Skapligt Enkelt matematiskt Online Speech Bubble Photo Editor - Create comic strips with Den-magiska-dorren.pdf The Fractions Pack |Teaching Packs The Fractions Pack includes a huge collection of activity resources, teaching guides and display materials to make fractions a bit less scary for your class! Join Teaching Packs to download these resources today. In this Teaching Pack… A Seventeen page guide to Fractions - Let Fractionstein teach your children about fractions with our PDF guide. Preview the Resources… Click on the thumbnails below to view samples of resources from The Fractions Pack: Become a member today for just £12 and you can download all of our current and future packs for a year! All payments are handled securely via Paypal. Reviews from our Members: Teaching Packs The Fractions Pack The Fractions Pack provides a huge collection of teaching resources and classroom display materials to use in Maths lessons! Fractions Pack The Fractions Pack Apr 24, 2014byTamara Newman When I first came across Teaching Packs, I was so impressed, I became a member immediately. product0.3 Fab resource. Amazing resources Great display material!
10 Free Web-based Alternatives to Photoshop - (Private Browsing) I’m fed up with Photoshop and its one billion rarely-used features. How about a simple photo-editor that’s quick, easy, and doesn’t cost a thousand dollars. Fortunately, there’re tons of web-based photos editors popping up. Arguably, Picnik is the most popular web-based photo editor. Very polished interface. Part of the Aviary suite of creative apps, Phoenix also offers layers and compositing. Adobe was a little late to the web-apps game, but this is a pretty good first try. Nice, simple, and clear interface, with no ads at all. flautR offers a cornucopia of image tools, boasting thousands of photo effects. Another ad-free editor. Hmm… looks like Pixenate was “inspired” by Pic Resize. Another simple interface. An example of how ugly these apps can get. Let me know if I’ve missed any other good ones. If you liked this post, please bookmark it on
7a_aspvallpettersson.pdf Top 50 Maths mini plenaries ideas to use in an outstanding Maths lesson The current buzz word at the moment is “mini plenary”, I am not going to take credit for these but below are my top 50 mini Maths plenary ideas that can be used throughout the lesson to assess learning, demonstrate progress and intervene where necessary. You can also check out an earlier blog on the top 99 ways to demonstrate progress during an Outstanding lesson observation! You can also check out 100 Ideas for Outstanding Lessons which is a great book to help deliver outstanding lessons!! List three things you have learned todayList three things your neighbour has learned today60 second challenge – sum upWrite the new words you have learned this lesson and what they mean in mathematics (also alternative meanings in other curriculum areas)Write three/five top tips for…The answer is … what is the question? Female Teacher Now just to add if you are budding Mathematics teacher than Becoming an Outstanding Mathematics Teacher CPD | GTP | Lesson plenary | Mathematics | OfSTED | PGCE | Top X
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