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Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) - Free Download on UpCounsel

Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement This Agreement, dated as of [Date] (the “Effective Date”), governs the disclosure of information by and between [Other Party Name] ("[Other Party Nickname]")and [Company Name] (the "Company") for the purpose of persuing a business relationship. 1. 2. Each party agrees that at all times and notwithstanding any termination or expiration of this Agreement it will hold in strict confidence and not disclose to any third party Confidential Information of the party disclosing the Confidential Information (the “Disclosing Party”), except as approved in writing by the Disclosing Party, and will use the Confidential Information for no purpose other than the Purpose. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. [Signature Page Follows] In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement to be executed as of the Effective Date. Company ______________________ Sign Here By: Title: Date: [Other Party Nickname]

How Safe is the Internet Cloud? The way we do business has vastly changed compared to just a decade ago. While business men and women used to carry large briefcases and quarters for the pay phone, now we can access all of our information regarding payroll, purchase orders, inventory spreadsheets, and end of day summaries from our mobile device. The reason that we have this incredible advantage is because of the Internet “cloud.” So what exactly is the cloud and is your information safe? Let’s go over some basics here, because technology can be confusing to many of us. “The cloud” refers to networks used to store, access, and share data using Internet-connected devices.

upcounsel A Guide on How to Incorporate a Business There are several steps required to legally incorporate a business. The first step is to file a document called “articles of incorporation.” This document is filed with the corporations division of their state department and the cost will vary depending on your individual state of incorporation. Next, you will need: the name of your corporation, the address, the registered agent and possibly the name of the corporation’s directors. Additionally, you will need to state the purpose of the intended corporation as well as the amount and types of capital stock your corporation will be authorized to issue. Best Patent Attorneys in Los Angeles Our experienced Los Angeles patent attorneys & lawyers represent individuals and businesses throughout the world with domestic and foreign patent preparation and prosecution matters. They have extensive experience handling applications from nearly every sector of technology, including biotechnology, computer hardware and software, communication networks, internet systems and methods, automotive, medical equipment, construction technology, consumer electronics, and clean technology research and development. Our patent attorneys are of the most highly trained in the industry, requiring a scientific background, and passing a second level of testing known as the Patent Bar Examination. Thousands of patents are submitted to the patent office every day and a patent committee reviews each patent for its validity.

Registered Trademark Symbol ® Explained on UpCounsel The registered trademark symbol is the circled capital letter R, which provides notice that the preceding word or symbol is a trademark or service mark registered with a trademark office. Additionally, most people wonder what the bolded, uppercase “TM” symbol stands for after a company's trademark. A business may use the TM symbol whenever it wishes to claim a trademark, and you do not need to file any paperwork previously. New Zealand Work Visa Legal Services A Guide on How to Obtain a New Zealand Work Visa Learn more about a New Zealand work visa, who it's for, the requirements, and process for obtaining one to temporarily work and travel in New Zealand. Who is a New Zealand Work Visa for? Temporary work visas are for people who have a job offer from a New Zealand employer, are going to New Zealand for a purpose or event, want to gain work experience after studying in New Zealand, or want to join a partner to work in New Zealand. You do not need a work visa in New Zealand if you are a citizen or resident, additionally if you are an Australian citizen you will not need a work visa. Moreover, work visits involving business negotiations, short-term sales trips and work for official trade recognized by the New Zealand government will not require a work visa.

How Companies Can Protect Themselves When Terminating an Employee One of the biggest indicators of a successful startup or company are its employees. Without hard-working and dedicated employees who believe in your cause, it will be very hard to lead your company to the top. Unfortunately as part of the growing process, finding these type of employees isn’t always the easiest task and it may come time to let a certain employee or two go. To protect yourself and your company when firing an employee, you can take the following precautions: Make sure you are firing for a legitimate reason. Since most employees in the U.S. are considered “at-will”, either the employee or employer can end the employment at any time without cause.

Los Angeles Immigration Attorneys Our Los Angeles immigration attorneys & lawyers can help you or your company secure a work visa for business-related matters, such as advising you on obtaining a short-term visa for business trip or a work visa that will allow an employee or executive work within the United States or abroad for an extended period of time. Some of the types of visas that the Los Angeles immigration attorneys on UpCounsel have helped clients obtain include: H-1B visas, which is for temporary employment in specialty occupations, O-1 visas, where an individual possesses extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, L-1, which is for employees of an international company with offices in both the United States and abroad, E-2 visa, which is for investors, along with several other popular work visas.

Green Card Requirements A Guide on How to Obtain a Green Card in the United States. Learn about what a green card is, who it's for, the requirements, and process for obtaining permanent residence in the U.S. What is a Green Card? A “green card” is the term most often used by people when referring to the immigration status of an individual granted permanent permission to reside in the United States. There are several ways to obtain permanent residence, or a green card, in the United States such as employment, marriage, familial ties, refugee status etc. Although there are several categories to obtaining a green card, some require a certification from the U.S.

Trademark costs - How much does it cost to Trademark a name? Trademark Costs Explained A common question many attorneys get is: "how much does it cost to trademark a name?” The first step to calculating what a trademark costs is going to be how much you are willing to pay an attorney to research if a similar trademark already exists or not? Because it takes time to properly research any existing or similar trademarks that may exist, if not, you may be wasting your time and money filing a trademark for something that has already been filed.

Best Copyright Lawyers in New York State Our New York copyright attorneys & lawyers can help you register a copyright for your original work of authorship. This will ensure that you have documented proof of your copyright ownership. Because, if you don't file it, you can't sue if someone uses your work. Is Your Website Privacy Policy Protecting You to the Fullest? Is there really any privacy on the Internet? From cookies to spyware, there is a lot of behind the user tracking taking place that the consumer may or may not be aware of. As a business, the data that you are collecting is valuable as you build, iterate, and promote your website and develop your next marketing strategy. You need to be transparent with your customers to build trust, and this is precisely why you should have a well constructed website privacy policy in place. Quite frankly, I never noticed or cared that the plethora of websites that I used to shop or do research on even had privacy policies.

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