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Related:  English teaching resources

September 2012 Formative vs. Summative Assessment: Does It Matter? by Deena Boraie Assessment terminology has become a minefield because it often obscures distinctions between concepts, which in turn affects classroom practice. Understanding assessment concepts is key to assessment literacy, and teachers who are assessment illiterate can have a negative effect on the quality of education and on students’ learning (Popham, 2009). Confusion in Assessment TerminologyThere are several questions that many teachers and administrators ask:

London Short Fiction: Mud Man A series of short fiction set in, or influenced by London. A series of short fiction set in, or influenced by London. Out he comes, dredged from the canal. ESL Listening Comprehension Exercises: Movie clips to practice English SECTION 1: Movie Clips Learning through media (movies, music, etc.) is one of the best ways to learn a new language. The exercises below use movie clips to help you to better understand spoken English. Here's what you do: Click on the video you want to watch below.Watch the video, and pay attention to it! Five mixed messages that have severely damaged modern language education Introduction Over the decades, since the 70’s pedagogic revolution which saw the total rejection of Grammar-Translation methodology and Audiolingualism, teachers have been the recipients of scores of mixed messages about how languages are acquired and should be taught which have greatly damaged the teaching profession and Modern Language provision at large. I referred to them in the title as ‘mixed messages’ because they have often been the result of the overgeneralization , misinterpretation, vulgarization or distortion of research findings, hypotheses or even theories of some validity, which have given rise to ‘myths’ about language teaching and learning that have been haunting the teaching profession for decades and still shape in many cases the way many of us teach. 1.Languages are acquired by children subconsciously, hence no need to teach them grammar – This belief is at the root of the ban on grammar teaching that affected MFL provision in England for decades. 2.

50 Essential Resources for ESL Students Learning a new language is always daunting, especially when that language is as full of weird rules and contradictions as English. Even native speakers sometimes have trouble mastering the nuances of tense and grammar. Fortunately, if English is not your first language, there are a variety of ESL resources online to help you master the English language. From speaking to writing, these tools will help you get a handle on English and give direction to your education and career. Integrating pronunciation into classroom activities In my work as a teacher trainer I have been surprised at how often experienced teachers are reluctant to tackle pronunciation issues in class. I can think of at least two reasons why pronunciation tends to be neglected: firstly, the lack of clear guidelines and rules available in course books, and secondly the fact that isolated exercises once a month do not seem to have much of an effect. This is not surprising, however; like all other areas of language teaching, pronunciation needs constant attention for it to have a lasting effect on students, which means integrating it into daily classroom procedures. I find that addressing issues regularly during the language feedback or group correction stage of a lesson helps to focus learners' attention on its importance and leads to more positive experiences.

Cambridge ESOL English Exercises Practise for your Cambridge ESOL Exams with our free exercises below. You will find various types of exercise from the Use of English sections of these exams to help you prepare for First Certificate in English (FCE), Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) or Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE). These free exercises have an optional time limit so you can test yourself in similar conditions to the exam: you will see a timer that counts down to zero; when it reaches zero your exercise will be automatically submitted. You can pause or switch off the timer if you wish. The exercises on these pages were all written by International House Bristol staff and you will not find the same exercises on any other website or in any coursebook.

Future - Why does your voice sound different on a recording? What makes a recording of our voice sound so different... and awful? It’s because when you speak you hear your own voice in two different ways. Greg Foot explains all. The first is through vibrating sound waves hitting your ear drum, the way other people hear your voice. The second way is through vibrations inside your skull set off by your vocal chords. Those vibrations travel up through your bony skull and again set the ear drum vibrating.

Larry Ferlazzo’s English Website There are many pages on my main website, and they have nearly 8,000 categorized links appropriate for English Language Learners. The best place to start exploring is the Main English Page. You can read an overview about each section of my website on the Teacher’s Page. This page also has many links specifically useful to teachers. You can also go directly to each page of my website: English For Beginners and Early Intermediate
