Ergonomie web : les bonnes pratiques - STUDIO VITAMINE l'agence web Alle startpagina's gesorteerd op onderwerp - Waarom cookies? Cookies zorgen er bijvoorbeeld voor dat je ingelogd kan blijven op een website of dat bijvoorbeeld je locatie- en taalinstellingen worden onthouden. Daarnaast houden ze bij het online winkelen je digitale winkelwagentje bij. Ook kunnen websitehouders dankzij cookies zien hoe vaak hun sites - en welke pagina's - door bezoekers worden bekeken. Sommige cookies maken het mogelijk om je surfgedrag te volgen. Meer informatie over de cookies die worden gebruikt en de partijen die deze cookies plaatsen. Cookie instellingen aanpassen Je kan deze instellingen te allen tijde wijzigen. Cookie instellingen aanpassen Belangrijk om te weten: Het gebruik van cookies is veilig. Aan de lijst hiernaast kunnen de komende weken nog enkele websites van de Sanoma Media Netherlands groep worden toegevoegd. gebruikt cookies onder andere om de website te analyseren en te verbeteren, voor social media en om er voor te zorgen dat je voor jou relevante advertenties te zien krijgt.
Website Stencil Kit New design coming soon. Brainstorm website and app ideas with ease using our precision cut Website Stencil Kit. Wireframe quickly and efficiently with the most commonly used iconography and interaction techniques. The kit includes:-Stainless steel stencil with all your favorite user interface iconography- 8 1/16 x 3 inches-Zebra mechanical pencil-Plastic protector-2 UI Stencils Stickers-Downloadable .PDF letter or A4 paper template This kit works with our Responsive Sketch Pad or our Browser Sketch pad New design coming soon. Brainstorm website and app ideas with ease using our precision cut Website Stencil Kit. The kit includes:-Stainless steel stencil with all your favorite user interface iconography- 8 1/16 x 3 inches-Zebra mechanical pencil-Plastic protector-2 UI Stencils Stickers-Downloadable .PDF letter or A4 paper template This kit works with our Responsive Sketch Pad or our Browser Sketch pad
Free CSS Layouts And Templates - Smashing Magazine Advertisement As a web-developer you don’t have to re-invent the wheel all the time. If it just has to work, and has to be valid, and has to have a nice, visually appealing design hierarchy, you just can use css-techniques developed in the web-dev-community over the last few years. If you take a look around, you’ll find many templates, which include basic (X)HTML/CSS-markup. You can start from there, learning and exploring the possibilities of CSS and modifying templates for your exquisite taste. Usually developers require a link to the site where the template was downloaded from. (X)HTML- and CSS-Templates Open Source Templates1 15 impressive templatesOSWD2 Hundreds of templates and layouts of all possible kinds.OSWT3 A huge collections with search- and sort-functions. Footnotes Fixing technical issues on mobile is annoying.
jQuery.Shapeshift What is Shapeshift? Inspired heavily by the jQuery Masonry plugin, Shapeshift is a plugin which will dynamically arrange a collection of elements into a column grid system similar to Pinterest. What sets it apart is the ability to drag and drop items within the grid while still maintaining a logical index position for each item. Function > Form Shapeshift was designed to always render the same grid as long as the elements are in the same order. Features Column Grid System: All items flow from left to right, top to bottom.
50 Extremely Useful And Powerful CSS Tools - Smashing Magazine Advertisement We love useful stuff. For months, we have been bookmarking interesting, useful and creative CSS tools and related resources. We have been contacting developers, encouraging them to improve their tools and release their handy little apps to the public. Last year we prepared and published some of them in a series of smashing posts about CSS1. Now again is the time to give these tools the attention they deserve. Below, we present 50 extremely useful CSS tools, generators, templates and resources. We strongly encourage you to develop these tools further, build on the ideas presented here, release new tools for the public and let us know about them. Please take a look at the following related posts: CSS and Typography Hyphenator8Hyphenator.js brings client-side hyphenation of HTML documents to every browser by inserting soft hyphens using hyphenation patterns and Frank M. CSS Online Tools
Création automatique de sites Web En bref ... On peut classer les générateurs automatiques de sites en 3 catégories : En détail ... Générateurs en ligne Les systèmes payants sont très nombreux et nous n'avons pas jugé utile de tous les passer en revue. Les systèmes détaillés ci-dessous nous ont semblé particulièrement intéressants. Google Sites (ex "Google Page Creator") : voilà un système vraiment trés, trés simple à utiliser, gratuit et sans publicité. WebSelf : Aussi simple à utiliser que Google Sites, il se paye le luxe d'offrir d'avantage de possibilités de mise en page et d'offrir un grand nombre de gabarits assez esthétiques dans une grande variété de couleurs. Weebly : voilà un système simple et comparable à Google Sites avec un peu de "clinquant" en plus. Alice : 100 Mo d'espace gratuit et pas de publicité. Lycos : une interface simpliste et 50 Mo d'espace gratuit de stockage. Voila : l'interface n'est pas d'une clartée limpide, mais on s'y fait, et l'hébergement gratuit limité à 100 Mo a de quoi convaincre.
Learning Cascading Style Sheet in simple and easy steps with examples. A complete reference manual for CSS2 and CSS3 properties, html, CSS, CSS Useful tips