Stories | CBeebies Summary Watch and listen as the CBeebies presenters tell a story. Often retelling traditional stories and fairytales, the presenters read aloud from a picture book. Children can sit back and listen as well as follow the pictures on screen. Enjoying being read to, talking about books, reading stories and becoming familiar with them creates enthusiasm and interest that is likely to stay with children. Educational Benefits CBeebies Stories helps children to: Learn how to follow a narrative and recognise different characters.Find out about different cultures beyond their own.Learn to identify with different characters and experience different emotions. Website benefits and summary Watch the videos of the presenters telling the stories and print out bookmarks to use at home.
Teach Your Monster to Read - Free Phonics Games for Kids Why is it free? The game has been funded by the Usborne Foundation, a charity set up to support initiatives to develop early literacy. The charity was founded by Peter Usborne MBE and his children, Nicola and Martin. Peter Usborne is the founder of Usborne Publishing, one of the world’s leading children’s book publishing companies and Children’s Publisher of the Year 2012. He was previously one of the founders of the magazine Private Eye. What reading level is it suitable for? How do children learn from the game? Will it work on my device? Who are The Usborne Foundation?
Make Handwriting Worksheets - ESL Writing Wizard The Writing Wizard is a free resource for teachers and homeschooling moms and dads. If you like the Writing Wizard, please tell your friends, mention it in your blog, or link to it from your own website. Having gone through those steps, you should be pretty familiar with what the Writing Wizard can do. Please send your feedback! I've received some very positive comments about the ESL Writing Wizard, some of which are posted on the contact page. Nick Ramsay. Of all the handwriting worksheets that people have made using this website, this is one of the most common. ESL Kids Hundreds of flash cards and worksheets for teaching English to children. Math Worksheets Make math worksheets for arithmetic, shapes, colors, numbers, money, and more! Pre-writing Skill Worksheets Pre-writing e-workbook with 16 reproducible worksheets for children ages 4-6. Education Links Links to ESL and other educational sites.
10 Great Apps for Early Childhood Development Education is on shifting ground as technology has made it possible to connect, record and educate children with more and more exciting tools. With so many tools and apps available, it’s hard to know where to begin. Many “educational” apps offer little in the way of education and there are many “entertainment” apps that can be quite educational. We wanted to know which apps offer a best practice experience so we have asked our Storypark community of teachers, ECE experts, parents and children about their favorite apps. 10 Great Apps for Early Childhood Development Tiny Tap - FreeThis app is a very fun tool that allows you to easily create simple games using photos and drawings. Somantics FreeA beautiful and simple app that allows users the ability to discover and create using rhythmic touch and interaction. Collins Big Cat Books - FreeThere are 8 books in the Big Cat series and they are all worth having on your iPad as there is something for everyone.
Phonics Activities, Learn to Read, for Preschool, Kindergarten, First Grade, 2nd Grade Story Starters: Creative Writing Prompts for Kids If you’re looking to inspire your students’ writing and creativity, turn to these fun and exciting writing prompts. Perfect for overcoming writer’s block or even starting a brand-new short story in a different narrative, creative writing prompts can help students begin a new piece with confidence. Plus, these story starters can also encourage students to explore different genres while honing their writing skills. Reading a book in a genre, then having students use a story starter in that same genre. Take inspiration from classics like Treasure Island and newer popular series like The Bad Guys to explore how to write thrilling adventure stories. You’re part of a pirate crew in search of a long-lost storied treasure trove. Get students excited about adventure stories with these great books: If you’re looking to inspire your students’ writing and creativity, turn to these fun and exciting writing prompts. You’re part of a pirate crew in search of a long-lost storied treasure trove.
Complete the Words on the App Store Best Science Experiments for Kids It is no secret that Science is one of our favorite subjects around here. As a kid myself, I was always interested in science and discovery. As a teacher, it was one of my favorite subjects, and well… now that I have kids, it is one of their favorite subjects as well. The thing about science, is that it can be intimidating, seem overwhelming with terms, and sometimes downright messy. But want to know the secret? Science is everywhere and science can be and is extremely fun! This post might contain affiliate links for your convenience. I’ve gathered together all of our science adventures from the last year to bring you a month to month guide to planning science experiments with your kids. Science is Everywhere To get started, it is important to understand the basics of what science is, and how you can find science anywhere. Finally, being set with the right planning tools will give you the confidence to try new experiments. A Year of Science Experiments for Kids January February March April
Free Resources for Teachers KS1 & Early Years Foundation Stage Kindergarten Worksheets - Free Printable Worksheets for Kindergarten Teachers and Parents. - StumbleUpon Comic Master TeachMe: Kindergarten 1000s FREE Primary Teaching Resources & Printables - EYFS, KS1 and KS2 - SparkleBox Starfall's Learn to Read with phonics