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Processing (fr)

Processing (fr)
Conçu par des artistes, pour des artistes, Processing est un des principaux environnements de création utilisant le code informatique pour générer des œuvres multimédias sur ordinateur. L'attrait de ce logiciel réside dans sa simplicité d'utilisation et dans la diversité de ses applications : image, son, applications sur Internet et sur téléphones mobiles, conception d'objets électroniques interactifs. Processing fédère une forte communauté d'utilisateurs professionnels et amateurs : artistes, graphistes, vidéastes, typographes, architectes, web designers et designers en général. Il est également utilisé par des enseignants en arts qui souhaitent familiariser leurs étudiants avec les potentialités artistiques de la programmation, les concepteurs du logiciel l'ayant pensé dès l'origine comme un outil d'apprentissage. Dessiner et créer avec du code informatique Processing permet également de programmer des circuits électroniques qui interagissent avec le milieu qui les entoure.

Processing -Ecole d Ce cours de programmation remplace celui sur Director. Il est basé sur un projet collectif riche, ouverte (open source) et grauite, conçu entre le M.I.T. Media Lab et l’insitut de design IVREA pour donner spécifiquement aux étudiants, artistes et designers œuvrant dans le domaine des nouveaux médias une plateforme de création appropriée. L’étendu du projet est impressionnant : le projet de départ, Processing, permet de créer des programmes interactifs et génératifs sur ordinateur. Auquel s’ajoute trois projets annexes, basés chacun sur la philosophie et la technologie de départ : Wiring et Arduino ouvrent Processing à l’électronique et à la robotique ; alors que Processing Mobile permet aux artistes de créer des programmes pour leurs téléphones portables. Ces cours en-ligne sont offerts à la communauté des artistes francophones voulant apprendre cet environement.

Kinect Tutorial - Hacking 101 Microsoft's Kinect has been out for a few months now and has become a fairly popular accessory for the Xbox 360. Let's face it though, using the Kinect for what it was intended didn't end up being the most exciting part of this new toy. What has become far more interesting is seeing the various hacks developed that makes the device so much more than simply an input mechanism for games. Above is some example output that our app will produce. 1. is going to be your best friend for this portion of the project. 2. Since our plan with this tutorial is just to display output, we can get away with a basic WPF application, which actually performs surprisingly well. Bundled as part of the libfreenect source are a set of wrappers for various languages. You should now be able to build the solution without any errors. 3. Now we're at the meat of this tutorial, writing some code to retrieve the Kinect's output. As you read through the code, it should be very self-explanatory.

Doc Center The open Web presents incredible opportunities for developers. To take full advantage of these technologies, you need to know how to use them. Below you'll find links to our Web technology documentation. Documentation for Web developers Web Developer Guide The Web Developer Guide provides useful how-to content to help you actually use Web technologies to do what you want or need to do. Tutorials for Web developers A list of tutorials to take you step-by-step through learning APIs, technologies, or broad topic areas. Progressive web apps (PWAs) Progressive Web Apps are web apps that use emerging web browser APIs and features along with traditional progressive enhancement strategy to bring a native app-like user experience to cross-platform web applications. Web technology references Web APIs Reference material for each of the individual APIs that comprise the Web's powerful scriptability, including the DOM and all of the related APIs and interfaces you can use to build Web content and apps. Events

Data visualization with Processing, Part 1: An introduction to the language and environment Although many open source projects are driven to build alternatives for existing applications, there are numerous projects that represent new and innovative works. Processing is one of those programs. Processing began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT's) Media Lab in 2001, created by Ben Fry and Casey Reas, though it has contributions from Carnegie Mellon; the University of California, Los Angeles; Miami University; and others. The original goal for Processing was the development of a graphical sketchbook and environment that could be used to teach (graphically) the fundamentals of computer science. Processing runs on GNU/Linux®, as well as Mac OS X and Windows®, and it supports the ability to export images to a variety of formats. This first article begins with an exploration of the Processing IDE, then reviews some of the first aspects of the Processing language. Processing environment The first step is to install the Processing environment. Figure 1. Back to top

Learn The Ruby Programming Language While Having Fun With Hackety Hack Similar to Alice, which we have covered before, it is meant as a beginners tutorial to programming; however the main difference is that Alice is a GUI programming toolkit while Hackety Hack is a text-based “real” programming environment. To begin, download Hackety Hack for your operating system. Versions are available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Even though their website says that it is for 64-bit only the download worked fine on my Windows 32-bit machine so perhaps that is meant for the Mac OS X version only. Click “Ready” to begin the program. Learning Programming Basics Hackety Hack begins with a menu of Lessons. The rest of the tutorials are geared towards beginner programmers but if you are new to the Ruby language they will also be helpful. How To Program In Ruby The first program you will write will be a “Hello World” program which is standard in computer programming language circles. From there, you get progressively difficult levels of programming from the tutorials. — Your Web, documented Your Random Numbers – Getting Started with Processing and Data Visualization Over the last year or so, I’ve spent almost as much time thinking about how to teach data visualization as I’ve spent working with data. I’ve been a teacher for 10 years – for better or for worse this means that as I learn new techniques and concepts, I’m usually thinking about pedagogy at the same time. Lately, I’ve also become convinced that this massive ‘open data’ movement that we are currently in the midst of is sorely lacking in educational components. The amount of available data, I think, is quickly outpacing our ability to use it in useful and novel ways. This post, then, is a first sketch of what a lesson plan for teaching Processing and data visualization might look like. Let’s Start With the Data We’re not going to work with an old, dusty data set here. Even on a Saturday, a lot of helpful folks pitched in, and I ended up with about 225 numbers. I wrote a quick Processing sketch to scrape out the numbers from the post, and then to put them into a Google Spreadsheet. Got it? - share code W3Schools Online Web Tutorials Getting Started with Processing for Android Pick up a pen and draw a sketch. There, that was easy – however crude, you can get out an idea. Sketching with paper is still the fastest way for most of us to imagine something. But between that immediacy and the end result, you need prototypes. The Processing language has long been one of the easiest ways to sketch an idea in code – best after you’ve first put pen to paper, but as an immediate next step (and for ideas you just can’t draw). Built in Java, the creation of Ben Fry and Casey Reas and a broad community of free software makers, it runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Processing now runs just as easily on a mobile platform with Android. Translation: with one, elegant API, you can “sketch” visual ideas on screens from an Android phone to a browser to a projection or installation. This is a first-draft tutorial, as I make the same presentation in Stockholm at the info-rich Android Only conference. Install Processing and the Android SDK 1. 2. 3. 4. It’s simple to run a sketch. 5.

Processing & Android: Mobile App Development Made (Very) Easy Creating apps for Android with processing is ridiculously easy. How easy? Let’s get a from-scratch Android app working on a device in 25 minutes (15 of those minutes will be spent installing software). ** You don’t need to have an Android device to do this tutorial, since we can see the app that we’ll build in a software emulator. But it’s much cooler if it’s on a device. ** Before you start on this tutorial, I’d recommend that you make sure you have a recent version of Java installed. Step One: Install the Android SDK I promise. First, go to the URL below, and download the appropriate SDK for your operating system: This download should un-zip to a folder called something like ‘android-sdk-mac_x86′. We’re going to use the manager to install the Android packages that we need to build our apps. We can install all of the packages – that way we know we’ll get everything we need. Step Two: Get an Android-enabled Version of Processing Wait. ** Be patient! OK.

Apprendre le Processing
