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Right-brained? Left-brained? Take the test!

Right-brained? Left-brained? Take the test!
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7 signs that your mind is free, according to history's greatest thinkers (NaturalNews) If a controlling power structure fears anything, it is free-thinking, self-empowered people. We focus a lot around here on how power hunger heads of government and corporations feed their greed at our expense. Exposing corruption is a good thing, because the truth needs to be known. Let us not forget, however, where our power comes from. During times like these, it's important to refocus on what it means to be free and take back your personal power. Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. 1. If your mind is free, you don't resist your thoughts. So often we judge our thoughts, fight them and feel bad because of them. What if you developed the practice of letting thoughts come and go, without judgment, and cherry picking the ones you like? 2. A free mind doesn't deny the truth of what it sees. 3. 4. 5. You are allowed to express your thoughts. 6. 7.

Is Consciousness Universal? For every inside there is an outside, and for every outside there is an inside; though they are different, they go together. —Alan Watts, Man, Nature, and the Nature of Man, 1991 I grew up in a devout and practicing Roman Catholic family with Purzel, a fearless and high-energy dachshund. It was only later, at university, that I became acquainted with Buddhism and its emphasis on the universal nature of mind. As a natural scientist, I find a version of panpsychism modified for the 21st century to be the single most elegant and parsimonious explanation for the universe I find myself in. We Are All Nature's Children The past two centuries of scientific progress have made it difficult to sustain a belief in human exceptionalism. Consider my Bernese mountain dog, Ruby, when she yelps, whines, gnaws at her paw, limps and then comes to me, seeking aid: I infer that she is in pain because under similar conditions I behave in similar ways (sans gnawing).

Nainen ilman muistia Maanantaiblogi Virpi Kalakoski Ajattele, jos todella eläisit vain tässä hetkessä, kuten amerikkalainen Lonni Sue. Jokainen päivä ja jokainen hetki on uusi, ihmeellinen ja innostava. TIME-lehden tiedepalstalla esiteltiin lokakuun lopulla harvinainen muistipotilas, Lonni Sue. TIME-lehden verkkosivulla esitellään tapausta muutamassa videopätkässä. Myös Lonni Suen läheiset kykenevät näkemään tilanteessa jotakin hyvää. Yhdessä videoista Michael McCloskey, tapauksen tutkija John Hopkins yliopistosta, haastattelee Lonni Sueta 9/11 -tapahtuman tiimoilta. TIME-lehden videot Lonni Suen muistista

Votre style d’apprentissage est-il plutôt orienté cerveau droit ou cerveau gauche ? Depuis sa parution en 2005, l’ouvrage de Daniel Pink «L’homme aux deux cerveaux» a plutôt fait parler de lui. Capitalisant sur les recherches menées en neurosciences, l’auteur propose une vision vulgarisée sur les différences entre les 2 hémisphères cérébraux, et pourquoi, selon lui, il devient indispensable que nous élargissions notre manière de penser vers davantage de créativité (et donc à mieux faire fonctionner notre «cerveau droit»). C’est au hasard de mes promenades sur le web que j’ai découvert une infographie assez sympa, qui résume très bien les différences entre «cerveau gauche» et «cerveau droit». Je vous propose de découvrir l’infographie ci-dessous, et les éléments-clés qu’elle avance en termes de styles d’apprentissage. Et pour ceux qui l’auraient loupé, je vous invite à (re)découvrir cet excellent article publié par Olivier Richard sur son blog SimpleSlide.

3 Censored TED Talks They Do Not Want You To See The current world order establishment has plenty to gain by keeping the people of the planet in the dark about ideas that can lead to a revolution in human consciousness. 1. Graham Hancock – The War on Consciousness Hancock's TED Talk, “The War on Consciousness”, was deliberately removed from YouTube: “Graham Hancock’s talk, again, shares a compelling and unorthodox worldview, but one that strays well beyond the realm of reasonable science. Graham Hancock is the author of major international bestsellers, his books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. 2. TED also removed the recent talk by author and bio-chemist Rupert Sheldrake. 3. Entrepreneur Rick Hanauer's presentation is surrounded by controversy because after it was recorded, it was passed over for publication by TED. Related:

10 theories that explain why we dream Kinja is in read-only mode. We are working to restore service. I like #7 and #8 of sorts, as they sort of fit in with the kinds of dreams I have. Fixing things, solving thing, experimenting with situations, and learning. That said, I know that differs a lot from the kind of dreams I probably had as a child, so there really can't be a single answer to this I guess. On that note after seeing Inception I loved the comments about how our dreams are basically "filled in" with familiar places/things to make them feel more complete. Flagged

ps3ihmisentiedonkäsittelynperusteet - rongasanne Mitä aivoissasi tapahtuu, kun luet tätä tekstiä? Psyyken toiminnot eivät ole pelkästään abstrakteja käsitteitä ja kielellisesti ilmaistavia teorioita. Kun opit uusia asioita, aivosi muuttuvat konkreettisesti. Ihmisen aivot ovat erityislaatuiset, sillä niillä on kyky tuottaa havaintojen pohjalta mielikuvia, abstrakteja käsitteitä ja luoda kokonaan uusia havainnoista riippumattomia symboleja. Mitä aivoissani tapahtuu juuri nyt? Tällä kurssilla huomion kohteena on se, kuinka havaitsemme, suuntaamme tarkkaavaisuuttamme, valikoimme ympäristön ärsykkeistä merkitykselliset, annamme merkityksiä havainnoille, muistamme ja unohdamme. Ihmisen tiedonkäsittelyssä ovat keskeisiä: aistihavainnot ympäristöstäaistihavaintojen käsittelykeskushermoston toiminta muistiaineksen ja aistihavaintojen yhdistäminentietoinen ja tiedostamaton tiedonkäsittelyoman toiminnan ohjaaminen ja säätely Lukion psykologian opinnoissa perehdytään PS3-kurssilla tiedonkäsittelyn perusprosesseihin. Ajattelu yhdistää uutta ja vanhaa

untitled Dowsing with Your Pendulum Dowsing with Your Pendulum You start by learning how to use your Pendulum, especially the signals needed for accuracy and the correct method of asking questions. Learn to make your home healthy and prevent diseases. A Pendulum can be made from a paper-clip on a piece of cotton thread, a brass weight on a string, or a cannon ball on a chain (if you are strong enough to lift it !). First bond together with your Pendulum as a team, and let the Force for Good be with you - so hold your Pendulum in your ‘other’ hand (left, if you are right-handed) and say: "I, (your name), the owner of this Pendulum, declare that only the Force for Good can respond to my quests when using this Pendulum or any other Dowsing tool; I promise to use my Pendulum only for Good." You have direct access to your Soul, your Mind, and to the creations of man such as cars and computers; you can contact animals and vegetation, providing that you have the permission of their Devas. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 If the "?"

Out of Character: The Psychology of Good and Evil by Maria Popova What Aristotle has to do with Tiger Woods and the story of the world. The dichotomy of good and evil is as old as the story of the world, and timeless in its relevance to just about everything we do in life, from our political and spiritual views to our taste in music, art and literature to how we think about our simple dietary choices. But while most of us recognize that these concepts of good and bad aren’t always black-and-white categories, we never cease to be surprised when someone or something we’ve perceived as “good” does or becomes something we perceive as “bad,” from an esteemed politician’s transgression to a beloved celebrity’s slip into addiction or scientology or otherwise socially undesirable behavior. In Out of Character: Surprising Truths About the Liar, Cheat, Sinner (and Saint) Lurking in All of Us, researchers David DeSteno and Piercarlo Valdesolo explore this curious disconnect through the rigorous lens of science. Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr

Using Just 10% of Your Brain? Think Again Jef Harvey: Healing The Matrix - Radio Show Podcast - OffPlanet Radio-Spirituality, UFOs, ET, Paranormal, Fringe Science OffPlanet Radio Live - 08-07-2013- Randy Maugans with Jef Harvey To contact Jef Harvey call: +1 570-219-2025 Jef Harvey has a background in Naval Intelligence, electronics, advanced software systems, as well as training in remote viewing and neurolinguistic programmming (NLP). Jef Harvey: Healing The Matrix Hour 1 | Hour 2 - Right click to download MP3 audio We discuss Jef's childhood "training" for his future work with Office of Naval Intelligence, assigned to the USS John F. SE 5 1000 Radionics hologram programmerThe focus of this interview is on Jef's current work in the healing arts field using holographic generators, which operate on the cellular field level, combined with his own nutritional research to facilitate outcomes in a wide range of disorders including cancer, diabetes, Lymes, fibromyalgia, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, thyroid issues, and a spectrum of autoimmune disorders. Related:SE 5 1000 website Jef Harvey: Healing The Matrix
