Welcome to Dream View Website Poetry of nature moods with all its dreaming colors and sense of adventure is what we deeply feel in our heart under a dark crystal-clear starry night. Welcome to the world of dreaming views of nature and night sky. The galleries represent photography by Oshin D. Zakarian and Babak A. Tafreshi. You might find the Night Sky gallery the most eye-catching of all. What is Conceptual Photography? (part 1) Innovación Educativa | Blog de Angel Fidalgo para reflexionar sobre innovación educativa. Meet Echograph, the Instagram of Animated GIFs | Wired Design You’ve been warned: You’ll soon see images like the ones in this post — part moving, part still — everywhere. Animated GIFs are making a comeback, and Echograph, a new iPad app, is taking them to the next level. Remember how the newspaper photos in the Harry Potter movies came alive? Here’s how it works: You shoot a video, select a five-second clip, and choose one still as the main frame. Echograph is the creation of Nick Alt, founder and CEO of Clear Media, a Southern California-based 10-person creative agency that does work for Mattel, Chik-Fil-A, and Macy’s while also developing their own products. Alt’s team actively uses a variety of photo-sharing services like Facebook and Instagram, but wanted something more. Echograph grew out of his interest in Lomography and other old-school photo techniques that encouraged shutterbugs to choose images carefully, with a story in mind, rather than shooting mindlessly.
FOTOGRAFÍA -- National Geographic Tu configuración de cookies Las cookies son pequeños archivos de texto que se almacenan en su ordenador cuando usted visita ciertos sitios web. Nosotros utilizamos cookies para hacer nuestra web más fácil para que usted la utilice. Puede eliminar las cookies que ya están almacenadas en su ordenador, pero pueden impedir el uso de partes de nuestro sitio web. Seleccione una de estas opciones para cambiar la configuración de cookies Estrictamente necesarioFuncionales Recuerda tu usuario de inicio.Recuerda la configuración de cookies.Permite que páginas desconocidaste realicen estadísticas de uso.Permitir integración con Social Media Para que la nueva configuración surta efecto, esta página se actualizará automáticamente al hacer clic en 'Guardar y cerrar'.
The Time-lapse Photography How to Guide - Learn Time-lapse Photography | Learn Time-lapse Photography Hello and welcome to the time-lapse photography how-to guide, an evolving road-map for the evolving art of altered time perception cinematography. This page attempts to weave together separately covered tutorials, tips, and resources into one location that can hopefully act as a launching pad for your own time-lapse experiments and productions. Time discovers truth. -Seneca We’ve come a long way since Occident’s hooves left the ground but time-lapse still requires patience, dedication, and some special tools and know-how in order to get the scene we design in our minds to show up on screen. Outstanding forums: Let’s go ahead and get started: Don’t worry, it’s not nearly as bad as you might think. Stability (or controlled movement) is the most essential component for a time-lapse photographer. What makes a good time-lapse camera? I have broken the external intervalometer world down into 4 segments. Neutral Density (ND) Filters You’ll end up with a shot just like everyone else’s. 1 second Longer
99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography | Photography Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. There are many ways to attack photography and some are much more expensive than others. Here in this showcase, we presenting a Stunning collection of Forced Perspective Photography and Pictures taken by various artists in which all pictures are linked to the author’s pages. You may want to explore further works of the photographers we’ve featured below. When it comes to inspiration then there is no limitation on resources. You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may find helpful. Further Resources!
America 1870-1920 NetHugs.com – Inspirational eCards 19Jul/1246 source: shorpy.com Tagged as: America, nostalgia, old photographsLeave a comment Comments comments How to Photograph Anything When we launched Learn My Shot, just over 2 years ago, our mission was to create the most comprehensive resource where photographers could learn how to photograph anything. We are still enthusiastically working towards this goal. With the help of contributing photographers we published over 90 creative step by step howto tutorials that answered the most common question: How to photograph…? How to Photograph a Model How to Photograph a Water Splash How to Create Repetition How to Photograph Street Portraits How Photograph Food with Natural Light How to Photograph a Baby How to Photograph a Flying Cat How to Photograph Flowers How to Photograph Fire How to Photograph Long Exposures with Steel Wool How to Photograph Wine Bottles How to Photograph Jewelry How to Compress Perspective with Telephoto Lens How to Emphasize Texture How to Photograph a Zombi Portrait How to Shape Light for Creative Effect How to Photograph Classic Still Life How to Photograph Using Artificial Sunlight
Konica Hexar The Hexar is an excellent camera aimed at "real" photography. It's one of the fastest operating cameras I've used, and thus can serve double duty as a point-and-shoot. But it's not a point-and-shoot; if you want something completely automatic that will fit in your pocket, you'll probably be happier with a Yashica T4, Nikon 35Ti, or Contax T2. What makes the Hexar stand out is its f2.0 lens, excellent viewfinder, smooth shutter release, almost spooky quietness, and operating modes designed to aid serious photography. The Hexar is well thought out and well executed. To me, it feels almost like an automated Leica M6. Before jumping into specifics, let me describe the three basic operating modes: P(rogram), A(perture preferred), and M(anual). Exposure Modes The Hexar's P mode is like the program mode on most cameras except that the exposure settings are biased by the preferred aperture and minimum shutter speed you set. In A mode, you set the aperture and the camera sets the shutter speed.
The Amazing Sky | Astronomy author and photographer Alan Dyer presents amazing sky sights Digital Camera Magazine: Your Guide to Digital Imaging and Photography