Audiobooks to Download After You Finish Serial Like about five million other people, I am hooked on Serial, a podcast from This American Life exploring the 1999 murder of a high school senior in Baltimore. The girls’ ex-boyfriend was convicted of the crime and has spent the last 15 years in jail. Each week, journalist Sarah Koenig has looked at a different aspect of the case to try and figure out what happened with this story. Although the last episode of the season aired on Thursday, I have to admit that I haven’t finished the podcast yet – the boyfriend and I are saving the last five episodes for our drive to my parents’ house for Christmas. But if you’ve already finished Serial and are looking for more true crime, I’ve got four books to suggest. The Devil and Sherlock Holmes by David Grann David Grann is one of my favorite narrative nonfiction writers. The Suspicions of Mr. The Suspicions of Mr. Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer Jon Krakauer has a talent for picking out truly fascinating stories. Stiff by Mary Roach
What To Do With Spare Ideas We all get tons of new ideas constantly as designers. Which is awesome – don’t get me wrong – but sometimes we get way more ideas than we can actually get to in one sitting. Or even in one lifetime. Often, designers simply jot down those excess ideas in a notebook and file them away somewhere, but that’s boring and unhelpful. The truth is, there are far better ways to deal with your spare ideas. Here are some suggestions on what to do with them. Give Yourself A Deadline If you really want to finish something, force yourself to make time for it. Image Source: Man Sitting at the Table at Night Before the Deadline via Shutterstock. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether this project is really worth the sacrifices you’ll need to make in order to finish it. Combine Them With Other Ideas If you’re anything like me, you come up with approximately a million and one ideas every single day. Often, these ideas might be compatible with one another, in ways that you might not expect. Drop Them
Bald kein US-Netflix mehr für Europäer? Wer das Netflix-Angebot aus verschiedenen Ländern vergleicht, merkt schnell, dass sich die Auswahl an Filmen und Serien stark unterscheidet. Austricksen lässt sich der Streamingdienst mit VPN-Diensten, etwa dem kostenlosen Zenmate, oder Proxy-Servern, die Netflix vorgaukeln, der Nutzer sitze zum Beispiel in den USA, obwohl er sich an einem ganz anderen Ort befindet. Der Vorteil: Die Bibliothek in den USA ist zigfach grösser als so manch anderes Angebot in den rund 50 Ländern, in denen es Netflix gibt. Netflix weiss von nichts Netflix dementierte allerdings die Meldungen. Bereits im Herbst wurden erste Meldungen laut, wonach Filmstudios verhindern wollen, dass Nutzer per VPN- und Proxy-Dienste das Angebot nutzen. VPN-Nutzer machen sich nicht strafbar Illegal ist der VPN-Trick indes nicht. (tob) Fragen und Antworten rund um die Kommentar-Funktion «Warum dauert es manchmal so lange, bis mein Kommentar sichtbar wird?» «Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, dass mein Beitrag schneller veröffentlicht wird?»
Obvious Design Always Wins If you’re like me, you are curious about how changing the interface of a mobile application or website may influence the engagement and the earnings of your product. The idea for this article came to me after reading a tweet posted on the 11th of April by Luke Wroblewski. His statement Obvious always wins and the image associated with it made me think about some real cases where a simple change may give unexpected results. Let’s find out what obvious means in the field of mobile design, and look at some examples of obvious choices that affect users’ engagement in a good way. Obvious always wins What is obvious? Things appear obvious when easily discovered, seen, or understood. The problem is not with them. Obvious is not what you think In mobile Design there are no intuitive interfaces. When you surf the Web or use mobile apps, they usually have, more or less, the same look. Icons and symbols are no exception. “Obvious” icons Steve Krug’s First Law of usability says: “Where should I start?
Terms of Service View endnotes. Share your story in the comments. For more coverage, check out our Living with Data series by Harvard Berkman fellow Sara Watson. Interested in print copies? Email us. Make your own web comics with AJAM's free and open source library Pulp. Storytelling For Freelancers Several years ago, I worked as an in-house copywriter and designer for a prominent marketing firm. When I first applied for the job I didn’t have any of the credentials my employers were looking for, and yet I got the job anyway, out of a pool of more qualified competitors. Why did I get chosen? The boss liked my story. I had no experience with working at a firm, nor was I technical enough to get deeply involved in the backend work. What is Storytelling? You may be thinking to yourself, ‘I’m a designer – why do I need to worry about telling stories? I’ll bet that every movie you’ve ever seen goes something like this: there’s a person who does something in reaction to something that happened around them, which in turn causes another thing to happen that the person also has to do something about, and so on. Articulate the Vision For Your Clients “Why must you tell THIS story? What’s the essential thing you are trying to convey to your audience? Words or Images? In Conclusion
Bing wird Links in Webmaster Tools anzeigen Linkinformationen sind für Webmaster ein wichtiges Instrument um gute Positionen in Suchmaschinen zu erreichen. Bing wird Webmastern einen Link Report und Link Explorer zur Verfügung stellen. Wegen Missbrauchs hat Microsoft die Möglichkeit zur Linkprüfung im März 2007 eingestellt. Die Linkprüfung ermöglichte nicht nur, Verweise von externen Domains sichtbar zu machen. Auf der SMX East stellte das Bing Webmaster Team den neuen Link Explorer und Link Report vor. Im Link Report können Verweise über eine Zeitachse beobachtet werden. SEO RoundtableBing Webmaster Center To Add Link Reports, Link Explorer & More Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast) Ähnliche Beiträge:
Freelance Designers & Developers Welcome to our Freelance archives. In this category, our authors, freelancers like you, share their extensive knowledge and experiences. We all get tons of new ideas constantly as designers. Which is awesome – don’t get me wrong – but sometimes we get way more ideas than we can actually get to in one sitting…. Designers and copywriters have a symbiotic relationship. The debate between creative personal work and commercial work is one that has been going on since the design industry was born. We all know blogging and personal portfolio sites have been very important for designers looking to increase their visibility to clients and others who admire their work. Today I’m speaking to those just getting started in design. Ideas: the germs that grow into those great, award-winning designs we all want to have our names attached to. Collaboration is how things are accomplished these days. In this job market, having a great CV is more important than ever.
Where to Start with Nicholas Sparks Supposing you want to start reading Nicholas Sparks but you find his body of work intimidating? I get it. If you type Nicholas Sparks into Amazon you get approximately one billion books. Where do you start? What should you read? Anyway I’m here to help. Q: So you read all these books? A: I researched them. Q: So what you’re saying is you— A: Let’s get to the books! The Notebook Life is going pretty well for renowned coffee barista James Carnac. James Carnac goes on the run from the police and the coffee business to track down the robber and clear his own name once and for all. Also time is running out because James discovers he has cancer. The Wedding Sarah Budokan, rogue war journalist and Pulitzer Peace Prize winning author, is getting married to her future husband, Chad Derrick, a man whom she met in the Middle East who has a dark past and blood on his hands. Also it turns out that Chad Derrick has cancer. Message In A Bottle Ugh! Anyway these little bottles start to make a big change!