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New Ring Designs

New Ring Designs
November 24th, 2010 A while ago I bought lots of antique silver spoon sets when we visited Colin’s sister Morag and her family over the summer as they live near Spoon Central – a little village called Horncastle that is full to the brim with small antique shops. As I’ve been without my camera for what seems like months, I’ve not been able to photograph any of my ‘work in progress’ for a while. I have been busy, just not really been able to blog about it. Well my camera arrived back from the lab all shiny and new the other day and so today I spent some time taking images of the new rings I’ve made from the spoons I bought over the summer. So here are a few shots of my new rings – in spoon format and then transformed into things of beauty for someone special… This is a shot of all the spoons prior to sanding, filing and polishing. Before and after shots of set 1 This set of spoons has a lovely pattern on the upper side and on the under side so I made two different rings. What do you think?

Grapefruit, Lime and Maraschino Martini — Recipe - Creative Culinary The winter solstice this past year was December 21; when the sun reaches the most southerly declination. It marks the day of the year with the least hours of daylight; the official start of winter. Though we can certainly anticipate more winter weather in Colorado, for me the winter solstice also signals the beginning of the end; the days after this moment in time get longer every day and we can appreciate the advent of spring as the next season to celebrate; my personal favorite time of the year.

DIY Braided Bead Bracelet - Honestly WTF - StumbleUpon It’s been awhile since our last bracelet DIY. I don’t know about you, but our wrists have been begging for another colorful addition for months now. So after playing with some materials that were already on hand, we’ve created a tutorial for a braided bead bracelet, which is a not so distant cousin of the hex nut and wrap bracelet. Because honestly, you can never have too many . . . DIY: Hair Comb *UPDATE! See the step-by-step instructions here. This is a super simple project. All you need is a hair comb and embroidery floss. I had a pack of hair combs that I got at Walgreens a long time ago (Like 10 or 12 combs for $4- they still have them). Plus vintage embroidery floss from forever ago. Petite Fashion, Style Tips and DIY I showed this blouse a while back and received several requests for a tutorial. Unfortunately, I didn't document the process very well as I was just experimenting around. I'm not a professional sewer, so these steps are just to show what I did and are not intended as instructions!

100 Ways to Discover and Enjoy Music UPDATE 12/10/13: We’ve released a follow-up to this post with 100 More Ways to Discover and Enjoy Music. Prepare yourself for another dose of Monday roundup madness! It’s time for another crazily comprehensive, yet carefully curated, look at an entire industry–the music industry to be specific. DIY Friendship Bracelet - Honestly WTF For several months now, we’ve been receiving emails requesting a friendship bracelet DIY. Well, friends, ask and you shall receive! Today, we’ll give you a step by step tutorial on the classic chevron pattern. Believe! I have the blessing to be part of a great organization inside of the church I belong to; called Young Women. The theme for the girls {age 12 to 17} this year is “believe”. I’ve been thinking a lot during the last six months about such a simple word and what it means to me… However it was during this weekend that I found myself thinking more deeply about it while working on these little necklaces that I was making for our girls… So please forgive me if you came visiting looking for a craft or just a cool tutorial

Neighbor Doorknob Hanger & Candy Chang Hang and share resources 2010 Thanks to good neighbors, Candy has shared a corkscrew, a ladder, an inflatable bed, an air pump, chairs, a bike, wi-fi, books, a drill, an iron, professional studio lights, a large pot, wine, and food. And this was only amongst a few neighbors because she rarely bumped into most and had limited ways to break the ice. In a time where SMS has made phone calls seem invasive, a door knock feels nearly violating. Her neighbors could be in their pajamas, eating dinner, fresh out of the shower, or making out, and suddenly she’s banging on their door. So when GOOD Magazine invited her to contribute to their 2010 Neighborhoods issue, she wondered if she could take advantage of the format and make something that could be torn out of the magazine and used as a tool.

Related:  daliajustine