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5 Strategies to Read People’s Emotional Energy

5 Strategies to Read People’s Emotional Energy
Emotions are a stunning expression of our energy, the “vibe” we give off. We register these with intuition. Some people feel good to be around; they improve your mood and vitality. Others are draining; you instinctively want to get away. This “subtle energy” can be felt inches or feet from the body, though it‘s invisible. Emotional energy is contagious. When reading emotions, realize that what others say or how they appear frequently don‘t match their energy. Here, the surrender to focus on is saying “yes” to the messages your body sends. Strategies to read emotional energy Sense people’s presence - This is the overall energy we emit, not necessarily congruent with words or behaviour. As you read people notice: does their overall energy feel warm? Watch people’s eyes – We can make love or hate with our eyes. Take time to observe people‘s eyes. Notice the feel of a handshake, hug and touch – We share emotional energy through physical contact much like an electrical current.

6 Characteristics of Self-Actualized People What exactly is self-actualization? Located at the peak of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy, he described this high-level need in the following way: “What a man can be, he must be. This need we may call self-actualization…It refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.” While the theory is generally portrayed as a fairly rigid hierarchy, Maslow noted that the order in which these needs are fulfilled does not always follow this standard progression. Characteristics of Self-Actualized People In addition to describing what is meant by self-actualization in his theory, Maslow also identified some of the key characteristics of self-actualized people: Source: About Psychology

Detect Lies Matchmaker and Dating Expert This article was co-authored by Maria Avgitidis. Maria Avgitidis is the CEO & Matchmaker of Agape Match, a matchmaking service based out of New York City. For over a decade, she has successfully combined four generations of family matchmaking tradition with modern relationship psychology and search techniques to ensure her professional clientele are introduced to their ultimate match. Co-authors: 252 Updated: June 4, 2020 Views: 4,240,713 Article SummaryX To detect if someone is lying, watch to see if they touch their nose or cover their mouth while they're talking, which could be a sign that they're not telling the truth. Did this summary help you?

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Body Language Signals: Eye Directions, Pupils Warning! Reading body language is like listening to someone. Listed here are the possible meanings of many different body language signs. The Eyes (Part II) - Squint during a conversation –> showing interest - Looking away –> possibly shy –> curious about the surroundings (some people naturally observe their environment more than others) –> showing interest in your other movements. Otherwise, it may be a sign that this person is attracted to you… Basically, looking at other parts of your body is part of the unconscious assessment people make about how suitable you are as a mate… Whether you like it or not, we all do this. How To Read Eye Directions Without going too deep into neuroscience, let’s look at how a person’s eye directions can tell you what they are actually thinking. You have probably heard that there are two main parts to the brain: - the right side: the emotional side, and - the left side: the logical side. This is predictable for right-handed people: When a right-handed person Why?

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The Powerful Practice Of Eye Gazing The very first time I experienced eye gazing I was floored by what I felt and saw. The connection you feel with another human being, the visualizations of past lives, future potentials and more, all can become very real while engaging in this exercise. Of course, there are many different intentions you can set before a session of eye gazing that can bring out an array of outcomes, but let’s jump into a rundown of how to go about an eye gazing session and from there we can explore what the benefits of such a practice might be. “When eye contact between two people is initiated and maintained, an invisible energetic circuit is established between the two participants, dissolving the barriers that ordinarily separate them from each other, drawing them ever closer into a shared awareness of union.” Right off the top it’s possible that some of us might think this is some “new-agey” or spiritual practice. Intention If Gazing Alone Open your eyes after clearing your mind with the process above.

16 Things to Let Go to Live a Truly Happy Life “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” ~Jim Rohn Sometimes I feel like I’ve spent the better part of my life chasing after happiness. For instance, when I was a kid, I believed I’d be happy if I got an admission into a good college. Every time I reached a goal, it seemed like the next goal was where true happiness lay. Sadly, this affected my personal life as well. For more than thirty-five years, I’ve chased happiness on this path, not realizing what a futile chase it was. And then, about two years back, I was abruptly jolted out of it. One evening, on a day that had started out like any other, I found myself at the hospital with my three-year-old daughter in tow, waiting outside the emergency room that my husband lay in. After a week at the hospital, my husband came out okay. For the first time I saw the futility of our chase. Happiness, it turns out, is not something we go after. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Change Your Life in 60 Seconds With This Breathing Exercise Ever feel blocked? When we get hooked into our to-do lists and daily duties, we lose track of life flow. A big block is fear. Then fear leads us to overthink and start future tripping about negative outcomes. One of the greatest ways to bust through emotional blocks fast is through a breathing technique frequently used in Kundalini yoga called breath of fire. Breath of fire is a rhythmic breath in and out the nose. On the inhale, your diaphragm extends. Breath of fire newbies often emphasize the exhale. It's also common for the newcomer to feel shortness of breath. Remember that on the inhale, your diaphragm extends and on the exhale, it contracts. As you practice breath of fire, you'll release the tension in your diaphragm and in effect release yourself from many emotional blocks. It's said that with one minute of breath of fire, you can achieve the same benefits you’d experience in one hour of the same pose with a normal breath. For more guidance watch this video:
