La boite à outils du veilleur 2.0 Le média de toutes les solidarités Anti-Bribery / Corruption IPSA has a 20 year history of successfully completing complex multi-jurisdictional engagements in the areas of anti-bribery and corruption. IPSA provides defensible Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy and Procedures Review, Training and Third Party Investigative Due Diligence for multinational corporate clients according to provisions of the U.S. FCPA, U.K. Bribery Act and OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. Our assignments include large-scale internal investigations, regulatory driven remediation and compliance reviews for Fortune 100 corporations, banking and financial institutions, and law firms. Our senior investigators, analysts and advisors deliver timely, accurate and defensible intelligence that supports our clients in making better informed decisions. IPSA’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption risk assessment, compliance and investigative services include the following key components: Policies and Procedures - Design, Train and Review Books and Records - Compliance with Internal Controls
Internet Archive Blogs | A blog from the team at News | Spectrum Human Rights Alliance An open event organized by the Samara social LGBT-movement “Avers” took place on April 6 for the first time this year. Participants of the event named “Death Angels” told Samara residents about the violence gay, bisexual and transgendered people (LGBT) experience in our region. As well as the year before “Death Angels” – people wearing […] WASHINGTON, DC – Around a dozen members of the Spectrum Human Rights group held a silent protest in solidarity with the LGBT community in Russia in front of the White House Sunday afternoon. Великолепная заказная статья была опубликована в “Коммерсанте” 25 марта 2014 г. Ситуация с Украиной симптоматична и при всей своей неоднозначности тем не менее была вполне предсказуема. 13 марта 2014 путинская фашистская хунта приняла решение блокировать сайты Интернета! February 22, 2014 Spectrum Human Rights Alliance activists burned down photos of Putin & his homophobic gang of the lawmakers who authored infamous anti-gay laws.
JeudyBruno : RT “@leJDD: Déraillement... Building relationships, creating value CEO insights blog <a href=" RSS feed</a> Global Annual Review 2013 Our people: Leadership at all levels Inspiring a movement of trust: Reporting and assurance for the 21st century Dennis Nally interview on our progress in FY2013 What's driving the future? Empowering the enterprise: Advisory in turbulent times Building a strong network: corporate responsibility Global taxation reform: Why a new world economy needs a new tax system Dennis Nally interview on our progress in FY2013 PwC's Chairman Dennis Nally and Mohamed Kande US /Global Advisory TICE leader discuss FY13 progress. Find out more What's driving the future? Dennis Nally and Mohamed Kande discuss five key megatrends: Demographic change, the shift in global economic power, accelerating urbanisation, resource scarcity and climate change, and technological breakthroughs. Find out more Find out more Find out more Find out more
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