WEB 2.0 Tools in the classroom Online learning environments: the basics There are two big categories of e-learning technologies that affect your first decision of how to deliver your learning programme: Learning Management Systems (LMSs), also called Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), and toolkits / individual tools. How you proceed with your learning design and delivery will need to take into account which direction you want to go. The main factors involved in this choice are: Your approach to learning in the circumstances at hand (philosophy): what kind of learning experience do you want your learners to have?Your team’s technical expertise (implementation and support): can you handle technical development, problem-solving and coding, or do you need an “out of the box” solution with external support? Learning Management Systems (LMSs) LMSs are self-contained environments that sit behind an authentication system (login/password) with a range of tools and features built into a single primary interface. Proprietary Open source In-house development Pick ‘n’ mix
10 tips to use Google Classroom effectively and efficiently Google Classroom can be even more powerful with a few tips and strategies to make it efficient and effective. Google Classroom streamlines the management of student work — announcing, assigning, collecting, grading, giving feedback and returning. It has certainly saved many teachers hours of work. Without a solid workflow and some strategy, grading digital work can be cumbersome. Sometimes, a few quick tips can make all the difference. Here are 10 tips to help you use Google Classroom more effectively and efficiently: 1. 2. 3. Adding class comments: Do this by adding a comment in your class stream on the “outside” of an assignment or announcement. 4. 5. 6. When you reuse a post, you can even choose to create new copies of all the attachments you used before. 7. 8. 9. 10. Looking for more? Click for full-sized infographic! For notifications of new Ditch That Textbook content and helpful links: Interested in having Matt present at your event or school? Related
Countdown Clock Comptez le nombre de secondes .... Et si on lançait le compte à rebours de votre vie? Ce compte à rebours numérique va apporter de la pression, de l'excitation et du drame dans votre vie. Remarques ** ** ------------- - Lors de la configuration du compte à rebours pour un événement dans le passé, vérifiez que le mode récurrent est désactivé autrement il remplacera l'heure réglée. - Les événements qui semblent avoir une heure de repos prennent en compte l'heure d'été. - Si les widgets ne sont pas répertoriés, veuillez vous assurer que l'application est installée dans la mémoire interne. - Final Countdown utilise le fuseau horaire local de l'appareil sur lequel il est lancé.
24 Multimedia Tools That Support The Common Core How Students Benefit From Using Social Media 12.68K Views 0 Likes A lot of criticism has been leveled at social media and the effect it has on the way students process and retain information, as well as how distracting it can be. However, social media offers plenty of opportunities for learning and interactivity, and if you take a moment to think about it, it's not too hard to see how students benefit from using social media. 10 African-American History Month Teaching Resources 1.25K Views 0 Likes This week’s Featured Ten Learnist boards are dedicated to African-American history month. 3 Tech Tips Your Grandma Could Teach You 2.02K Views 0 Likes Those who have been using technology, in some form, have a few tech tips you should know about.
General Day to Day Colaboritve Work Two Ways to Visually Show Classroom Noise Bouncy Balls is a free online noise meter that shows students the volume of the noise in your classroom. Bouncy Balls does this by displaying a set of colorful bouncing balls on your screen. The louder your students are, the higher and more frequently the balls on the screen bounce. To use Bouncy Balls simply go to the website, click "begin bouncing," and then click the microphone icon to allow the site to access your computer's microphone. Calmness Counter is similar to Bouncy Balls. Applications for Education Projecting either of these meters for all of your students to see could be a good way to help them understand the appropriate volume for conversations while working on group activities in your classroom.