Hacker Noon Hacker Noon reflects the technology industry with unfettered stories and opinions written by real tech professionals. We believe we can get closer to the truth by elevating thousands of voices. To the reader, we pledge no paywall, no pop up ads, and evergreen (get it?) content. Hacker Noon elevates tech writing far and wide across the interwebs. Hacker Noon partners with companies that build cool products and employ people worth publishing. Hacker Noon is an independent technology publication with the tagline, how hackers start their afternoons.
Secure Fake Name Creator | fakena.me denstoredanske spilteori, videnskabelig disciplin, hvis emne er konflikter og konfliktløsning. Den grundlæggende idé bag spilteorien er, at strukturen i en konfliktsituation kan beskrives præcist ved konfliktens parter (spillerne), deres handlemuligheder (strategier) og de resultater (payoffs), som følger af parternes valg af handling. Spilteorien har dermed som mål at angive, hvad der i passende forstand er en løsning til en konflikt. Historisk udvikling Spilteorien opstod omkring 1930 som en anvendt matematisk disciplin, der i begyndelsen overvejende havde til formål at angive præcise løsninger på gængse selskabsspil. Ikke-kooperativ spilteori I den ikke-kooperative spilteori ses der på den enkelte spillers valg af den bedst mulige strategi, idet der ikke er mulighed for indbyrdes aftaler mellem spillerne. Annonce Hvis A vælger strategi 1, vil det værste, der kan ske, være gevinsten 1 ved Bs valg af II. Den ikke-kooperative spilteori, som den ser ud ovenfor, er ikke helt fyldestgørende.
How to Create a Bootable Multiboot USB for Windows and Linux Advertisement Installing from a USB flash drive has become fashionable. I haven’t used a disc for any installation for a long time now. I didn’t even buy an optical drive for the last PC I built, now three years previous. That’s not to say discs are dead, but USBs are versatile, easily transported, and easily shared, as well as now coming with massive storage. Installing a new operating system from USB is a quick, usually painless operation. I’ve got five tools for you to run your eyes over, so let’s press on. Note: Some of these tools require Microsoft .NET Framework, which you can download here. Supports: Linux (Pre-loaded), Windows (Add manually). YUMI is an extremely well known multiboot USB tool. YUMI has integrated download functions for a number of Linux distros. Supports: Linux (Free), Windows (Pro only). SARDU is another well known, well used multiboot USB tool. The SARDU interface is more accessible than YUMI’s single drop-down menu. XBOOT is a slightly older multiboot tool. 4.
ORIGIN PC | Custom Computers | Gaming Desktops and Laptops Wonder How To Advanced Gmail Filters to Manage Your Email Messages Gmail filters help you sort incoming messages based on certain criteria. This tutorials shows how you can setup your own Gmail filters that give you greater control over how your emails are sorted. Gmail filters help you automatically sort email messages based on rules. So if your boss has sent an email message, the filter can mark it as important. While the built-in Gmail filters are powerful, they do have certain limitations. For instance, you cannot have a Gmail filter that does case-sensitive search. We often get spam messages that have a few dozen addresses in the TO and CC fields but there’s no filter to automatically redirect such messages to the SPAM folder of Gmail. What you see above is a set of 10 Gmail filters that were created with Apps Script. The best part is that you don’t have to know scripting to use either of these filters. Click here to copy the Gmail Filters sheet into your Google Drive. Here’s what happens behind the scenes.
I saw someone post a few of these earlier, and decided someone might as well upload the full set. 5 Things You Should Consider When Buying An SSD Advertisement Not long ago we covered some considerations you should make when buying a new hard drive, but the world of home computing is moving towards solid state drives for storage. Should you buy one? 5 Things You Need to Consider Before Buying a Hard Drive 5 Things You Need to Consider Before Buying a Hard Drive Buying a hard drive? It's not that difficult if you know a few basic tips. We explored the pros and cons of SSDs a few years ago. That being said, there are a few points to consider before diving right in. Pricing SSD prices have plummeted over the past few years. Crucial BX100 500GB SATA 2.5 Inch Internal Solid State Drive - CT500BX100SSD1 Crucial BX100 500GB SATA 2.5 Inch Internal Solid State Drive - CT500BX100SSD1 Sequential reads/writes up to 535 / 450 MB/s on all file types Buy Now At Amazon $218.00 Relatively speaking, however, SSDs are still more expensive than traditional spinning hard drives, and this difference is not negligible. Physical Specifications Performance