Cogito semantic technology Cogito for intelligence The Cogito semantic technology The material analyzed through the intelligence process is mostly unstructured: communications, conversations, data, news, etc., and rarely has an organized form, such as a database structure. As a consequence, the activities of analysis and processing can be highly resource consuming, and prone to error. The work of analysts and knowledge workers remains essential, and technology cannot fully replace it (and never will). Nevertheless, with new generation software based on semantic analysis, it is now possible to understand data automatically as well as to support reasoning and stimulate intuition. The limits of standard approaches Common-or-garden search engines and systems to process unstructured information are unable to address the problem of separating relevant and irrelevant data - as users of Internet search engines know very well. Improved results can be obtained with unconventional technologies. Why use semantic technology?
Create UML diagrams online in seconds, no special tools needed. Web apps - Free Geography Tools Via Slashgeo comes word that Nokia’s Ovi Maps now has a 3D browser-based plugin to compete with Google Earth’s browser plugin. Works in Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer, and supports Mac in addition to Windows for the first three. Terrain resolution is fantastic, IMO better than in Google Earth. The only imagery currently available in 3D mode is satellite imagery, and it also looks pretty good, slightly better than Google Earth for my area. Controls are adequate, but not as smooth as those for Google Earth. Left button for scrollRight button for tilt and rotate; odd reverse direction for tilt compared to Google Earth – you move the mouse forward to increase terrain tilt, and back to decrease it.Scroll wheel for zoom There are 3D building views available for a limited number of cities (e.g. And here’s a comparable view in OviMaps 3D, far superior: There’s also a button that brings you to Nokia’s 2D Ovi Maps; this one features map data from Navteq:
NewsPulse - Get the news filtered the way you want and see what's popular - Social Media Analytics | Social CRM Tools | Collective Intellect Oracle Social Cloud is a cloud service that helps you manage and scale your relationship with customers on social media channels. Oracle has integrated the best-in-class social relationship management (SRM) components - social listening, social engagement, social publishing, social content & apps, and social analytics - into one unified cloud service to give you the most complete SRM solution on the market. Why Oracle? Only Oracle can connect every interaction your customer has with your brand.
Coucou Étymologie Le terme « coucou » est une onomatopée issue du chant du coucou gris[1]. Le nom latin antique pour cette espèce est cŭcūlus[1] ; de ce terme dérive le nom scientifique du genre du coucou gris, puis par extension sémantique classique pour les taxons, le nom de sous-famille, famille et ordre. Le cri et le comportement de cet oiseau sont à l'origine du mot cocu. Le « o » de Cocu est probablement une inflexion des mots formés sur coq[2]. Physiologie, comportement et écologie Outre leurs différences morphologiques, les coucous du continent américain se distinguent des coucous de l'Ancien Monde par le fait qu'ils construisent des nids fragiles et ne parasitent pas le nid d'autres oiseaux comme le font ces derniers. Les caractéristiques générales des coucous comportent des nuances pour chaque espèce : voir les articles détaillés pour plus d'informations sur leur description ou leur mode de vie. Noms vernaculaires et noms scientifiques correspondants Coucou dans la culture En musique
Homepage Evaluate prototype Summary Participative user based evaluation of a paper or machine prototype to identify usability problems, where the user is probed to explain their expectations and problems. Benefits Potential usability problems can be detected at an early stage before development is complete. Method Planning Select the most important tasks and user group(s) to be tested (e.g. the most frequent or the most critical). Running sessions Welcome the user, and give the task instructions. Output Produce a list of usability problems, categorised by importance (use sticky notes to sort the problems), and an overview of the types of problems encountered. Variations Storyboards or wizard of oz prototypes can be evaluated. The degree of formality of the session depends on the nature of the prototype and the stage of development. The user based evaluation can be complemented by expert or heuristic evaluation. Next steps Case studies Israel Aircraft Industries Background reading
Romulus - Domain Driven Design and Mashup Oriented Development The main concept of is researching on novel methods for increasing productivity and reliability of web software development, in particularly, focused on Java web development. proposal is based on recognising some of the deficiencies of standard Java Enterprise Edition, and proposing a new paradigm for developing web applications taking advantage of new trends in software engineering, such as domain driven design combined with agile development methodologies, and some of the principles from Ruby on Rails. In order to have a serious impact, the project does not start from scratch, it is based on two mature open source projects, Roma and LIFERAY, which will be extended according to this proposal needs and following an open source project development methodology, in order to disseminate and exploit the results of the project. Integrating a “Mash-up oriented development” in the process. Web Services Mashups, such as Google Maps or Yahoo Pipes. Develop vertical solutions
ContenuTravailAdistance Comment télé-travailler ? Des pré-requis Il faut au départ des compétences : il faut posséder un métier il faut maîtriser les outils de communication à distance.Pour être efficace, cette forme d'emploi nécessite également des pré-requis en terme de personnalité : capacité de travailler en équipe, à communiquer, approche marketing, capacité de concentration, d'adaptation, sens de l'organisation, autonomie, motivation, une expérience professionnelle, une culture d'entreprise, un bon niveau de culture générale, une formation de qualité... Partager des documents DropBox Des outils pour... ... communiquer Le mail Les listes de discussion : une adresse E-mail unique pour échanger au sein d'un groupe, d'une équipe de travail ou d'un réseau (# d'une liste de diffusion : on s'abonne mais on ne peut répondre)Mais aussi : le téléphone, les rencontres ! ... s'organiser Les gestionnaires de tâches "todo list" ... mener une veille ... réfléchir ensemble Travailler à distanceTélétravailleroutil
Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. Collaborative Protege The format of the Changes and Annotation ontology (ChAO) has changed in Protege 3.4.2 release. If have an existing ChAO project created with an earlier version of Protege and would like to take advantage of the new features, please follow the upgrade instructions from here. Collaborative Protege is an extension of the existing Protege system that supports collaborative ontology editing. The multi-user mode - allows multiple clients to edit simultaneously the same ontology hosted on a Protege server. This user guide applies to both multi-user and standalone mode of Collaborative Protege. Collaborative Protege is distributed with the full installation of Protege. Stand-alone mode Install the full distribution of the latest version of Protege 3.*. Save the project. Multi-user mode If you want to use Collaborative Protege in multi-user mode, you will need to do some additional steps. Do all the steps for the installation in Stand-alone mode. Test the Protege server and client Ontology notes
ContenuSFormation 1. Rendez-vous sur zeemaps : 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Si vous nêtes pas lauteur du point, vous avez tout de même la possibilité de modifier ou de supprimer ce point si vous constatez une erreur, mais pour cela la carte doit être "débloquer". 9. 10. Une fois ceci fait, vous devez copiez le code situé dan le cadre et le coller dans votre site internet. Important : pour safficher dans un wikini, vous devez rajouter des guillemets, comme ceci : "+"+code+"+" (les + ne sont pas à écrire !) Important 2 : noubliez pas également de copiez-coller le lien de votre carte quelque part (il permet de visualiser la carte en grand, directement sur le site zeemaps. a free US address geocoder