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In Vietnam, World's Largest Cave Passage

In Vietnam, World's Largest Cave Passage

Speologie Speologi într-o peşteră Speologia (din greacă σπηλαιοv, spelaion adică peșteră și λόγος, logos adică știință) este activitatea de a identifica, explora, studia, cartografia și vizita locații subterane (peșteri, caverne). Cel care practică speologia se numește speolog. Încă de la începuturi, ea a fost practicată atît de către specialiști cât și de către amatori. Fiind o activitate solicitantă fizic și financiar, se practică mai intens în țările cu nivel de trai ridicat. Suprafața uscatului este acoperită în procent de 20 la sută de roci carstificabile. Începuturile[modificare | modificare sursă] Înainte de a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea sunt studiate unele peșteri sporadic și conjunctural, cum ar fi din interes militar. Întemeierea ca și știință are loc în a doua jumătate a secolului XIX, de către fr Édouard-Alfred Martel de profesie avocat. Emil Racoviță face cercetări tot mai specializate astfel în 1907 pune bazele biospeologiei. Domenii implicate[modificare | modificare sursă]

Фото и рисунки, арт и креативная реклама Societatea Nationala de Speologie - Prima pagina TOM HUSSEY Lifestyle Advertising Photography New York / Dallas Pesteri din Romania, speologie | Romania-natura Romania are multe pesteri de interes mondial. Limita descoperirilor este departe de a fi atinsa. Ce a ramas de explorat in cavitatile cunoscute da de lucru la inca multe generatii de speologi. Speologia in Romania are, cu siguranta, rezultate remarcabile. selectie imagini Romania, peste 12.000 pesteriRomania, speologie, valori internationaleRomania, cele mai vechi fosile de Homo sapiens din EuropaCele mai vechi pesteri din RomaniaEvolutia muntilor si pesterilor din Romania; dupa descoperirile de la peste 2000 metri altitudineRomania, pesteri situate la peste 2000 metri altitudinePesteri la peste 2400 metri in RomaniaRomania, cele mai mari pesteri in sist La Poienile Zagrei, prima pestera descoperita in Muntii Tibles Pestera in Cheile Lucavei, Muntii Obcina Mestecanisului Muntii Obcina Feredeului, noi aveneMuntii Obcina Feredeului, noi explorari speologice Pesterile de langa orasul Iasi Pestera in loess, Podisul SuceveiGaura lui Pompila, Podisul SuceveiPestera Vorona, Podisul Sucevei

Sean Was Here Speologie Longest Caves in the World | Amazing Caves, Cave Images OurAmazingPlanet Staff | October 05, 2010 03:55pm ET Credit: David Fulmer Caves conjure up images of dangling bats dangling, stalagmites and stalagtites rising from floors and ceilings and dark, dank holes that seem to to go on forever. Here are the seven longest caves of the world, complete with many of those attributes, as well as many hidden gems. speologie Amazing Journey To The World's Largest Cave That Has A Jungle And Waterfalls Hidden Deep Inside! Subscribe in a reader Other Popular Articles Dangerous Fast and Furious - Birth Of Africa's New Ocean The only places where mid-ocean ridges appear above sea level are Ethiopia and Iceland. Two new studies into the so-called “plumbing systems” that lie under volcanoes could bring scientists closer to predicting large eruptions and reveal new information about where magma is stored and how it moves through the geological plumbing network. 6 Surprising Things Falling From The Sky Stories of strange things falling from the sky date back a long time ago. New Shocking Discovery Challenges The Origin Of Earth Where did our planet come from? Antarctica's Mysterious Lake Untersee And Its Otherworldly Ecosystem A research team has now returned to Lake Untersee to begin the first real studies of this incredible environment. Solar Tornadoes As Wide As Five Earths Discovered Solar tornadoes several times as wide as the Earth can be generated in the solar atmosphere, say researchers in the UK.

10 World Biggest Holes on Earth It is believed that holes are wrath of god on this earth and are pathway to hell. Most people reading this would agree but here it is certainly not the case. Holes created in different parts of the world either due to human works like mining, as sum of these are diamond mine shafts that have been abandoned or due to wrath of god as we all know through meteor shower or something similar falling that made the dinosaurs extinct are today popular vacation spots as they are a visual extravaganza. Whether it’s the Great Blue Hole of Belize, Mirny Diamond Mine of Siberia or the Burning Gates of Turkmenistan, all of these attract a hell lot of tourists and adventure seekers every year just to get a glimpse and experience the ultimate souvenir of nature. Check these cool pictures. Mirny Diamond Mine of Siberia Great Blue Hole – Belize Burning Gates of Turkmenistan Kimberley Big Hole - South Africa Bingham Canyon Mine – Utah Glory Hole in Monticello Dam California Diavik Diamond Mine – Canada

Top 10 Strange Holes in the World These top 10 strange holes are geographical phenomena and most astounding sites in the world. Some hole are made occasionally by nature but some by the man in search for the mining wealth. Here we point out the top ten biggest and strangest of them. 1. Darvaza Gas Crater – Turkmenistan (The Door to Hell): Source Source In the heart of the Karakum desert of Turkmenistan the Darvaza Gas Crater or The Burning Gates give off a glow that can be seen from miles away during the dark night. 2. Source Source The Kimberley Diamond Mine (also known as the Big Hole) holds the (disputed) title of being the largest hand-dug hole in the world. 3. Source Source Monticello Dam is a dam in Napa County, California, constructed between 1953 and 1957. 4. Source Source The Bingham Canyon Mine is a copper mine in the Oquirrh mountains, Utah. Pages: 1 2
