deadfake - free, easy and anonymous fake email service. Désactiver les mouchards de Windows 7 Ce tutoriel est protégé par Copyright et toute reproduction est interditeWindows 7 comme ses prédécesseurs possède lui aussi non pas 1 mouchard comme XP, ni 2 mouchards comme Vista mais bien 10 mouchards et 1 Mouchard pour Office. Continuer normalement JSONLint - The JSON Validator The Extraordinaries | do micro-work for something you're passionate about at
newbie_guide Idea and initial work: ASPj Additions by: a number of good souls Last updated: May 09, 2008 This tutorial will give you the basics to get started using the aircrack-ng suite. It is impossible to provide every piece of information you need and cover every scenario. So be prepared to do some homework and research on your own. The Forum and the Wiki have lots of supplementary tutorials and information. Although it does not cover all the steps from start to finish like this tutorial, the Simple WEP Crack tutorial covers the actual aircrack-ng steps in much more detail. The first step in getting aircrack-ng working properly on your Linux system is patching and installing the proper driver for your wireless card. Needless to say, you need a wireless card which is compatible with the aircrack-ng suite. To determine to which category your card belongs to, see hardware compatibility page. First, you need to know which chipset is used in your wireless card and which driver you need for it. Source
Sécuriser une communication VOIP avec ZRTP Une fois n’est pas coutume, nous allons vous parler dans ces pages de sécurisation, de chiffrement et d’anonymisation de la voix sur IP. Vous avez probablement suivi du coin de l’oeil le flame d’hier entre l’ami Okhin et l’AFP, brillamment résumé par Skhaen ici. Vous savez probablement qu’il n’est pas du tout dans nos habitudes de faire de la publicité, encore moins quand il s’agit de nos propres solutions. Et bien je vais aujourd’hui transgresser cette règle, cette mini-documentation s’adresse particulièrement aux journalistes qui utilisent Skype pour établir des communications avec leurs sources, les mettant ainsi en danger. Je vous en avais très brièvement parlé sur mon blog il y a quelque temps, avec les copains de Rayservers, nous avons mis en place une offre VPN un peu particulière, mettant en oeuvre l’état de l’art de l’art en matière de chiffrement et d’anonymisation de flux (COMSEC), utilisant une PKI x509 (sans clé statique) et AES 256. Comprendre les risques # . Security =>
How to Create a Master Installation Flash Drive with Multiple Versions of Windows You've got your collection of Windows ISOs and maybe you've burned installation DVDs or flash drives for them. But why not make yourself a master installation drive that you can use to install any version of Windows? Related: Beginner Geek: How to Burn an ISO Image to a Disc Setting up a bootable USB Drive that includes multiple ISOs is actually pretty easy, We're going to do it using a clever little free tool named WinSetupFromUSB, so go ahead and download the latest version of that. You can even include some non-windows ISOs on the disk, like Linux distributions and antivirus rescue disks. Next, make sure you have blank USB drive big enough to hold all the ISOs you want to install, along with a little extra space. WinSetupFromUSB is a portable tool, so there's no installation. If you already had your USB drive inserted when you launched the tool, it should be listed in the box at the top of the window. Next, click the "Advanced Options" check box. Now comes the somewhat tricky part.
mmn mm mm n mm m nmmvkmjknnmnh n mj kk,mmkckckmmmkk Protégez vous de PRISM PrimoCache Overview PrimoCache is a software caching solution that cooperates with physical memory, solid-state drives (SSDs) and flash drives to provide data caching for local physical disks or iSCSI disks. It transparently stores disk data into fast cache devices such as physical memory, so that future read requests for those data will be served directly from the cache and be faster. Thus access time will be reduced, showing a great improvement in system reading performance. Furthermore, PrimoCache is able to complete write requests quickly by writing incoming data to fast cache devices first and writing back to target disks later, greatly improving the system writing performance. What Can You Do With It? PrimoCache In Detail PrimoCache implements a two-level caching architecture consisting of level-1 cache and level-2 cache. PrimoCache also supports write-deferred caching mode, which executes write requests on the cache first and synchronizes data from the cache to the disk after custom delays. Principle
How to Look and Act Like a "Clique" Girl Edit Article Edited by Zack, Ben Rubenstein, Krystle C., KassieStarr and 112 others Most people think that 'The Clique' is about being popular, but it is about people envying you. Follow these instructions and you will look and act like a 'Clique' Girl in a matter of weeks. Ad Steps 1(Looks) Hair. 7(Act) You need comebacks. Tips If you have problems with getting noticed, round up a group of pretty girls and make a clique. Warnings If you are crushing on a boy, do not approach them with your clique. How to navigate the Internet around PRISM Recently released National Security Agency documents indicate the U.S. government is “tapping directly into the central servers” of your favorite Internet services as part of a secret program called PRISM. So much for those privacy policies, huh? The Guardian and Washington Post revealed the stunning extent of the PRISM snooping operation: the NSA and FBI are monitoring Microsoft, Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Facebook, Skype, Apple, and others. Those companies have largely denied the reports, saying they never allowed the government direct access to their servers. Government officials have admitted the program exists, however, and President Obama himself defended it as legal in a Friday morning press conference. Naturally, privacy advocates are up in arms over the government having access to their Internet data in this way, even if officials claim PRISM only targets non-U.S. residents and citizens. That said, here’s your guide to using the Internet without using PRISM companies. Email Search Maps
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