A brief introduction to Opacity and RGBA The Opacity declaration sets how opaque an element is. An opacity value of 1 means the element is fully opaque; an opacity value of 0 means an element is not at all opaque, i.e. fully transparent. Webkit, Gecko and Opera browsers all support Opacity. The RGBA declaration allows you to set opacity (via the Alpha channel) as part of the color value. This is supported in Webkit and the first alpha of Firefox 3. The key difference between the two declarations is this: Opacity sets the opacity value for an element and all of its children; RGBA sets the opacity value only for a single declaration. Here’s an example. background-color: rgb(0,0,255); opacity: 0.5; The background color of the second div has been set to blue, and the opacity set to half. background-color: rgba(0,0,255,0.5); The background color has been set to blue, and the opacity set to half.
Web Developer's Handbook | CSS, Web Development, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc. Vitaly Friedman's The Web Developer's Handbook creativity | css galleries & showcases | color tools | color schemes, palettes | color patterns | fashion: colors selection | color theory | royalty free photos | css daily reading | web design daily reading | css layouts | css navigation menus | css techniques | css: software & Firefox Extensions | css-web-tools & services | html-web-tools & services | accessibility checkers | miscellaneous tools | ajax | javascript | DOM | fonts | typography | RSS | CMS | blogging | specifications | usability & accessibility | add a link (free) | seo tools | seo references | howtogetthingsdone | freelancers resources | web2.0 | 2read Advertise here! creativity css: selected showcases css galleries & showcases color tools color schemes, palettes color patterns fashion: colors selection color theory royalty free photos specifications usability & accessibility add a link (free) seo tools seo references howtogetthingsdone freelancers web 2.0 2read: this week
Use Desktopify to put web widgets on your Desktop The process of converting a web widget into a desktop widget is very simple. Just copy the web widget embed code and paste it into the Desktopify “embed code” field. Modify a couple of settings such as widget size, widget name and choose a category for the Desktopify Widget Gallery. Create an account and then you will be provided with the tools necessary to promote your widget if you like…or you can simply download and install the widget to your desktop. Check out Desktopify today. Previous Entry: Share This has gone completely social Next Entry: Nokia X6 Comes With Music Edition
RGBA colors Home / CSS3 Previews / RGBA colors CSS3 has added a new feature to color setting. Next to rgb you can now also use rgba. The “a” in this property-name stands, for, you guessed it: alpha. So far, this has only been implemented in Safari 3, and works in the latest Firefox 3 pre-alpha’s. See the example: See the difference in the code between the first row, which uses RGBA color values, and the second, which uses RGB values: And the second one: Read here how RGBA differs from opacity.
Free Download: Social Media Icons. SO MANY COLORS. Happy Friday! Here's a SOCIAL MEDIA ICON FREEBIE! For full resolution, click here. It's a png file, so you'll need to have photoshop or gimp to be able to "pull" each icon. Sorry for those of you that are confused as to how to use these freebies. I've been busy working on other things as well.... If you'd like to work with me on some blog banner design, check out my big cartel shop - IROCKSOWHAT PRINTS. Hope everyone is having an awesome Friday!
Quick & Easy Online Form Builder for HTML Forms | Freedback 40 + Générateurs de CSS De temps en temps on vous parle de générateur de css. Pour alléger un site, optimiser son code ou créer quelques éléments graphiques, les générateurs ne manquent pas. Web3mantra liste donc 40 outils de développement css pour vous faciliter la tâche. La liste est assez grande et finalement quelques services se répètent. Vous aurez donc la possibilité de choisir celui avec lequel vous vous sentez le plus à l’aise et que vous trouvez le plus efficace, approprié à vos besoins. On y trouve surtout: des générateurs de « grilles », des services d’optimisation de css et des générateurs de blocs et d’éléments (tels que les bords arrondis ou les dégradés). On espère en tout cas que cette liste vous sera utile ! - Parcourir la liste
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Search results for website widgets "Students who ask better questions, are independent learners, deep thinkers and ethical leaders of the future" - NTU's Greatest Achievement The main objective of this hands-on practical workshop was to develop an understanding of the implementation and application of e-learning technologies within an institution of higher education. Also, it explored several web 2.0 technologies that participants could use to develop a collaborative online learning space. The hands-on workshop was held at a nice computer lab (24 participants) at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). The first 1/2 day, Assoc. The remaining 1 1/2 days was allocated for Lance Larkin to explore the web 2.0 world for educational purposes. This workshop was actually more intended for academics new to e-learning, rather than learning freaks like me. To make a web 2.0 point, I actually used Twitter throughout the workshop to share relevant or interesting resources discussed during the learning sessions. What NTU Did Not Do: Here we go:
Containing Floats (Complex Spiral Consulting) As powerful and useful as they are, floats can make for tricky layout tools. Chances are that you may have seen something like the situation shown in Figure 1, which is accomplished with just two div elements, each with a floated image inside it. Figure 1. That's not right! This is probably not what the author had in mind, but given the styles used, it's the correct layout. That's all it takes. This is not a bug. Understanding the Problem So when in the name of all that's good and right would authors want floats to stick out of their containing elements? Figure 2. <p> ...text... The practice of flowing text around an image goes back a long, long time. Figure 3. So now we can see why it's important that floats stick out of their containing elements. Figure 4. That's something designers would never have accepted. A Clear Solution If floats are to be used in creating non-table layouts, then there needs to be a way to make their containing elements stretch around them. Figure 5. Figure 6.