s Magazine Winter 2011: The Rise of Enlightened Sexism by Susan J. Douglas Is the ‘F’ word co-opted by conservatives & consumerist media? Where are real icons & core values? On The Issues Magazine, Winter 2011, considers feminist icons, feminist values and feminist cons. The Rise of Enlightened Sexism by Susan J. Today, we once again have what Betty Friedan famously called "a problem with no name." At the same time, these young women get the message loud and clear that the absolute last thing they should embrace is feminism. After reviewing the media fare geared to girls and women since the early 1990s, I came to see a rather large gap between how the vast majority of girls and women live their lives, the choices they are forced to make, and what we see -- and don't see -- in the media. What the media have been giving us then over the past fifteen years are fantasies of power. Today many young women regard feminism as the ideological equivalent of anthrax A New Brand of Sexism With women's equality supposedly won, sexist stereotypes are considered amusing
ISSUU - You Publish Some paradoxes - an anthology Ces comptines que vous n'oserez plus chanter à vos enfants Mères et pères, vous venez d’être fêtés et vous avez sûrement été bien gâtés… mais il est temps maintenant de reprendre votre place et de vous occuper de vos enfants… en leur chantant de belles comptines, par exemple. Prenez garde toutefois, ces charmantes chansonnettes sont loin d’être aussi gentillettes qu’elles en ont l’air. Si vous croyez qu’on parle vraiment de blancs moutons, de beaux lauriers et de chatons croquignolets, vous êtes aussi naïfs que vos loupiots. Vous doutez ? Et pourtant ! Quand elles ont été écrites, ces ritournelles n’avaient pas le même sens qu’aujourd’hui. Ah ! Petites précisions pour "Nous n’irons plus aux bois" : 1. 2. Alors ?! Vous en voulez plus, évidemment, éternels gourmands d’histoires savoureuses. 1. 2. Dico des injures oubliées - Librio LA CHANSON PAILLARDE – épisode 1 : innocentes chansons - Jean Petit qui danse Agoravox – Jean petit qui danse : une chanson pour enfant, qui ne devrait pas l’être… - Nous n’irons plus aux bois Le Point – Versailles classé X
Confessions of a Car Salesman — Edmunds.com Car Buying Articles Republished: 05/04/2009 (Original Date: 01/18/2001) Car Buying Learning Center What really goes on in the back rooms of car dealerships across America? What does the car salesman do when he leaves you sitting in a sales office and goes to talk with his boss? What are the tricks salespeople use to increase their profit and how can consumers protect themselves from overpaying? These were the questions we, the editors at Edmunds.com, wanted to answer for our readers. We hired Chandler Phillips, a veteran journalist, to go undercover by working at two new car dealerships in the Los Angeles area. We invite you to read the following account of Phillips' day-to-day experience on the car lots. Read, learn and enjoy. — The editors at Edmunds.com Read Confessions of a Car Salesman Part 1: Going Undercover
12.08.2010 - Our brains are wired so we can better hear ourselves speak, new study shows Like the mute button on the TV remote control, our brains filter out unwanted noise so we can focus on what we’re listening to. But when it comes to following our own speech, a new brain study from the University of California, Berkeley, shows that instead of one homogenous mute button, we have a network of volume settings that can selectively silence and amplify the sounds we make and hear. Activity in the auditory cortex when we speak and listen is amplified in some regions of the brain and muted in others. In this image, the black line represents muting activity when we speak. (Courtesy of Adeen Flinker) Neuroscientists from UC Berkeley, UCSF and Johns Hopkins University tracked the electrical signals emitted from the brains of hospitalized epilepsy patients. Their findings, published today (Dec. 8, 2010) in the Journal of Neuroscience, offer new clues about how we hear ourselves above the noise of our surroundings and monitor what we say.
Project Unbreakable You may have noticed that Project Unbreakable has been pretty quiet lately. For a few months now, those of us at Unbreakable have been making some pretty big life changes, and we have had to figure out where Unbreakable is placed. It has been a very long and incredible journey, but we are saddened to say that we will be closing our doors. We will finish posting all the submissions we have, but after we run out, we are no longer going to be accepting submissions for the website (but everything will remain up – we aren’t deleting anything.) We hope you understand, and we are grateful for your support. A note from Grace: I can’t really sum up almost 4 years of doing this project and I am having a very difficult time writing this. I would be lying if I said that the rumors from other activists about my integrity didn’t get to me. But that is not why I am leaving the project. Please take care of yourselves. A note from Christina:
The Animals That Make Australia The Deathtrap It Is Theres a reason Australia is surrounded by nothing but water. God is trying to protect you from the hell trapped within&&(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident') != -1||navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE Just The Facts Australia is home to some of the worlds deadliest animals All those animals want you dead Overrated Introduction When you look at Australia in a travel brochure , it's usually described as a tropical paradise getaway (or some shit like that) but what they don't tell you is the numerous animals that can kill a human in many painful ways. Saltwater Crocodile Crocodiles. Crocodiles are ambush predators , they wait for unsuspecting pray (you) to go close enough to the riverbank so it can hurl its body out of the water and grab you in its Jaws armed with razor sharp teeth. Not Photoshopped in anyway Deadly Rating : 8 Sharks. The three most dangerous types of shark are: The Bull Shark , Tiger Shark and the big daddy of them all the Great White. "Look at that smug bastard" Box Jellyfish