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How to use Pearltrees - Google Search

How to use Pearltrees - Google Search
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Folk Music - Lomax: Research Center The Sound Recordings catalog comprises over 17,400 digital audio files, beginning with Lomax’s first recordings onto (newly invented) tape in 1946 and tracing his career into the 1990s. In addition to a wide spectrum of musical performances from around the world, it includes stories, jokes, sermons, personal narratives, interviews conducted by Lomax and his associates, and unique ambient artifacts captured in transit from radio broadcasts, sometimes inadvertently, when Alan left the tape machine running. Not a single piece of recorded sound in Lomax’s audio archive has been omitted: meaning that microphone checks, partial performances, and false starts are also included. This material from Alan Lomax’s independent archive, begun in 1946, which has been digitized and preserved by the Association for Cultural Equity, is distinct from the thousands of earlier recordings on acetate and aluminum discs he made from 1933 to 1942 under the auspices of the Library of Congress.

Pour en finir avec la procrastination La procastination, c’est souvent une histoire de désert et de carrefour. Vous allez comprendre. « Une histoire de désert » Imaginez-vous au milieu d’un désert. Vous avez une bon véhicule, des réserves d’eau, une boussole, un chapeau, la voiture est climatisée et son réservoir de carburan est plein. « Bon, on va où, maintenant ? Vous n’en avez aucune idée. Et vous ne bougez plus. « Une histoire de carrefour » C’est une variante de l’histoire du désert. Vous voici, toujours au volant de votre voiture, à un carrefour. Chouette, on part en voyage. Vous n’en avez aucune idée. Il y a un petit restaurant près du carrefour. Vous allez manger quelque chose. Vous comprenez les deux analogies ? Elles conduisent à ce qu’on pourraît appeler la « procrastination technique ». Pas de planning. Vous vous souvenez de la partie « gestion du temps » de cette formation ? Je vous suggerais de passer par trois étapes pour énormément gagner en efficacité: Vous voici maintenant à votre carrefour. Et vous voilà parti.

pearltrees > blog 26 Free (or Free-to-Try) Content Curation Tools - SEW Content is still king, but it isn't always practical or cost effective for marketers to produce brand-new, meaty, thought-leadership level content pieces on a regular basis. That's where curating content can come in handy. Content curation offers a nearly limitless method of fueling your inbound marketing efforts. Unearthing and sharing the quality content of others allows you provide your audience fresh content on a regular basis to serve any interest, industry, or market. What's more, sharing and celebrating the work of others helps get you on their radar and can forge valuable, long-term relationships with the content authors. To help you curate, here's a list of 26 tools you can use to find, aggregate and share your content with the world, be it in a blog roundup, big list of resources or to share via social. 1. A granddaddy of content curation, in practice if not in tenure, Pinterest is one of the Internet's most popular sites for culling content. 2. Price: Free 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10.

Bridge • The Center for MichiganThe Detroit Historical Museum wants your story from the summer of ‘67 What were you doing during Detroit’s 1967 civil disorder? If you had a “significant, first-hand experience” with the uprisings in the last week in July that year, the Detroit Historical Museum wants to hear your story for an oral history project it’s conducting in the run-up to the riot’s 50th anniversary next summer. The Detroit museum will have interviewers on hand to record your recollections this Saturday, Aug. 20, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. The stories will become part of the museum’s “Detroit 67: Looking Back to Move Forward,” which seeks to assemble a record of what Detroiters and suburbanites were doing during one of the most momentous weeks in Detroit’s 315-year history. More than 200 people already have recorded their histories, which can be read here. “We want to make them accessible to the public and to have it as a source for scholars who are writing about this period,” said Tobi Voigt, the museum’s chief curatorial officer. “I says, ‘Boss, you better get out there.

Dompter la paperasse La Paperasse est un animal tenant à la fois du microbe et de l’éléphant. Comme le microbe, elle semble s‘infiltrer dans notre environnement sans qu’on y prenne garde… Puis elle se dédouble, se multiplie, s’entasse, envahissant nos espaces de travail, nos espaces de rangement, notre bureau, nos classeurs, nos armoires, et finit par trôner tel un éléphant, inamovible et légèrement encombrant sur les bords. Sans aller jusqu’au cas de Gaston Lagaffe qui avait carrément aménagé une grotte à l’intérieur d’une pièce remplie de papiers pour aller y faire la sieste, et pour peu que vous ayez une vie assez remplie, avec de multiples points d’intérêt, vous vous demandez peut-être comment mettre un peu d’ordre dans cette invasion. D’autant plus que depuis quelques années, le microbe a muté : les paperasses sont devenues « virtuelles » et reproduisent le phénomène dans les disques durs informatiques, en l’amplifiant même souvent. Cette description vous rappelle quelque chose ? Je n’ai rien inventé.

Peartrees: Multi-dimensional Curation A few weeks ago now, I posted an opinion piece on Technorati titled, 'Why Social Media Curation Matters'. Following this I received quite a lot of feedback and it’s thanks to one of these comments – posted by on my blog – that I was led to Pearltrees. In addition to this, I was also motivated to re-evaluate my position on the subject of curation and take a closer look at what I perceived that to be. At first I made the rather naïve assumption that the difference between Pearltrees and the services I’d discussed in my previous articles both here and on my blog, was purely aesthetic – Pearltrees has a beautifully designed Flash interface. However, as I delved further into the service, and further contemplated readers' feedback, I began to realise that there were actually some fundamental differences both in the approach of the developers and in my perception of curation. Nonetheless, they are just lists. The answer can be summed up in one word, depth.

Content Curation Tools: A Curated List of Content Curation Tools Finding and Sharing great content is very time consuming. But we all have plenty of times on our hands. I don’t think so…. Social Media eats into our time every day and it’s getting worse! Content curation tools are available to help. Content curation is the process of filtering through content to find the best content. So here are some content curation tools that will save you time finding great content. Note: Make sure also to read the essential effective guide to content sharing. 1. In you create boards of content around specific topics and then add content to these boards. When you use other real people find content for you. Here’s an example of a board I created for top social media posts. 2. Imagine that you missed a really great conference but you heard that someone ‘storified’ it. This summary could include tweets, Facebook updates, pictures, videos and much more. So you get a story about the conference. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Final Comments You know we love comments.

101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication: How researchers are getting to grip with the myriad of new tools. There has been a surge of new scholarly communication tools in recent years. But how are researchers incorporating these tools into their research workflows? Jeroen Bosman and Bianca Kramer are conducting a global survey to investigate the choices researchers are making and why. Insights from these surveys will be valuable for libraries, research support, funders, but also for researchers themselves. Are we witnessing a major overhaul of scholarly communication rules and tools? In the last six months alone, this blog has featured posts on all phases of the research cycle. Avalanche of tools Almost half of the tools in our database of scholarly communication tools were created since 2013. Simple model We use a simple model to get a grip on this abundance and variety of tools. Global survey We think the survey can become one of the largest multilingual surveys into researcher practices. Workflows and interoperability Towards a scholarly commons? About the Authors

Recette du Royaume – Brioche des Rois Provençale Royaume – Brioche des rois Provençale Après la recette de galette briochée aux fruits confits et aux fruits secs, je vous propose aujourd’hui une version plus classique de galette, toujours briochée, à l’eau de fleur d’oranger. Chez les Papilles nous avons beaucoup aimé ces 2 brioches, difficile pour nous de faire un choix. Revenons à la recette, il faut : 280 g de farine T4510 g de levure fraîche de boulanger80 ml de lait tiède + environ 2 cuillers à soupe pour dorer1 oeuf (65g environ)4 cuillers à soupe de sucre1/2 cuiller à café de sel1 cuiller à soupe d’eau de fleur d’oranger70 g de beurre mou coupé en déssucre en grains pour la décoration : On le trouve maintenant très facilement en grande surface.1 fève La veille au soir : Émiettez la levure de boulanger dans le lait tiède et laissez reposer une dizaine de minutes. Si vous travaillez avec une machine à pain, mettez tous les ingrédients dans l’ordre préconisé par le fabricant sauf le beurre. Pâton dans le saladier Le lendemain matin

PearlTrees: Social Bookmarking introduces Teams Pearltrees - a collaborative web curation tool Pearltrees (iPad app, myös: PC ja Mac) Entäpä jos nettisivut olisivat pieniä pallukoita, joita voisit ryhmitellä mielin määrin? Voisit selata jokaista ryhmää erikseen tai siirtyä haluamallesi sivulle yhdellä painalluksella. Tieto olisi kaikille avointa ja sitä voitaisiin jäsennellä myös yhdessä. Pearltrees tekee tämän mahdolliseksi. Muuta nettisivut (tai kuvat tai muistiinpanot) "helmiksi" ja luo omia "helmipuita", joiden sisällön ja muodon päätät itse. Mielestäni Pearltrees on erinomainen ohjelma mm. web curation -toimintaan helpon käyttöliittymänsä ansiosta. P.S.
