iClip_fuer_html.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)
aM laboratory
Select 1 of 8 different Sound Patterns from the small Matrixes icons on the right. Use your mouse to draw notes on each 16 Step Matrix. Adjust the volume of the iNudge. Click MORE for advanced adjustment abilities. For each Pattern, adjust Volume, Mute, Clear, or set Audio Pan from Left to Right. Click on the Tempo numbers and click up or down to change the overall Tempo. Make the nudge longer for more iteresting patterns with the PLUS button. Use Clear, Copy, Cut and Paste to edit your pattern faster. Get & Share allows you to Send Mail, Get Link, Get Embed code or Spread in communities. Use the Feedback Forum to tell us what you think, leave your comments or make suggestions. Check out MOST LISTENED and NEWEST iNudges below! <div class="block"> <div class="full"> <div class="content info"> <h3>Important information! iNudge at twitter More tweets @krumuvecis Tik stilīga programma, paldies, ka parādīji by undefined about 15 hours ago