Lower Your Salt Intake? Fugetaboutit! « Dr. Brownstein Folks, I have written to you many times about the benefits of unrefined salt. Human beings are designed to desire and utilize salt on a daily basis. We can’t live without salt. Remember, we have no stores of salt in our bodies. Either we ingest adequate amounts of salt on a daily basis or we become salt deficient. Let’s get a few salt numbers straight. A new article in the New England Journal of Medicine (August 14, 2014) studied the sodium levels in 101,945 persons from 17 countries. Over a mean follow-up of 3.7 years, the authors found that those with the lowest sodium excretion (less than 3 grams of sodium per day or ½ teaspoon of salt) had the highest rate of death or cardiovascular events—4.3%. This article is another in a long-line of salt articles debunking the myth that we need to lower our salt intake. Salt is a vital, essential substance that we cannot live without. Unrefined salt should be the salt of choice. Should you lower your salt intake to control blood pressure?
16 Things I Wish They Had Taught Me in School I am 28 now. I don’t think about the past or regret things much these days. But sometimes I wish that I had known some of things I have learned over the last few years a bit earlier. Because some of these 16 things in this article a teacher probably spoke about in class. Some of it would probably not have stuck in my mind anyway. But I still think that taking a few hours from all those German language classes and use them for some personal development classes would have been a good idea. So here are 16 things I wish they had taught me in school (or I just would like to have known about earlier). 1. This is one of the best ways to make better use of your time. So a lot of what you do is probably not as useful or even necessary to do as you may think. You can just drop – or vastly decrease the time you spend on – a whole bunch of things. And if you do that you will have more time and energy to spend on those things that really brings your value, happiness, fulfilment and so on. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Comment renforcer son système immunitaire en cas de contagion virale Avez-vous déjà adopté les bons réflexes pour renforcer vos défenses naturelles ? Si non, il est encore temps. Voici 10 gestes faciles à appliquer au quotidien pour renforcer efficacement vos défenses naturelles. Il y a déjà des malades autour de vous, et vous commencez à vous sentir un peu patraque ? Redoublez les mesures préventives. Conseil #6 : les gargarismes qui ne se gargarisent pas Certains gargarismes sont aussi utiles pour se protéger des infections que pour se soigner. Conseil #7 : l’inhalation qui a de l’inspiration L’inhalation reste aussi un moyen de choix pour préserver et, lorsqu’elles en ont besoin, dégager les voies respiratoires. Conseil #8 : une boisson tonifiante et délicieuse Une petite boisson plutôt sympa pour renforcer vos défenses : laissez bouillir un morceau de gingembre frais, râpé ou préalablement écrasé, dans de l’eau, et prenez cette infusion 3 fois par jour. Conseil #9 : l’étonnant massage des ailes du nez Répétez plusieurs fois par jour.
New Study: Exercise positively influences over 4,000 genes (NaturalHealth365) This is a wake-up call for all Americans. Current research, produced by the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition, reveals that less than 5% of the U.S. adult population participate in 30 minutes of physical activity per day. And, for children, it’s far worse thanks to wireless technology and all these computer gadgets – which have kids spending around 7 hours per day on computer screens, cell phones and T.V.’s. To stop disease – we’ve got to get physical. Researchers have long been trying to understand the connections between exercise and disease risk. The study reveals that regular exercise has a direct and positive influence on more than 4,000 genes, and inactivity has a negative effect on those same genes. Epigenetics help modulate processes within the body. Researchers at the Karolinska Institutet studied epigenetic methylation in healthy adults before and after completing a three-month endurance training program.
7 Smart Ways to Deal with Toxic People Don’t let toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and get them out of there. Surviving the ups, downs, and lightning storms of other people’s moodiness can be quite a challenge. But there’s another type of moody, negative behavior: that of the toxic bully, who will use his or her mood swings to intimidate and manipulate. I’m a firm believer that toxic mood swings (like chain letter emails) should not be inflicted on one person by another, under any circumstances. 1. If you know someone who insists on destructively dictating the emotional atmosphere, then be clear: they are toxic. When you delete toxic people from your environment it becomes a lot easier to breathe. A healthy relationship is reciprocal; it should be give and take, but not in the sense that you’re always giving and they’re always taking. 2. Constant drama and negativity is never worth putting up with. 3. Stand up for yourself. “I’ve noticed you seem angry. Even if they say: “What do you mean?” 4. 5. 6. 7.
Allergie au pollen : diminuez les symptômes avec la réflexologie 3D Dans les régions géographiques tempérées du monde, où les températures ne sont pas extrêmes, le pollen est naturellement plus présent au printemps et en été. Par contre, cette poudre très fine, produite par les verdures, les arbres, les fleurs est présente toute l’année dans les zones tropicales. Le pollen est l’une des causes les plus fréquentes d’allergie. L’allergie au pollen est aussi appelé la rhinite allergique saisonnière ou rhume des foins. Normalement, le système immunitaire défend le corps contre les virus et les bactéries, pour éviter les maladies. L’histamine est responsables des réactions allergiques au pollen conduisant à de nombreux symptômes irritants, tel que : Les yeux rouges qui piquent et larmoyantsLes sinus et nez congestionnésBaisse d’odoratMaux de gorge et la touxMaux de têteÉternuements Diminuez l’intensité de vos symptômes Les maux de gorge et la toux Massez : Les yeux larmoyants, yeux rouges qui piquent Massez les zones réflexes de : Les maux de tête Les mains Les pieds
Brassica Vegetables And Other Cruciferous Vegetables Brassica vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, and other closely related, famously healthy and cancer-fighting vegetables. (See below for a list of Brassica and cruciferous vegetables, also called crucifers.) You might be as surprised as I was to learn of the controversies surrounding these vegetables. They have anti-cancer effects but can also suppress thyroid function. There are many scientific studies on both anti-cancer and anti-thyroid effects, but the arguments are technical. However, the conclusions from both sides are about the same: a relatively small amount of these vegetables is beneficial! Three raw servings a month protected against bladder cancer, in the study by the Roswell Park Cancer InstituteSeveral steamed servings a week should not suppress thyroid function in most people, according to the Weston A. Perhaps the best strategy for the average person might be to: And, as with every food "family," the cruciferous vegetables are not for everyone. Cooking
One Woman's Lessons From Living On The Street Susan sits on a park bench in Washington, D.C. She has struggled with homelessness for nearly two decades. Gabrielle Emanuel/NPR hide caption itoggle caption Gabrielle Emanuel/NPR Susan sits on a park bench in Washington, D.C. Gabrielle Emanuel/NPR The grass is fraying around the edges in Washington, D.C.' Many of the park benches are occupied by homeless men — but there are a few women too. Susan says life on the streets is a constant battle for all homeless people, but for women it's particularly hard. In nearly two decades on the streets, Susan, with graying hair and bright eyes, has learned some tough lessons. Lesson One: Don't Look Like A Woman "It's not easy to be a woman on the streets, OK?" When darkness falls, Susan pulls out her dark and bulky clothes. A slight Boston accent betrays her childhood origins, and it's particularly strong when she speaks of her children and grandchildren. Susan sometimes stays in shelters but she doesn't like them. Lesson Two: 'Act Crazy' Dr.
4 plantes pour améliorer la circulation sanguine Pour les personnes qui ont des soucis de circulation sanguine, il est bon de connaître un peu de phytothérapie. Il existe en effet une gamme de plantes veinotoniques, c’est-à-dire aptes à stimuler la circulation veineuse. En voici une revue en images. S’il vous arrive de ressentir l’un des symptômes suivants, c’est sans doute que vous avez des soucis de circulation sanguine et veineuse : jambes lourdes, sensation d’impatiences, picotements, fourmillements, tiraillements ou engourdissements, pieds et mains froid(e)s, jambes ou chevilles gonflées. Les jambes lourdes, c’est l’effet de la lutte entre la pesanteur et notre système sanguin. Les veines, de nos jambes notamment, doivent lutter contre la pesanteur en faisant remonter le sang des organes jusqu’au coeur. Nos veines sont certes extensibles et dotées de valvules qui, par effet de cliquet, empêchent le sang de redescendre, mais il arrive que les valvules fonctionnent moins bien. La sélection de consoGlobe Pour cela :
What Food Cravings Are Telling You About Your Nutrition What Food Cravings Are Telling You About Your Nutrition Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest tutorials daily – free! 24K+ Image – herbs-info.com Humans evolved to seek out high calorie foods – particularly sugars and fats – instinctively as part of our survival mechanism. Human breast milk is quite high in both (around 4g fat and 7g lactose per 100ml). [1] Most of us experience food cravings – strong desires for certain types of foods beyond normal hunger, especially at times of stress. Often it’s the case that eating food with quick-release calories allows the body to feel “safe” – in other words it tells us that we don’t need to stay in survival mode. The main problem in the modern world is that a lot of processed foods use fats (or fat substitutes) with salty and sweet tastes to mask ingredients that lack nutrition – we can’t trust our instincts to tell us that we’re eating the right foods any more! ps. If you enjoyed this page: