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YouVisit - Virtual Tours

YouVisit - Virtual Tours
Related:  QR code - Réalités Virtuelle & Augmentée

Quand la réalité virtuelle augmente l'enseignement - Enquête sur Educpros L'Oculus Rift et les Google Cardboard débarquent en France. De la visite virtuelle d’un campus à de nouvelles pratiques pédagogiques, lycées, grandes écoles et universités commencent à tester les possibilités offertes par ces outils innovants. Tour d'horizon des précurseurs français prêts à surfer sur la vague de la 3D immersive et de la réalité augmentée. Des vidéos qui s'animent sur les pages, emmenant le lecteur au cœur d'un tournoi de rugby ou au Japon ; des personnages en 3D qui surgissent du papier... En trois mois, Thibault Portigliatti a conçu l'application pour smartphone qui permet de lire ces extensions virtuelles. La réalité virtuelle permet d'explorer de nouvelles façons d'apprendre, et de travailler sur la mémoire kinesthésique. Jamais sans mon Oculus Rift ! Benjamin Rethmel, responsable des admissions internationales à Audencia Nantes, ne se déplace plus sans son Oculus Rift. Cette visite immersive a été conçue par la société américaine YouVisit. un enseignant animateur

Giza 3D - Dassault Systèmes 3841 tombs and monuments listed. Thanks to 10 years of collected research, Dassault Systèmes was able to reconstruct the Giza Necropolis as accurately as possible. Lightbot - Hour of Code ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids. The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year. Apple, The New York Times, USA Today, Parents Magazine and Scholastic, to name just a few, have featured ABCya’s popular educational games. ABCya’s award-winning Preschool computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years. Our educational games are easy to use and classroom friendly, with a focus on the alphabet, numbers, shapes, storybooks, art, music, holidays and much more!

The 5 Must-Read VR Websites | Intugame Where do YOU get your Virtual Reality news? Aside from following Intugame’s blog (you see what we did there?), there are several key websites you should read on a regular basis to stay on top of the VR wave. We’ve selected 5 of our favorite sources that will hopefully stick in your Bookmarks as well. Keep in mind we haven’t ordered them by importance, they’re all amazing sources and there really is no ‘correct’ way to order them. 1. UploadVR is a huge news site with an average of 5 new articles published every day. Website | Facebook | Twitter 2. With 2 to 3 news posted daily, VRScout wins its place in our collection and our hearts. Website | Facebook | Twitter 3. Another great source of several VR news every day – RoadToVR has its own podcast and a lot of useful categories! Website | Facebook | Twitter 4. Yet another amazing VR news source with its own VR TV on the way! Website | Facebook | Twitter 5. Link

Завод как музей: на какие фабрики стоит купить билет — Искусство Фотография: bmw-welt.com1/4 Фотография: bmw-welt.com2/4 Фотография: Фотография: Что производит Люди вместе с роботами собирают примерно 900 автомобилей и 1400 моторов в день. Что показывают Всю технологическую цепочку сборки третьей модели BMW — от сварки элементов корпуса автомобиля (которую называют «танцем роботов») до покраски корпуса и сборки мотора. После экскурсии, которая длится приблизительно 2,5 часа, всех обычно отправляют в музей и корпус BMW Welt, где рассказывают о последних разработках компании. Как попасть Записаться за месяц с помощью телефона или электронной почты, указанной на сайте фабрики. Сувенир Модель классической раллийной BMW 2002 года. Jelly Belly Фотография: Фотография: Фотография: Фотография: Сувенир Мешок конфет без наценки. Boeing Фотография:

Augmented reality - Réalité augmentée Titans of Space - Unimersiv A short guided tour of a the planets of our solar system through virtual reality It’s not meant to be realistic, but more on the surreal holographic side. Everything you see is initially shrunk down to 1 millionth of their actual size, which means you will see Earth as a 12.7-meter-wide holographic ball, rather than the giant 12756km-wide ball of rock that it is. Although the tour is on rails, you can proceed through it at your own pace. The controls are very simple as there are merely six things you can do during the tour: - Look around - Zoom in on things - Read the info panel in front of you (sometimes multiple pages) - Rotate a planet or moon (when applicable) - Orbit a planet or moon (when applicable) - Proceed to next tour stop whenever you’re ready - This program supports several forms of input: Oculus Rift, keyboard, mouse, and various controllers. There is no more Razer Hydra support, as positional tracking is now provided by the DK2.

Starfall: Learn to Read with Phonics, Learn Mathematics Top 10 Websites to Experience Augmented and Virtual Reality - TheTopTens® In a world where brands struggle to keep themselves different from the rest, augmented and virtual reality was born to serve the brands just what they needed. There are many websites that give real time experience of augmented and virtual reality to the consumers. Here are a few based on their ranking. They are ranked on the quality of their experience. The Top TenXW 1VoteEActive Media Innovations This is rated at the No. 1 Augmented reality site. Great website, couldn't believe a website can have such mindblowing features.M Visit Website9 2VoteERay Ban Virtual Mirror This site gives an opportunity to test Ray Ban sunglasses on you. 3VoteEModiface Makeover This site is very interactive providing you with a whole make over before actually going for it. 4VoteEAugmented Reality Demos Having a lot of projects in their kitty, they provide augmented reality demos with two applications (both using flash). 6VoteEWeb A R 7VoteETry Live Eyewear Online Demo 8VoteEIn2ar Web Demo 9VoteERhapsody Labs

Creation Museum - Creation, Evolution, Science, Dinosaurs, Family, Christian Worldview | Creation Museum Créer sa réalité augmentée avec l’application Aurasma La réalité augmentée (ou RA) est la technologie qui permet d’ajouter des éléments virtuels (texte, image, vidéo, animation, son, sensation tactile…) à notre environnement proche. Aurasma, c’est tout d’abord une application mobile permettant de « lire » la réalité augmentée réalisée spécifiquement pour cette application. Elle permet également de créer sa propre réalité augmentée. Liens de téléchargement d’Aurasma Un peu de vocabulaire : Avec l’application Aurasma, on peut créer, partager et lire des Auras. L’élément déclencheur ou Trigger image c’est ce qui est reconnu par Aurasma pour déclencher l’incrustation de l’élément virtuel ou Overlay [1]. Il est possible de créer des canaux ou channels dans lesquels seront ajoutées les Auras. Pour bien commencer : Pour créer une Aura il n’est pas utile d’autoriser l’accès de l’application au service de géolocalisation. En revanche, une connexion à Internet est indispensable ! Une création en quatre étapes : Choisir l’Overlay : Positionner l’Overlay

Dinosaurs - Unimersiv Walk in a valley to meet 16 species of dinosaurs Dinosaurs first appeared during the Triassic period, 231.4 million years ago, and were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for 135 million years, from the beginning of the Jurassic (about 201 million years ago) until the end of the Cretaceous (66 million years ago). How to use Press SPACE bar for the menu, move up and down with arrow keys to select a dinosaur, then press ENTER to be teleported. This application works nice for individual experience, but the original purpose is to help teachers using VR in the classroom to contextualize their lessons about dinosaurs. When launched from within EXO U workspace, the teacher can teleport the students to a specific location. From an educational point of view, shared VR experience increases student engagement, and facilitate memorization of the educational content provided by the teacher during the experience.

QR Code Generator: QR Stuff Free Online QR Code Generator And Creator For Brochures, Print Advertising, Business Cards & Stickers Официальный блог Google Россия: Литературная Россия стала ближе с помощью Академии культуры Google Луизелла Мацца, руководитель программ Академии культуры Google Сегодня в рамках Года Литературы к Академии культуры Google присоединились сразу семь литературных музеев России. Мы рады приветствовать наших новых партнеров: Историко-литературный музей-заповедник А.С. Пушкина (усадьбы «Захарово» и «Вязёмы»), Государственный литературно-мемориальный музей-заповедник А.П. Вместе с музеями мы оцифровали документы и даже личные вещи писателей и поэтов, а также создали виртуальные экскурсии по имениям, где были написаны знаменитые произведения русской литературы. В своей виртуальной экспозиции музей-заповедник А.С. В усадьбе «Мелихово» А. Посетив виртуальную экспозицию усадьбы «Мураново», вы можете подробнее рассмотреть собрание уникальных фотографий, которые снял поэт-романтик Фёдор Тютчев. В Академии культуры Google вы увидите «Ясную Поляну» такой, какой её знал и любил Лев Николаевич Толстой.
