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Welcome to the Bibliographic Ontology Website | The Bibliographi JRDF - An RDF Library in Java Welcome RKBExplorer » Projects » ReSIST Resilience for Survivability in IST Related projects Details Name Resilience for survivability in IST ReSIST: Resilience for Survivability in IST Goals ReSIST is a NoE that addresses the strategic objective \\\ Raw Linked Data: Resolvable URI Browse in a SemWeb browser All Known Co-reference Data People Organisations Publications Courses & Materials Search Close Array ( [rkbexplorer] => 3.1.4 [currentFocus] => Array ( [uri] => [type] => project ) [panelConfig] => Array ( [0] => applet [1] => info [2] => person [3] => organisation [4] => publication [5] => courseware ) [requestStack] => Array ( ) [appletID] => 0 )

OWLIM-Lite Fact Sheet - OWLIM42 - Ontotext Wiki OWLIM-Lite is a high-performance semantic repository created by Ontotext including a native RDF rule entailment engine. It is implemented in Java and packaged as a Storage and Inference Layer (SAIL) for the Sesame openRDF framework. The supported semantics can be configured through rule-set definition and selection. Rule-sets for OWL-Horst [21], unconstrained RDFS [7] with OWL Lite [10] and the OWL2 RL profile [25][26] are included. The key features of the current release of OWLIM-Lite can be summarised as follows: The fastest semantic repository in the World, it can perform non-trivial inference on millions of RDF data statements; Pure Java implementation, ensuring ease of deployment and portability; Compatible with Sesame 2, which brings interoperability benefits and support for all major RDF syntaxes and query languages; Customisable reasoning, in addition to RDFS, OWL Horst, and OWL 2 RL support. OWLIM-Lite is a Java library without user interface.

RDFa Primer We begin the introduction to RDFa by using a subset of all the possibilities called RDFa Lite 1.1 [rdfa-lite]. The goal, when defining that subset, was to define a set of possibilities that can be applied to most simple to moderate structured data markup tasks, without burdening the authors with additional complexities. Many Web authors will not need to use more than this minimal subset. 2.1.1 The First Steps: Adding Machine-Readable Hints to Web Pages Consider Alice, a blogger who publishes a mix of professional and personal articles at Hints on Social Networking Sites Alice publishes a blog and would like to provide extra structural information on her pages like the publication date or the title. Example 1 <html><head> ... This information is, however, aimed at humans only; computers need some sophisticated methods to extract it. Example 2 <html><head> ... (Notice the markup colored in red: these are the RDFa "hints".) Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6

Developers Guide to Semantic Web Toolkits for different Programming Languages Abstract This guide collects links to Semantic Web toolkits for different programming languages and gives an overview about the features of each toolkit, the strength of the development effort and the toolkit's user community. Table of Contents This guide collects links to Semantic Web toolkits for different programming languages. which features are offered (APIs, query languages, storage, reasoning support), the strength of the development effort (number of developers involved, latest release), the activity level of the toolkit's user community (number of downloads, active mailing list). Our current evaluation results are found below. Request for Support We are trying to keep this guide up-to-date. If you know about a toolkit that we have missed, it would be nice if you could send us a link. All hints are highly appreciated. Alternative Toolkit Lists Other, alternative toolkit lists are found at This chapter lists all known toolkits ordered by programming language. 2.2 Haskell 2.9 Pike

TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData/SemWebClients - ESW This page collects software components that can be used implement applications on top of the Semantic Web. The page is not intended to list RDF toolkits that focus on local RDF processing, but toolkits that perceive the Semantic Web as a single integrated information space and help applications navigate this information space. Listings of RDF toolkits with a more local perspective are found at SemanticWebTools and Developers Guide to Semantic Web Toolkits The page is part of the LinkingOpenData community project Linked Data Browsers Tabulator. Linked Data Mashups Revyu by Tom Heath. Linked Data Client Libraries This section lists toolkits that provide access to the Semantic Web by dereferencing resource URIs. Semantic Web Client Library The Semantic Web Client Library represents the complete Semantic Web as a single RDF graph. Crawlers and Data Extraction Tools SPARQL Endpoint Clients This section lists toolkits that support applications in querying a remote SPARQL endpoint. Papers

Virtuoso Open-Source Edition What's New 2014-02-17: New VOS 7.1.0 Released Virtuoso 7.1.0 includes improvements in the Engine (SQL Relational Tables and RDF Property/Predicate Graphs); Geo-Spatial support; SPARQL compiler; Jena and Sesame provider performance; JDBC Driver; Conductor CA root certificate management; WebDAV; and the Faceted Browser. Learn more about VOS 7.1.0... or download it now! 2013-12-10: New VOS 6.1.8 Released Virtuoso 6.1.8 includes improvements in the engine; SPARQL compiler optimisations; improvements in client RPC layer; performance improvements in Jena and Sesame providers; new Conductor WebDAV user interface; improved navigation controls for the Faceted Browser. Learn more about VOS 6.1.8... or download it now! 2013-08-05: New VOS 7.0.0 Released Virtuoso 7.0.0 is the stable release of the open source edition of the new Virtuoso engine. Learn more about VOS 7.0.0... or download it now! 2013-07-23: New VOS 6.1.7 Released Learn more about VOS 6.1.7... or download it now! Previous announcements Plugins
