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Learn English
If you're trying to learn English, check our courses below about adjectives, adverbs, articles, gender (feminine, masculine...), negation, nouns, numbers, phrases, plural, prepositions, pronouns, questions, verbs, vocabulary, excercises... to help you with your English grammar. Below are our free English lessons. Enjoy our courses! English Lessons Information about English English belongs to the Indo-European family, Germanic group, West Germanic subgroup and is the official language of over 1.7 billion people. The words "England" and "English", come from the word, "Angles". We hope the lessons above helped you learn English. Related:  EasyEngelska F-6

Time4English A German woman in Darmstadt found a wallet containing €1000. She refused to give it back to the owner unless she was given a €120 reward. She got the reward, but the pensioner who owned it tipped off the police and the woman was arrested. Police said: "It was a bit stupid. She could have just kept the wallet." tipped off - told Volunteers were cleaning rubbish from the top of Britain's highest mountain when they found a piano. puzzled = don't know how as to = about instrument = piano ended up at = got to German police are stunned by the theft of an entire roller-coaster. stunned - very surprised Big Dipper - name of a kind of roller-coaster Six-year-old Maximiliano Arellano, from Mexico City, has been studying medicine on his own at home. Maximiliano Arellano = boy's name on his own = alone / by himself prodigy = child genius / child who is many years ahead of other children his/her age enable = allow

For my students – 30-day-challenge | Mias klassrum This challenge is to make you use your English more outside the classroom. For 30 days I want you to do at least one thing from the list every day. Fill in the grid you have gotten from me each day with what you have done. Use Facebook in English for at least 24 hours.Watch a movie in English with no subtitles.Watch a movie in English with English subtitles.Listen to a podcast in English, look here for examples: at least one article at News in Levels at least five text messages in English.Watch TV news in English (using the internet works fine).

English Vocabulary - Learn English Free - Learn English Vocabulary with Pictures Got it! This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website More info Cookie Consent plugin for the EU cookie law Learn English Free Learn English Words Vocabulary Jargon Parlance Idioms Slang Words English Vocabulary Guide Vocabulary simply means words, and English vocabulary means lots and lots of words. Just think of English vocabulary as the bricks of the language, and to help you build up your vocabulary we have organised these pages using a thematic approach and used lots and lots of pictures and sounds to go with the words. Basic English Vocabulary The Alphabet Animals Colours Computers Days and Dates Greetings Nationalities and countries Numbers Seasons Shapes Time The weather The UK (Business English Basics) People - Appearances People - Families More English Vocabulary Buildings Clothes Education Food and Drink - Eating at Home Food and Drink - Eating Out Entertainment Food Football Around the House - Rooms in a house Human Body Jobs and Work - Professions Jobs and Work - Offices

Learn English Online | | English Learner Adele's ESL Corner - Your free online English language website English (ESL) Literacy and Vocabulary Exercises Online beginning English exercises numbers 0 - 10readnumber names, zero to ten:read spell A - a, B - b, C - c ...readthings in the classroom:read spellcolors:read spelldaily activitiesread spell months:read spellfamily:read spellvegetables:read spellfruit:read spellclothing:read spell places around the neighborhoodread spell rooms in a houseread spell accessories:read spell farm animals:read spellfast foodread spell intermediate and advanced English exercises kitchen equipment:read spell transportationread spell things in an office:read spell kinds of moviesread spell wild animals:read spell tools:read spellsea creatures:read spellspace:read spell San Francisco tourist places:read spell the Earthread spell insectsread spell fabric patternsread spell punctuation marks:read spell Greetings teachers of English as a second language (ESL), You should note, however, that although the game-like element adds some excitement, the simplicity of these exercises makes them somewhat monotonous. Cheers, Kurt

Engelska åk 6 - Nationella prov i främmande språk, Göteborgs universitet Här ges exempel på olika typer av uppgifter som har förekommit och kan förekomma i nationella prov i årskurs 6. Provuppgifterna kommer från tidigare givna prov, som inte längre omfattas av sekretess. Observera att dessa uppgifter främst avser att exemplifiera olika typer av uppgifter som kan förekomma i proven, så elever inte ska känna sig främmande för hur de ska genomföra en uppgift i provsituationen alla typer av uppgifter inte förekommer varje gång och att nya format kan komma att introduceras exempeluppgifterna inte sammantaget utgör hela, representativa prov - vare sig när det gäller omfång, svårighetsgrad eller autenticitet Lgr11 i A3 format (PDF) Speaking What Do You Think? Gröna kort (PDF) Bedömningsanvisningar (PDF) Reading Reports (Elevhäfte) Bedömningsanvisningar Where to Go – What to Do (Svarsblad) Where to Go – What to Do (Holiday brochure A3) Bedömningsanvisningar Spare Time Talk (Elevhäfte) Bedömningsanvisningar Listening My Friend (Elevhäfte) Bedömningsanvisningar Bedömningsanvisningar

Praxis Ed English The Easy Way - Learn English Online - Everyone Can Learn English!!! Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals: Unbreakable: Present Perfect (with Just) This movie is not one I would strongly recommend, but it has good moments. This scene is one of them. David's, Bruce Willis's character, touching passers-by make him see what they have just done minutes before that, which is perfect for the students to practice the present perfect tense, using - just - in their sentences. In this exercise they are to write down whole sentences, which makes it more challenging than the other ones I have published on this grammar goal. I hope you like it. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B. C. ( ) The lady in red ( ) The man in yellow ( ) The man in green ( ) The man in orange D. E. Answer key: D. The man in yellow has just broken a bottle on a passer-by. The man in green has taken advantage of a drunk woman. The man in orange has just broken into a house and murdered someone there.
