SeenThis MadLab So you like MadMapper, but want more features ? Here comes the MAD_Lab, a laboratory for experimental softwares. It contains a bunch of little apps, each focusing on a special aspect we want to integrate into MadMapper, but didn’t find the time to implement nicely in the initial release. Please note that since these apps have a highly experimental flavour, we do not recommend using them in production. The Mad Lab apps are powered by Syphon You’ll need to be a registered user in order to run these following apps. MAD_Doubler Composite 2 Syphon inputs into a new one.Useful for combining Modlu8 and QuartzComposer (or VDMX or Resolume…) input into MadMapper. MAD_Equalizer Renders a fully parametrable equalizer. MAD_GraphicPatterns Renders 16 different graphical patterns. MAD_GridMaker Renders a parametric grid. MAD_VideoDelay Delays the isight feed of your computer and display each iteration on a different cell. MAD_Line Allows to draw lines and animate them in realtime.
Feed The Muse - Fueling Creativity $1 At A Time Progressive Insurance De nouvelles idées • New business ideas ... • Sam Hickmann odt2braille - Home “Soak, Dye in Light” by everyware (2011) - an empty canvas which absorbs colour when touched #processing #kinect “Soak, Dye in light.” by everyware (2011) is an empty canvas but when you touch it, its elastic surface stretches and gets suffused with projected vivid colors mimicking fabric absorbing dye. Poking and rubbing with hands or resting their body on this spandex canvas allows visitors to soak this canvas in virtual dye and create own patterns. Dying fabric is a time-honored tradition of humankind. Local materials such as herbs, flowers, rocks, juice of animals or shells have been used through the dying process. Especially in Korea, people have deep affection toward the unique colors and textures of fabric dyed with traditional materials. Now in the age of new media, we tried a whole new way of coloring fabrics with the essential materials of new media, ‘light’ and ‘interactivity’. Created using Processing and Kinect. Simulated watercolor by GPU accelerated cellular automata.
Fondata nel 2009, Kickstarter è una delle più importanti piattaforme di crowdfunding per progetti creativi a livello mondiale. by martinagiacomelli01 Mar 18
A little bit of shameless self promotion. If you like comics, this may interest you. Ranger Ralph on Kickstarter. by rangerralph Mar 24
Attention Pearltree, please update a translator on the pages. Thanks by bijahsbhubesitree Mar 18
Merci pour cette bonne explication :) by edspeedy Jan 2
Kenneth Chamberland Kenneth Chamberland shared a link.
December 29 · Edited
Kenneth Chamberland
friend as face book is a closed book by Great Pagan Rome
KNIGHTS tEMPLAR (KNIGHTStEMPLA12) on Twitter by kennethchamberland Jan 2
Thanks for the tip a_deewey. I was not familiar with AngelList. by jeff.hale Mar 11
You know what'd be even more awesome? If you searched for Lola's Prayer on kickstarter and helped us reach our goal! ;) by corinth113 Mar 11
Pour en savoir plus sur Kickstarter : by tomaquin May 8
L'une des clés de classement des différentes plateforme de financement des projets me semble être le type de contrepartie. Par exemple avec contrepartie de type "cadeau" ou "participation" aux résultats financiers du projet.
Ensuite vient le coût du financement (commission pour la mise en relation, fraix financiers éventuels, pénalités éventuelles si échec du financement). by ouestlalune Apr 26
Hello! Glad to see your comment, you must have worked hard to type these! But unfortunately...I couldn't understand French...
I tried Google to translate your paragraph, so you are introducing regulations on funding & investments?
Thanks for commenting again! by adler22221 Apr 26
Le site Kickstarter n’est pas très différent des deux sites précédents. Mais il prend, lui, la forme d’une place de marché pour entrepreneurs en quête de fonds : les chercheurs de fonds présentent leurs idées à la communauté des membres, un groupe d’éventuels investisseurs. Ceux qui décident d’investir seront rémunérés proportionnellement à leur participation et Kickstarter se commissionne à 5 %. Les projets portent surtout dans le domaine créatif : musique, films, art, technologies, design, cuisine, édition… Pour ce site aussi, les projets doivent être totalement couverts financièrement pour pouvoir être lancés, sinon les investisseurs sont simplement remboursés (en fait, les sommes proposées ne sont pas prélevées tant que la couverture n’est pas réalisée et le projet lancé). by jmichelcornu Apr 26