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Secure Fake Name Creator | Where does the day go? Do you ever wonder where your days are going? Supposedly there are 24 hours in a day, but some days seem to not even happen. Sleep takes up about 7 hours a day for most people. But that still leaves 17 hours in a day! Does it feel like you have 17 hours every day? Here are some things you could do with those 17 hours: ⚔️ Watch The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 5 times Does it feel like you could do those things every single day? It probably feels shorter. First, let's get a general sense of your day. 🏢 Time spent at work/school (8 hours) 🏠 Time spent at home (8 hours) 🛌 Time spent sleeping (8 hours) Take your time and slide those sliders. Ok done? This is what your day looks like: It's beautiful! Ok maybe your actual day looks different than that. So what's wrong here? Take one last look at your perfect schedule. We need to make your schedule more accurate. 🌅 Morning routine time Here's your updated day: Your day MorningWorkHomeSleep Still not bad! 🍔 Time spent eating lunch

Project Alexandria - Helping you find your next favorite book ORIGIN PC | Custom Computers | Gaming Desktops and Laptops Advanced Gmail Filters to Manage Your Email Messages Gmail filters help you sort incoming messages based on certain criteria. This tutorials shows how you can setup your own Gmail filters that give you greater control over how your emails are sorted. Gmail filters help you automatically sort email messages based on rules. So if your boss has sent an email message, the filter can mark it as important. If the email has the word “Unsubscribe” somewhere in the message body, it can be marked as a promotional message and so on. While the built-in Gmail filters are powerful, they do have certain limitations. For instance, you cannot have a Gmail filter that does case-sensitive search. We often get spam messages that have a few dozen addresses in the TO and CC fields but there’s no filter to automatically redirect such messages to the SPAM folder of Gmail. What you see above is a set of 10 Gmail filters that were created with Apps Script. The best part is that you don’t have to know scripting to use either of these filters.

denstoredanske spilteori, videnskabelig disciplin, hvis emne er konflikter og konfliktløsning. Den grundlæggende idé bag spilteorien er, at strukturen i en konfliktsituation kan beskrives præcist ved konfliktens parter (spillerne), deres handlemuligheder (strategier) og de resultater (payoffs), som følger af parternes valg af handling. Spilteorien har dermed som mål at angive, hvad der i passende forstand er en løsning til en konflikt. Spilteorien er groet ud af erkendelsen af, at konflikter med samme struktur kan opstå inden for meget forskellige dele af samfundslivet; de samme overvejelser kan lægges til grund såvel ved efterforskning af løsninger (metoder, som sikrer, at parterne vinder) ved selskabsspil som ludo, skak og poker som ved økonomiske konflikter (fx virksomheders indbyrdes konkurrence på et givet marked), ligesom også politiske konflikter og problemer om tilpasning af biologiske arter kan behandles med det samme teoretiske apparat. Historisk udvikling Ikke-kooperativ spilteori Annonce

SleepTiming: Sleep Calculator to Help You Wake Up Digital Storm: Custom Gaming Computers & Gaming PCs PokeMMO - Coming Soon
