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15 Twitter Hacks to Turn You Into a Tweeting Ninja

15 Twitter Hacks to Turn You Into a Tweeting Ninja
Admit it. Sometimes, your Twitter life is messy. You follow hundreds of people — maybe thousands. Staring at your timeline is about as intelligible as reading a stock ticker. How do you bring organization to your Twitter life? How do you rise above the confusion, cut through the complexity, and become a superstar on Twitter? You learn these 14 Twitter hacks. Once you pick up on these power user features, you’ll become a Twitter pro in no time. Exclusive Resource: Get a free, 30-page ebook of Twitter Tips! 1. Want to turn your Twitter feed into a streamlined and swift way of accessing only the information you want? Create a follow list. According to Twitter, “A list is a curated group of Twitter users. Click on your profile → “More” → “Lists.” Type in a name for your list and a brief description. To survey your newly-minted list feed, go to your profile page and click on “Lists.” Add Twitter users to your list by clicking on the gear icon next to the Follow button on any user’s account. 2. 3. Related:  Web Design

20 of the Best WordPress Plugins For a More Powerful Blog 78 Flares 78 Flares × There’s a saying you’ll often hear around Buffer’s content team: “There’s probably a plugin for that!” We’re often chasing new ways to work smarter, faster, and more productively—and the same is true of our Buffer blog. We’re quick to grab any and all WordPress plugins that can give the blog an extra edge or can wire up a feature we’d love to test. Whenever we dream something up to try on the blog, the first place we turn is WordPress plugins. As we’ve tried and tested new plugins on the blog, you’ve likely noticed new pieces and parts popping up on our pages—slideups, social share buttons, CTAs, and more. Below is the list of plugins that power the Buffer blog, along with a handful of others that are on our to-try list. The 10 WordPress plugins we use to supercharge the Buffer blog (A note about WordPress plugins: They’re super great, which makes it easy to add a whole bunch without thinking of the ramifications. 1. Price: Free 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The Internet Is a Zoo: The Ideal Length of Everything Online Short, sweet, and to the point! The Internet Is a Zoo: The Ideal Length of Everything Online infographic from a partnership between SumAll and Buffer explains the fine line between when extra words are helpful, and when they become too much information. Whether you are posting a facebook post to your friends, or a blog post to your avid followers. This infographic will help make sure your posts reach the most readers! Have you ever woken up in cold sweat in the middle of the night wondering exactly how many characters long a tweet should be to get the most engagement, or how many words long a blog post should be so that it actually gets read? Great design that tells one story really well, totally focused on the length of posts on different social media platforms. They went one fantastic step further, and created a more print friendly version near the bottom of the landing page that spans multiple printed pages. Infographic was found on SumAll

Le meilleur moment pour publier du contenu en ligne - Débuter Un Blog Les blogueurs sont généralement très actifs sur les réseaux sociaux. Sachez que selon l'heure à laquelle vous postez sur Twitter, Facebook et autres média sociaux, l'impact ne sera pas le même. Voici pour vous une infographie qui vous présente le meilleur et le pire moment pour publier du contenu en ligne. Cette infographie couplée à l'article sur l'optimisation des partages de ses articles devraient vous permettre d'être efficace sur vos différents comptes de réseaux sociaux. Comme vous pourrez le voir, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ ou encore Tumblr ont leur spécificité, il faudra donc vous adapter si vous souhaitez toucher un maximum de personnes ou bien alors, trouver le bon compromis. L'infographie offre également des outils pour que vous puissiez vous même évaluer les horaires adéquates pour publier du contenu sur les réseaux sociaux de votre choix. Source Yvan

The Costly Business of Photo Book Publishing By Kris Wilton The challenges of photography book publishing are well known. Print runs are low, production costs are high, and bookstores and online retailers are pressing for discounts. The rule of thumb in the book industry is that the cost of producing the book equals 20 percent of the retail price. Depending on the number of images to be reproduced, paper stock and size, type of binding, and other factors that raise the cost of production, the publisher can either charge a prohibitively high price for the book, or find another way to defray its costs. “With the disappearance of so many independent local booksellers and the downward pressure exerted by large chains and, publishers can no longer afford to take chances on a new artist,” wrote photographer David Lykes Keenan on his Kickstarter page. “That’s where Kickstarter and you come in.” Photographers using crowdfunding to raise money for creative projects isn’t new. Albertini explains, “He’s unknown.

Megatron Unleashes a Hilarious Nonstop Rant at a Woman Taking a Selfie at Universal Studios Hollywood In this hilarious video recently uploaded by Alexandra Trew, Transformers villain Megatron unleashes a blistering rant at Trew after she poses next to him for a selfie at Universal Studios Hollywood. In his nonstop tirade, Megatron bemoans Trew’s obsession with social media and implores her to live life in the moment. Trew uploaded the video on December 16, 2014; as of this writing it has 1,972,000 views. You will not receive a selfie so long as you stand before me with your ridiculous furred hoodie! via Rudy Jahchan Here are some other related posts you might want to check out: Hunter S. When Hunter S. April 8, 2007 With 8 comments Universal Studios Training Video by Matt Stone and Trey Parker Check out this hilarious lost training video for Universal Studios (split into two parts) that was created by the South Park guys, Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

Les médias doivent-ils (mais surtout peuvent-ils) aller sur Snapchat Du coup, tout le monde dans le bouillonnant milieu des Internets des médias et des marques s'est mis à télécharger (ou à re-télécharger) l'application pour essayer de comprendre comment tirer parti de nouveau réseau social que tous les jeunes s'arrachent. Sauf que... c'est compliqué. Tout d'abord, Snapchat n'est pas un vraiment un réseau social, enfin pas complètement. Ce n'est pas encore comparable à Vine, par exemple, qui est la plateforme qui lui ressemble le plus. Snapchat, ce sont des photos et des vidéos que vous envoyez à vos amis, un peu comme WhatsApp, individuellement. En fait, pour que d'autres amis que ceux que vous avez dans votre répertoire vous ajoutent sur Snapachat, il faut leur montrer cette image, qu'ils vont scanner depuis l'application.

The Spamhaus Project - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Here are step-by-step instructions for ISP PBL Accounts. There is also inline help on each ISP PBL Account page. ISP Accounts have a new user interface as of 19 May 2009, with improved web page layout, faster and easier control of your IP ranges and more features. This FAQ has been updated to reflect those changes, but the basic design of PBL has not changed. 1. 2. 3. 4. The confirmation messsage will have these headers: Subject: Spamhaus PBL Account Verification Code From: Spamhaus PBL Verification <> Important: Be sure you understand the difference between Master Range and PBL Zone before you enter your IP range(s) in this next step. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Tweeting the Read-Aloud: Engaging and Motivating Readers | Edutopia Read-alouds are a crucial part of English language arts instruction. Students of all ages should be exposed to high-quality stories and informational text. Reading aloud to children provides an amazing opportunity for them to engage with text. Younger students can listen to stories that are too challenging for them to tackle by themselves. Modeling Connectivity When I speak to teachers about technology integration, one topic that I always mention is the importance of developing a personal learning network and leveraging social media to stay connected. So what does Twitter have to do with reading aloud to students? Educators have been using Twitter to connect with content-area experts, authors, and app developers in a way that wasn't possible a just a few years ago. Children's authors can be found on Twitter, providing students with a chance to share their love of a favorite book, pose a question, or give an opinion in 140 characters or less. What Should You Tweet About?

BuddyPress Are you looking for modern, robust, and sophisticated social network software? BuddyPress is a suite of components that are common to a typical social network, and allows for great add-on features through WordPress’s extensive plugin system. Aimed at site builders & developers, BuddyPress is focused on ease of integration, ease of use, and extensibility. It is deliberately powerful yet unbelievably simple social network software, built by contributors to WordPress. Members can register on your site to create user profiles, have private conversations, make social connections, create and interact in groups, and much more. Built with developers in mind BuddyPress helps site builders & developers add community features to their websites. BuddyPress themes are just WordPress themes with additional templates, and with a little work, you could easily create your own, too! BuddyPress also comes with built-in support for Akismet and bbPress, two very popular and very powerful WordPress plugins.

Three ways to take a screenshot on a Mac As a tech blogger, I take a lot of screenshots on my MacBook Pro. I use the Command-Shift-4 method frequently to take a screenshot of a selection of my desktop, but there is a better way if you want to take a screenshot of an open window. I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's review the three keyboard shortcuts for taking screenshots on a Mac: 1. 2. 3. Five Reasons the Conversations Have Moved from Twitter to Voxer Note: This is not a sponsored post. This is not a product endorsement. This is just a reflection on my own experience in connected spaces. Sometimes I feel like I don't have the same kind of fun, goofy, deep, thought-provoking conversations I used to have on Twitter. I think this is part of a larger trend among teacher bloggers who were once active on Twitter. #1: Lack of Gamification This might seem small, but the lack of badges, and metrics"likes" or "favorites" means we aren't playing Relational Fantasy Football. #2: Privacy One of the hardest things about Twitter is that most of the conversations happen in public spaces. #3: Fewer People I've come to realize that conversations work best when the numbers are smaller. #4: Multimedia I love the fact that I can hear people's voices on Voxer. #5: No Length on Time We find ourselves saying things like, "Don't leave a five minute Vox," but the truth is that sometimes someone has a longer thought that deserves a little extra time. John Spencer

IFTTT : les bonnes recettes pour se simplifier la vie sur le Web
