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Related: Temàtiques treballades en l'assigantura 22122
Make a Joule thief.
In the November 1999 issue of EPE (Everyday Practical Electronics), a small and intriguing circuit was published in the Ingenuity Unlimited section by Z. Kaparnik. It was a very small implementation of a typical transformer feedback single transistor invertor. The transformer was a standard ferrite bead with two windings wound on it and the circuit was using the high voltage pulse generated when the transistor turns off to light an LED from a single 1.5V battery.
A Copyright-Friendly Toolkit
However fabulous Creative Commons and Public Domain content may be, sometimes you really need to use copyrighted material. Say you plan to comment on popular media or current events. For instance, you may be planning to critique the portrayal of Native Americans in commercial films.
How To Turn Any Page into a Feed with RSS Scraping
Although RSS scraping (or feed scraping) sounds like some sort of especially unpleasant dental procedure, it is in fact an indispensable trick for accessing regularly-updated content. This post describes what it is, why you might want to do it, and gives an example of a service that makes feed scraping easy. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is, as I’ve argued before, the key technology for quickly keeping up with online content. (See also George on RSS and online services, Lincoln Mullen on RSS and academic journals, and Mark on RSS and your library’s catalog.)
SuperCard DS(ONE) - Scorpei.com - Wiki
From Scorpei.com Wiki The SuperCard DS (one) compatibility list is a record of Nintendo DS ROM, homebrew and microSD/TransFlash card compatibility with the SuperCard DS one. Feel free to add to or edit this list if you have tested a ROM, homebrew or microSD/TransFlash card; please be sure to fill out all fields and add any extra information if necessary.
Thesis Statements and Important Quotes from 1984 by Orwell
Below you will find four outstanding thesis statements / paper topics for 1984 by George Orwell that can be used as essay starters or paper topics. All five incorporate at least one of the themes found in Orwell's 1984 and are broad enough so that it will be easy to find textual support, yet narrow enough to provide a focused clear thesis statement. These thesis statements for offer a short summary of 1984 in terms of different elements that could be important in an essay. You are free to add your own analysis and understanding of the plot or themes to them. Using the essay topics below in conjunction with the list of important quotes from 1984 by George Orwell, you should have no trouble connecting with the text and writing an excellent essay.
The Basement Mechanic's Guide to Building Perpetual Motion Machines.
Why bother to build useless devices? Why build them? That's a good question, considering that they never work as you may have hoped. I submit that you can still learn a lot from hands-on experience with devices of faulty design.
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