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Gephi is a tool for data analysts and scientists keen to explore and understand graphs. Like Photoshop™ but for graph data, the user interacts with the representation, manipulate the structures, shapes and colors to reveal hidden patterns. The goal is to help data analysts to make hypothesis, intuitively discover patterns, isolate structure singularities or faults during data sourcing. It is a complementary tool to traditional statistics, as visual thinking with interactive interfaces is now recognized to facilitate reasoning. This is a software for Exploratory Data Analysis, a paradigm appeared in the Visual Analytics field of research. Real-time visualization Profit from the fastest graph visualization engine to speed-up understanding and pattern discovery in large graphs. Layout Layout algorithms give the shape to the graph. Metrics The statistics and metrics framework offer the most common metrics for social network analysis (SNA) and scale-free networks. Networks over time Input/Output

Main Page - GLOW Visualization USA.Czy rewolucja w nauczaniu? Harvard oferuje wykłady w internecie Dwie turystki zabłądziły w Tatrach, jedna spadła w przepaść Turystki szły w niedzielę późnym popołudniem szlakiem na Przełęcz Krzyżne. Zabłądziły, weszły w trudny, mocno eksponowany, odsłonięty teren. Jedna z kobiet spadła, gdy nadlatywał już z pomocą śmigłowiec TOPR. Amerykańska Polonia chce, aby Kongres USA zajął się sprawą katastrofy... Télécharger Gephi Gephi is an open-source and multiplatform software distributed under the dual license CDDL 1.0 and GNU General Public License v3. Official Releases Release Notes | System Requirements | Installation instructions Gephi 0.10.1 is the latest stable release. Download Gephi for LinuxVersion 0.10.1 If you have an older Gephi on your computer, you should uninstall it first, see the installation instructions. All downloads:Download Gephi 0.10.1 for Mac OS (Intel)Download Gephi 0.10.1 for Mac OS (Silicon)Download Gephi 0.10.1 for WindowsDownload Gephi 0.10.1 for LinuxDownload Older Versions On Linux, you may also find Gephi on Snapcraft and FlatHub. Sources: Gephi uses GitHub to host the source code and track issues. Localization Localization is available in French, Spanish, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Czech, German and Romanian. Data sets Learn how to use Gephi Gephi is free and open source software. Thank you for your support!

NodeXL: Network Overview, Discovery and Exploration for Excel - Home html5slides - A Google HTML5 slide template The 2012 version is mobile friendly, touch enabled, and has shiny new features. By Luke Mahé and Marcin Wichary. Demo Instructions for editing slides Get this template: and copy/paste it to a new file on your local computer. Edit at will. If you need styles for different tags or different types of slides, please let us know. Different themes Change the class template-default on section class="slides" to use a different template: template-default = default Google template template-io2011 = I/O 2011 template Different layouts Change the outermost section class layout-regular to layout-faux-widescreen or layout-widescreen. Instructions for presenting Press Enter, space, right arrow to advance; Backspace, left arrow to go back. Enter full-screen mode (F11 or Shift-Command-F) before presenting. Caveats

'Najlepsza mapa wszechświata ever' została opublikowana - dzięki współpracy Europejczyków z Amerykanami Tak, jesteśmy w posiadaniu mapy wszechświata, chociaż warto zaznaczyć, że siłą rzeczy nie należy ona do najbardziej aktualnych - przedstawia ona widzialny kosmos około 380 tys. lat po Wielkim Wybuchu. A ten miał miejsce ~13,8 mld lat temu. Dlaczego siłą rzeczy? Ponieważ mapa powstaje w oparciu o mikrofalowe promieniowanie tła. Ta pozostałość po Wielkim Wybuchu pozwala spojrzeć w przeszłość wszechświata. Agencje kosmiczne starają się stworzyć mapę wszechświata od wielu lat: Historia badań Najnowszym etapem w badaniach jest misja satelity Planck (nazwanej na cześć niemieckiego fizyka Maxa Plancka). Satelita Planck Nowa mapa została zaprezentowana kilka dni temu. Mapa widzialnego kosmosu - ESA, NASA Wraz z mapą zaprezentowano szereg innych danych - według ustaleń misji Plancka wszechświat jest nieco starszy niż sądzono. Podane przez zespół Planck wartości parametrów kosmologicznych wyraźnie odbiegają od wartości obecnie uznanych za "obowiązujące".

Cartographier avec Gephi Aujourd’hui, je vais vous présenter un outil très puissant d’analyse de l’information, le logiciel Gephi. Cet outil va vous permettre de représenter sous forme de cartographie des données brutes et de les analyser. Les experts disent que cet outil est à l’analyse de l’information ce que Photoshop est à la retouche d’image : C’est un outil complexe, mais donnant des résultats impressionnants. Gephi est encore assez peu connu en France, et qui est utilisé par des experts en entreprise. Mon objectif est donc de vous présenter cet outil en le simplifiant au maximum et en centralisant les informations qui vous seront nécessaires pour l’utiliser. Partie 1 : Un descriptif des informations que l’on peut tirer de cet outil : Concrètement que peut apporter en entreprise la cartographie de données, et quelles informations peut-on en retirer ? Pour avoir un exemple complet et expliqué, vous pouvez directement lire l’exemple sur Facebook Avec les informations que je vais fournir, vous allez pouvoir :

The 36 best tools for data visualization It's often said that data is the new world currency, and the web is the exchange bureau through which it's traded. As consumers, we're positively swimming in data; it's everywhere from labels on food packaging design to World Health Organisation reports. As a result, for the designer it's becoming increasingly difficult to present data in a way that stands out from the mass of competing data streams. Get Adobe Creative Cloud One of the best ways to get your message across is to use a visualization to quickly draw attention to the key messages, and by presenting data visually it's also possible to uncover surprising patterns and observations that wouldn't be apparent from looking at stats alone. As author, data journalist and information designer David McCandless said in his TED talk: "By visualizing information, we turn it into a landscape that you can explore with your eyes, a sort of information map. There are many different ways of telling a story, but everything starts with an idea.

Expanding Text Areas Made Elegant An expanding text area is a multi-line text input field that expands in height to fit its contents. This UI element is commonly found in both desktop and mobile applications, such as the SMS composition field on the iPhone. Examples can also be found on the web, including on Facebook, where it’s used extensively. Issue № 338 Despite the ubiquity of this control, there’s no way to create it using only HTML and CSS. Trawling the internet, you can find several attempts at creating expanding text areas, but most suffer from one or more of the following problems: The height is calculated by guessing where wrapping occurs based on the cols attribute. The best solution I’ve seen uses a separate pre element absolutely positioned off screen, styled the same as the textarea; let’s call this the mirror element. This method works, but the polling is inefficient, especially if you have multiple text areas. The technique is an improvement on the offscreen-positioned mirror element. Whoa there!

c'est en 2D mais il semble que le 2D est beaucoup plus courant/développé, et j'ai lu des gens qui disaient que la visualisation en 3D n'était pas forcément mieux by math_lep Feb 1
