (usually the most effective) looks at title, author, series, subject and ISBN information for matches. Activity Songs & Nursery Rhymes for Kids at BusSongs.com Do you have young children or work with toddlers or preschoolers and are looking for some fun, interactive songs? Nowadays, there is a multitude of activity songs that you can sing and dance to in order to help children improve all kinds of development skills. Common Songs While there are hundreds of interactive children's songs, sometimes the classics are still the best. How Teachers and Parents Use Activity Songs Early Child Development teachers that work with toddlers and preschoolers often use a variety of activity songs during circle time. In addition, activity songs are also ideal for music and movement time, as they allow young children to get their energy out and learn how to listen and follow directions. How Activity Songs Benefit Children Head Start states that music encourages children to notice their feelings and act them out while singing and dancing.
Disney for Adults Disney for Adults Jeffrey Scott Campbell is an American comic book artist. He rose to fame as an artist for WildStorm Comics, though he has since done work for Marvel Comics, and the video game industry. Here we see his collection of fairy tale princess, that have long been found in cartoons, But Campbell’s princess, unlike the previous, provocative, challenging and sexy girls. Cool stuff on other blogs