Ressources mathématiques: cours, exercices et devoirs corrigés, en ligne World Regional Printable, Blank Maps • Royalty Free, jpg • USA Printable Maps | Canada Printable Maps | World Projections Printable Maps | World Globes Print Free World Regions printable, blank maps that you can download that are perfect for reports, school classroom masters, or for sketching out sales territories or when ever you need a blank map. Just download and duplicate as needed. Royalty Free, Printable, Blank Map of Europe with Country Borders and Names Europe World Regions Printable Blank Map with text names for countries, capitasl, and major cities, jpg format, This map can be downloaded and printed out to make an 8.5 x 11 blank Europe map. Do You Need an Editable World Regional Map, with Countries? Royalty Free Europe Outline Map with Country Borders, no Names, Printable, Blank Map Europe World Regions Printable Blank Map, no text names, jpg format, This map can be downloaded and printed out to make an 8.5 x 11 blank Europe map. Watch the Video to Learn How to Use Our Editable PowerPoint to Make a Printable, Blank Map
Toporopa learning games: Geography of Europe U.S. and World Maps and Puzzles - Free Maps That Teach US Geography Mega Quiz 1100 varied and interesting questions about the United States. The questions encourage the player to think and make connections using a map. Printable U.S. State Maps Maps of all of the 50 U.S. states, labeled and unlabeled, for classroom and student use. Online Atlas Maps of the countries of every continent and of every continent. Print Free Maps Large or Small Free online software to print outline maps - one page to 7 feet wide. Megamaps - free maps large and small Great for classroom maps. Maps by Place: World: Print World Maps Online Atlas Continents and Regions Maps Continents Map Puzzle World Features Map Puzzle World Monuments Map Puzzle Europe: Online Map of Europe Online Atlas Maps of the Countries of Europe Europe Map Puzzle Print Maps of Europe and European Countries United States: Online Atlas maps of the United States Make Your Own USA Online Map of the United States Printable U.S. Asia: Africa: North America: Central America and the Caribbean: Mexico:
#AppPerProf: GOOGLE SITES niente di più semplice e veloce! - Professionisti Scuola Dettagli Scritto da Luca Raina Categoria: AppPerProf Visite: 147 Le Google Apps, cassetta degli attrezzi per un vero docente digitale, si arricchiscono di uno strumento tanto prezioso quanto facile da padroneggiare in pochi semplici passaggi. Scenari didattici: Google Sites consente la creazione di una vetrina per il docente e per i propri alunni, pubblicando risorse, lezioni e quanto altro. Visita la sezione: #AppPerProf Map Puzzles - Learn U.S. and World Geography Online Map Puzzles for all computers and devices including iPad, Android, PC and Mac: We will be updating the rest of our Map Puzzles for devices soon; these still require Adobe Flash: World Continents Map Puzzle World Features Map Puzzle World Monuments Map Puzzle Quill's Quiz - 1100 QuestionUS Mega Geography Quiz U.S.
Uppstart: greetings from… 15 Fascinating Facts About Ancient Egypt History Ever since my childhood I have been fascinated with all things relating to Ancient Egypt. I have tried for a long time to come up with a good idea for a list relating to it and this is the first (of what I hope will be many!) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Sources: National Geographic, James’ Interesting Facts Jamie Frater Jamie is the founder of Listverse.
ClipArt ETC: Free Educational Illustrations for Classroom Use Alphabets The Alphabets ClipArt collection offers 1,193 illustrations arranged in 43 galleries including decorative letters and numerals, complete alphabet sets, and several sign language systems. If you are looking… American History and Government The American History and Government ClipArt collection offers 2,513 illustrations arranged in 26 galleries. Ancient and Medieval History The Ancient and Medieval History ClipArt collection offers 1,456 illustrations in 18 galleries from ancient Egypt, the Middle East, Greece, Rome, and Byzantine cultures. Animals The Animals ClipArt collection offers 10,528 illustrations arranged in 96 galleries, including amphibians, birds, crustaceans, fish, insects, mammals, and reptiles. Arts and Architecture The Arts and Architecture ClipArt collection offers 6,314 illustrations in 149 galleries, including architecture, crafts design elements, drawing, heraldry, historic styles, painting, printmaking, and… Business and Industry Community Flags and Emblems Home
World History and Geography to 1500 A.D. (C.E.) The Virginia Geographic Alliance has developed twenty-four lessons and accompanying materials to foster the development of geographic understandings, knowledge, and skills based on the Virginia Standards of Learning for World History and Geography to 1500 A.D. (C.E.). The format of the lessons mirrors Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education, History and Social Science Enhanced Scope and Sequence, World History and Geography to 1500 A.D. (C.E.) © 2012. [A presentation made for the World History/World Geography: Train the Trainers on June 21, 2016, may be viewed at NOTE: The 2008 SOLS referenced here. Summary of Lessons 1. Session 1: Explaining How Physical Geography Influenced the Lives of Early Humans 2. Session 1: Evaluating the Location of Ancient River Valley Civilizations Session 2: Why Does Sedimentation Matter? 3. Session 1. Session 2. Session 3. Session 4. 4. Session 1. Session 2. 5. Session 1. Session 2. 6. Session 1. Session 2. 7. Session 1. 8. 9.
Realia möter digital läsförståelse Vill du också veta hur du ska planera för och bedöma kunskapskravet för “realia” där eleven ska diskutera företeelser och jämföra med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper? Då Mia Smith och jag började reflektera över hur olika fokus engelsklärare generellt la på bedömningen fick vi en tanke att skapa en planering som bygger på Skolverkets olika material. I de uppgifter vi sett bedöms ofta bara skrivuppgifterna och inte själva jämförelsen kring realian. Inte sällan utan stöd för att eleverna ska nå målen. livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används (Lgr11, engelska åk 9) Kunskapskravet som ska bedömas är detta: Eleven diskuterar översiktligt några företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används, och kan då också göra enkla jämförelser med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper. Kunskapskravet går i stort ut på att öka insikten och förståelsen för andra människors livsvillkor och traditioner. Virtuell samplanering