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September 2012 Formative vs. Summative Assessment: Does It Matter? by Deena Boraie Assessment terminology has become a minefield because it often obscures distinctions between concepts, which in turn affects classroom practice. Understanding assessment concepts is key to assessment literacy, and teachers who are assessment illiterate can have a negative effect on the quality of education and on students’ learning (Popham, 2009). Confusion in Assessment TerminologyThere are several questions that many teachers and administrators ask: What are good examples of formative assessments and summative assessment tasks? These questions reflect some educators’ confusion in assessment terminology (Ussher & Earl, 2010) such as assuming that formative and assessment tasks look and are different. Clarifying Assessment Terms Therefore, the difference between formative and summative assessment is not in the actual assessment tasks or tools but in their purpose—what we use them for in the classroom. References Popham, W.

Elllo ! TOEFL-télécharger un test The ETS TOEFL® Program provides interactive TOEFL iBT® test sample questions with audio directions that you can download for free. These sample questions can help familiarize you with how the TOEFL iBT test is structured and formatted. The download is a 74MB .EXE file. Download Instructions Check the System Requirements before you download. Operating Systems Windows 2000 Windows NT 4.0 Windows Vista Hardware Pentium II 350 MHz processor 128 MB of RAM 150 MB of free hard disk space Sound playback capability If you are not a Windows user or do not otherwise meet the system requirements, you can download the sample questions: Terms and Conditions Governing Use and Access to ETS Websites is an Internet site maintained by Educational Testing Service (ETS) as a service to the Internet community. ETS may terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of this site, including the availability of any features of the site, at any time. Governing Law and Jurisdiction. See also:

Testez gratuitement votre niveau d’anglais pour le TOEFL, TOEIC ou IELTS Accueil > Formations et ressources > Liste des répertoires > Testez gratuitement votre niveau d’anglais pour le TOEFL, TOEIC ou […] Les tests d’anglais sont populaires et aussi nécessaires : pour être accepté dans une université étrangère, pour postuler un emploi à l’international, pour gérer des événements internationaux, etc. Les plus populaires sont : TOEFL - Test of English as a foreign languageTOEIC - Test of English for International CommunicationIELTS - International English Language Testing System Chacun a ses particularités. Vous augmenterez vos chances de les réussir et pourrez mieux estimer les efforts à fournir pour atteindre le niveau souhaité. Bon entraînement ! Dernière mise à jour : janvier 2015 Digischool - Test pour appareils mobiles - iOs - - Free English Tests and Exercises Online (vaste banque d'exercices grammaticaux, compréhension écrite et orale, vocabulaire) TOEFL - Test of English as a foreign language Canada Visa - Free IELTS Practice Tests

Five mixed messages that have severely damaged modern language education Introduction Over the decades, since the 70’s pedagogic revolution which saw the total rejection of Grammar-Translation methodology and Audiolingualism, teachers have been the recipients of scores of mixed messages about how languages are acquired and should be taught which have greatly damaged the teaching profession and Modern Language provision at large. I referred to them in the title as ‘mixed messages’ because they have often been the result of the overgeneralization , misinterpretation, vulgarization or distortion of research findings, hypotheses or even theories of some validity, which have given rise to ‘myths’ about language teaching and learning that have been haunting the teaching profession for decades and still shape in many cases the way many of us teach. 1.Languages are acquired by children subconsciously, hence no need to teach them grammar – This belief is at the root of the ban on grammar teaching that affected MFL provision in England for decades. 2. Conclusion

Listen to English - learn English! - The podcast website for people learning English Nos offres particuliers - Prépa TOEIC, Lille anglais, chinois, espagnol, néerlandais, DIF Ateliers linguistiques pour les 3 à 13 ans En partenariat avec A for apple, spécialiste de l'apprentissage précoce des langues. Méthode utilisée : A for apple FUN English pour l'anglais. Rentrée 2012 : ateliers linguistiques ludiques en Chinois et Espagnol Soutien scolaire en collège et lycée Bénéficiez de 50% de crédit d'impôt Nos formules innovantes et dynamiques permettent aux jeunes de la 6ème à la Terminale de bénéficier d'un professeur particulier et de cours personnalisés conformes au programme de l'Education Nationale avec une progression rapide et ciblée. Formules de 12, 24, 36 heures à raison d'1h30 par séance Tarif : à partir de 35 €/h (17,5€/h en tenant compte des 50% de crédit d'impôt pour les prestation service à la personne). Blended English Prépa BAC Notre équipe a mis au point des programmes spécifiques de préparation aux différentes épreuves de langue du BAC adaptés aux différentes filières. Stage Prépa Bac Pâques -15 au 19 avril 2013 de 13h30 à 15h00

Comment devenir traducteur/trice ~ Traduction de l'anglais au français 2 juin 2004 Par l'intermédiaire de ce site, j'ai reçu de nombreux e-mails de personnes me demandant des conseils pour se lancer dans la traduction. Il est très difficile de savoir quoi dire. En effet, au contraire de la plupart des carrières, on peut y arriver de différentes manières. La voie la plus évidente à suivre est de faire une Licence de traduction. La traduction étant si peu réglementée, on peut devenir traductrice de plusieurs manières selon l'endroit où l'on vit, et je ne connais bien que la situation au Royaume-Uni. Une fois l'examen réussi, le plus dur a commencé : trouver des clients. Que ferais-je de différent ? Alors, comment devient-on traductrice ? Merci Céline pour votre témoignage. Nora

Integrating pronunciation into classroom activities In my work as a teacher trainer I have been surprised at how often experienced teachers are reluctant to tackle pronunciation issues in class. I can think of at least two reasons why pronunciation tends to be neglected: firstly, the lack of clear guidelines and rules available in course books, and secondly the fact that isolated exercises once a month do not seem to have much of an effect. This is not surprising, however; like all other areas of language teaching, pronunciation needs constant attention for it to have a lasting effect on students, which means integrating it into daily classroom procedures. I find that addressing issues regularly during the language feedback or group correction stage of a lesson helps to focus learners' attention on its importance and leads to more positive experiences. Using student talk to teach pronunciationWord stressVowel soundsDiphthongsWeak formsSentence stressConclusion After the activity, on the board I draw a column with the heading /e/.
