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Protege Ontology Library

Protege Ontology Library
OWL ontologies Information on how to open OWL files from the Protege-OWL editor is available on the main Protege Web site. See the Creating and Loading Projects section of the Getting Started with Protege-OWL Web page. Other ways to search for OWL ontologies include using Google: or the new Semantic Web search engine called Swoogle. AIM@SHAPE Ontologies: Ontologies pertaining to digital shapes. Frame-based ontologies In the context of this page, the phrase "frame-based ontologies" loosely refers to ontologies that were developed using the Protege-Frames editor. Biological Processes: A knowledge model of biological processes and functions that is graphical, for human comprehension, and machine-interpretable, to allow reasoning. Other ontology formats Dublin Core: Representation of Dublin Core metadata in Protege.

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