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Pydio, formerly AjaXplorer

Syncany - Open-source file synchronization and filesharing application Getting Things Done La « productivité sans stress »[modifier | modifier le code] David Allen prend soin d'emblée de préciser que la méthode GTD ne procède pas de la « gestion du temps », mais de la « gestion des actions afin d'obtenir des résultats ». GTD est une démarche d'organisation personnelle applicable par chacun à l'ensemble de ses activités, tant professionnelles que privées. Pratiquer la méthode amène à identifier avec sûreté ses priorités à tout moment, et à mieux se mettre en position d'agir immédiatement sur la priorité choisie. L'auteur montre que pour bien choisir sa priorité et s'y consacrer pleinement, il faut pouvoir s'appuyer en permanence sur un système que l'on sait fiable. on choisit à chaque fois en pleine connaissance de cause ce que l'on fait,on ne porte son attention que sur ce qui est actionnable maintenant,on est tranquille sur ce que l'on ne fait pas : soit que l'on ait délibérément choisi de ne pas y donner la priorité, soit ce n'était tout simplement pas faisable maintenant.

Unobtrusive JavaScript Unobtrusive JavaScript is a general approach to the use of JavaScript in web pages. Though the term is not formally defined, its basic principles are generally understood to include: A new paradigm[edit] JavaScript historically has had a reputation for being a clumsy, hackish language unsuitable for serious application development.[3][4] This has been largely due to inconsistent implementations of the language itself and the Document Object Model[5] in various browsers, and the widespread use of buggy copy-and-paste code. Advocates of unobtrusive JavaScript see it as part of the larger Web standards movement; much as the demand for cross-browser compatibility has driven the increasing emphasis on standardized markup and style, the increasing demand for rich Internet applications is driving the movement toward better practices with the use of JavaScript. Other authors have tried to refine and define the essential elements of the unobtrusive paradigm. Namespaces[edit] var org;if (!

IE Fix: Bicubic Scaling for Images Devthought had a little CSS tip the other day that is definitely worth repeating. It's not new, it's just an important little trick to know. And here it is: If you use width or height tags to resize images in your markup, IE will ensure they look incredibly awful unless you use this little snippet. Share On The importance of open online courses at OSCON 2014 Open source software is hugely important to us here at edX, since it's what we do all day, every day. Two weeks ago, the O'Reilly company hosted their annual OSCON convention in Portland, Oregon—a convention focused on open source software. Of course, we had to be there. So, my edX colleague James Tauber and I packed our bags and headed to Oregon for a week of learning and teaching to meet wonderful people, and to get excited about open source. We even gave a presentation about edX! I got to talk to a lot of different people, and many of them hadn't yet heard about edX, nor did they know much about MOOCs in general. Most people were interested in the course content available at In addition to having conversations in the hallways, we also did more structured networking events. Finally, on the last day of the convention, James and I gave a presentation about Open edX: what it is, how it works, and how the community can get involved.

git-annex Tracks :: index Getting started with Ruby (Loud Thinking) March 21, 18:45 What Ruby lacks more than anything is good starting points for getting into the language. There's a bunch of absolutely excellent resources out there, though. I've attempted to summarize the best of them by category. Language (latest release by time of writing: 1.8.1) Reference documentation Ruby Core Library: Complete methods listing and explanation for all the built-in Ruby classes, such as strings, hashes, and IO. Guides and books for programmers Ruby in Highlights: An introduction to Ruby by its creator Matz. Guides for non-programmers Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby: Hilarious and very aparte introduction to programming with Ruby — complete with cartoon series.Learn to Program: A thorough introduction to programming in general using Ruby as the learning language. Ruby bloggers Library & Applications Repositories Ruby Application Archive: More than a thousand projects across 200 categories. My favorite packages outside of the standard library You said it! You've read my mind.

Building Fast Client-side Searches Yesterday we released a new people selector widget (which we’ve been calling Bo Selecta internally). This widget downloads a list of all of your contacts, in JavaScript, in under 200ms (this is true even for members with 10,000+ contacts). In order to get this level of performance, we had to completely rethink how we send data from the server to the client. Server Side: Cache Everything To make this data available quickly from the server, we maintain and update a per-member cache in our database, where we store each member’s contact list in a text blob — this way it’s a single quick DB query to retrieve it. Testing the Performance of Different Data Formats Despite the fact that our backend system can deliver the contact list data very quickly, we still don’t want to unnecessarily fetch it for each page load. With this goal in mind, we started testing various data formats, and recording the average amount of time it took to download and parse each one. Going Custom Searching The End Result

Four tips on how to sell open source software In the last 15 years of my career I have worked at several open source software companies, each with its own unique approach to software delivery, packaging, branding, and sales. Two things have become clear to me: There is no single best way to build a successful business around an open source software solutionSuccess depends on an organization’s commitment to building real-world solutions and its readiness to deliver genuinely valuable services that help customers to be successful with the solutions. Without genuinely valuable services for your customer, you have no revenue. The following are four specific insights that are tied to selling and marketing open source software. 1) Selling open source software is actually about selling a meaningful solution bundle Ultimately, selling an open source software solution is not about selling the software. In my years in open source, I've seen many different business models emerge. Thus, my task was to sell services. Is this scalable? Coda

ownCloud web services under your control 6zap: Le webmail Open-Source PHP avancé à la sauce Web 2.0 - La 6zap est un Webmail Web 2.0 Open-source développé en PHP qui permet d'installer un système de communication en équipe à la fois complet et simple à gérer. Entre le groupware et le webmail avancé, 6zap permet de gérer vos emails, calendrier, contacts et fichiers ... Je trouve que l'interface est très intuitive et bien réussie, avec un petit air d'Outlook 2007. La gestion des mails est complète. Il est possible de faire du drag and drop des emails, de sauvegarder automatiquement les mails en cours d'écriture, et de vérifier l'orthographe... La gestion des contacts est aussi avancée, et il est possible d'auto-compléter les adresses ... Et il est même possible d'utiliser le logiciel en mode hors ligne ! Le calendrier est lui aussi très bien réalisé, il est possible de superposer plusieurs calendriers représentés par différentes couleurs. Il est possible de voir les évènements du jour, de la semaine ou du mois pour une vision plus globale. Je le conseille pour les petits projets en groupe !

100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources | Developer' Advertisement By Glen Stansberry and Smashing Magazine Editorial Team Google AdSense1 is a simple and low-risk way for publishers to quickly monetize their content. The pay-per-click ad system has created an opportunity for anyone to instantly have advertising on their website, without the hassle of having to actively sell ad space. AdSense makes up a good portion of the advertising revenue for many websites, and other websites may use AdSense to earn the bulk of their revenues. In this post we present an ultimate collection of resources, tools and tips to help you make the most out of Google AdSense. Please feel free to suggest related tools in the comments to this post. 1. iPhone AdSense Statistics Application3 SenseApp is a program that lets you track your Google Adsense earnings on your Apple iPhone. AdSense Earnings Tool4 Free and fast tool to monitor adsense earnings in realtime. adsblacklist10 Identify and block low-paying advertisers and increase ROI with AdSense. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
