Why Mood Boards Matter It has happened to everyone. You spend countless hours producing a beautiful, pixel-perfect comp only to have it rejected by the client because it isn’t what they were envisioning in their mind’s eye. It’s the dreaded “I’ll know it when I see it” curse. You get sent back to the drawing board, your ego and the budget take a hit, and everyone is frustrated by the process. 10 sites pour faire concourir vos web design La reconnaissance du travail accompli est le saint-graal de tout créatif. Mais plus que la reconnaissance, concourir sur des plateformes de webdesign en ligne est aussi un moyen de se faire connaître voire même de se créer (ou asseoir) une réputation pour les agences web, freelances ou autres artistes du web… Pourquoi concourir ? La question est judicieuse mais plusieurs points méritent que cette question trouve un écho positif chez vous :
Australian Web Awards 2015 A Collection of Design Case Studies Besides being a designer, I’m also a big fan of Mixed Martial Arts (or MMA). And in MMA, like in every other combat sports, professional fighters learn a lot from watching one another fight. So as soon as a fighter knows who he’ll be fighting next, his coach will start scouring YouTube to find tape on his opponent.
Web Design Gallery - CSS Design Yorkshire - Gallery of CSS Websites jQuery.SerialScroll Notice I've pretty much stopped updating this blog, but the plugin development is still on-going. You can find the link to the Github project page at the bottom of the article. Introduction This plugin allows you to easily animate any series of elements, by sequentially scrolling them. It uses jQuery.ScrollTo to achieve the scrolling animation. Best Web Gallery
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