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.NET USB Library #usblib (SharpUSBLib)

.NET USB Library #usblib (SharpUSBLib)

libusb-win32 Student Rights and Responsibilities PCC does not tolerate unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion, use of native language, national origin, sex, marital status, height/weight ratio, disability, veteran status, age, or sexual orientation in any area, activity, or operation of PCC. PCC complies with applicable federal, state, and local civil rights laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination. Equal opportunity for employment, admission, and participation in PCC's benefits and services shall be extended to all persons, and PCC shall promote equal opportunity and treatment through application of this policy and other efforts of PCC designed for that purpose. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against or harassed by a PCC employee, representative, or student is encouraged to file a complaint through the Office of Affirmative Action and Equity (Downtown Center, Room 300, 971-722-5840 or 971-722-5841) or online. View further information on PCC harassment and discrimination policies.

libusb Part 1 Part 1: Managing multiple users with one IP Address In choosing which software to use for managing the server-side of FTP, often time people don't use Microsoft's FTP program because they think that it's too simple or they think that it doesn't do what they want. I'm going to attempt to reveal some of the hidden but powerful features that exist with Microsoft's FTP program. Understanding just a couple basic concepts and putting those concepts to good use will open up a new world of possibility. I'm not trying to convert the many people that are using another FTP program or try to say that Microsoft's is better. I don't work for Microsoft and I'm not being paid to endorse their product. I'm assuming that you are somewhat familiar with using Microsoft IIS / FTP. Let's get started: Rule #1: If (virdir name = user name) Then (path of virdir takes affect) Now, what does that mean? I'll repeat myself because I feel this is important. Example in MS-FTP Fortunately there is an easy solution.

.NET Micro 3/30/2014 - A new article listing common deployment and runtime error codes. 8/4/2013 - TFConvert still crashes, but is no longer needed! A new version of the font generating tool. 8/3/2013 - The sold was removed from the aggregated feed (and links, together with, sorry it took so long! Blogs by Device Solutions filtered to .NET Micro Framework only. 8/3/2013 - A new article to get the .NET Micro Framework running in Visual Studio 2013 Preview. 7/31/2013 - Most of the dead links fixed, list of modules updated. 2/3/2012 - The event list, which suffered more than any other stuff here, was updated. 1/5/2012 - I have closed the e‑shop. 10/4/2011 - .NET Micro Framework 4.2 was released on October 4, 2011. 6/6/2011 - Okay, the graduate studies made me way too much busy to keep updating this site. 9/29/2010 - Tools refresh is here! 9/27/2010 - An exclusive offer of netduino plus boards came in. 2/12/2010 - I've tried to get couple of Jens' books on stock.

book: Visual C# 2010 Wenn Sie ein Buch suchen, dass Ihnen bei allen Fragen der C#-Entwicklung zuverlässig mit Rat und Tat zur Seite steht, dann ist unser bewährtes Kompendium genau das Richtige für Sie. Mittlerweile in der 5. Auflage erschienen, dient es ambitionierten Ein- und Umsteigern durch seine strukturierte Vorgehensweise und die zahlreichen Anwendungsbeispiele als praxisorientierte Einführung; Fortgeschrittene und Profis unterstützt es als Nachschlagewerk optimal bei ihrer täglichen Arbeit. In den ersten Kapiteln werden zunächst die Grundlagen von C#, .NET und der objektorientierten Programmierung vermittelt. Es folgen Kapitel zur effizienten Entwicklung mit Visual Studio 2010, zur Fehlerbehandlung sowie zu fortgeschrittenen C#-Themen wie LINQ, Multithreading, Serialisierung u.v.m. Nutzen Sie die HTML-Version (inkl. Auf unserer Katalogseite steht Ihnen ab sofort zusätzlich eine Volltextsuche im Buch zur Verfügung. Zum Online-Shop
