Engbloggalfa – Learn English and have fun Filippa Curmark | Lillehammers klassblogg Filippa Curmark, Kopparbergs/Göteborgs FF Under tiden vi hade vårt tema Drömelvan gjorde vi en telefonintervju med fotbollsspelaren Filippa Curmark. Filippa, som har gått i skola hos oss på Prolympia, är en av Sveriges största talanger. Snabbfrågor Glass eller Godis Barcelona eller Real Madrid Messi eller Ronaldo Cola eller FantaPizza eller SushiIshockey eller Tennis Huskvarna eller Ekhagen Katt eller Hund Hur var det att växa upp i Jönköping? Hur gammal var du när du började spela fotboll? Hur var det att spela i Ekhagen? Vilket nummer hade du på tröjan när du spelade i Ekhagen? Hur var det att gå på Prolympia? Var bor du nu? Hur många fotbollsskor gör du åt på en säsong? Hur många gånger i veckan tränar du? Hur mycket fritid har du? Hur länge till ska du spela fotboll? Vem är din favoritspelare i Champions League? Hur mycket gillar du Neymar? Har du några tips till oss som vill bli fotbollsspelare? Tack så mycket för intervjun och lycka till i allsvenskan!
Phonics – En bokmal med dyslexi Att lära sig läsa kräver att hjärnan kan koppla bokstavsljud till bokstaven, dvs. koppla samman ljudet på bokstaven till tecknet. Förr, ja, så sent som i alla fall 80-talet när jag gick i skolan, byggde läsinlärning på denna princip. Vi hade läraläsaböcker. Vi hade undervisning i vokalljud. Vi har själva stött på säkert fem olika sätt. Den enda metod som har stöd i vetenskap för att lära ut avkodning på detta sätt är phonics. Hanterbarhet, begriplighet och meningsfullhet är grundpelare för all inlärning. Läsningen av listor med korta nonsensord (ord utan betydelse) läses under tio-femton minuter varje dag (eller varannan). Jag ser också andra stora fördelar, än den rent avkodningsmässiga, med att läsa avgränsat och listor jämfört med kämpa med böcker. Just när det gäller dyslexi finns studier att denna metod kan förbättra den fonologiska förmågan, dvs. förmåga att koppla samman bokstavsljud med tecken. I nästa inlägg kommer jag berätta mer om vår träning hemma:-). Gilla detta: Relaterade
Teachers Transform Lockers into Book Spines 2315 41ShareNew School might be out for summer, but teachers at Biloxi Junior High School in Mississippi are already preparing for the fall. A group of teachers and volunteers are turning the 8th grade English hallway into an “Avenue of Literature” by painting the 189 unused lockers—which had been sealed shut for security reasons for more than 15 years—to look like the spines of popular books. The teachers are hoping that by surrounding their students with books of all genres—including classics like Gulliver's Travels and Moby Dick, and newer titles, like Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and The Hunger Games—they’ll inspire them to explore and love literature—no matter which book they choose. Private and public donations, as well as a $600 grant from Biloxi First, funded the project, which will be celebrated at a ribbon cutting ceremony today. [h/t WLOX]
How to Teach a Novel Classroom Seating Arrangement Good morning! :) One of the most important things to me is how you arrange your classroom. I always think about a few things when considering how to arrange my classroom... -Can my students all see the SMARTboard from their desks without having to turn around? Sometimes I have to arrange the room, and then tweak it a little to make sure all of the above questions are answered YES. I've had my desks arranged in many different ways during the years. When I taught specials classes and had mostly small groups of kids at one time (between 6-10 kids most of the day), I had my classroom set up with my meeting table in the middle. If you want to see some examples of my classroom seating arrangement, you can see one of my previous posts about how to set up your classroom. I love several of these arrangements... especially the one in the middle on the right. I also found this awesome site: Classroom Desk Arrangement. This Pinterest Board has a lot of great classroom ideas! That's all she wrote,
Listening for ELT and Learner Autonomy One of the challenges that many ELT students face, is listening. When it comes to international exams such as the IELTS, they struggle in keeping up with the listening passage and end up in a sea of useless frustration. Learning to listening to English and becoming an autonomous learner are important skills. Among other sites where learners can improve their listening skills, these 2 come to mind at the moment. Lit2Go offers readings of poetry and novels, is easily accessible with indication of authors, genres and readability scale and every audio comes with a PDF. LingoRank is a collection of TED talks, which students can set their level then go ahead and select the talk they are interested in listening/watching. With a wide selection of topics, there is no reason why learners shouldn't be accessing these resources to improve their listening skills. What other listening activities/sites do you suggest? Further Suggestions:
5 Research-Based Tips for Providing Students with Meaningful Feedback In recent years, research has confirmed what most teachers already knew: providing students with meaningful feedback can greatly enhance learning and improve student achievement. Professor James Pennebaker from the University of Texas at Austin has been researching the benefits of frequent testing and the feedback it leads to. He explains that in the history of the study of learning, the role of feedback has always been central. When people are trying to learn new skills, they must get some information that tells them whether or not they are doing the right thing. Learning in the classroom is no exception. Both the mastery of content and, more importantly, the mastery of how to think require trial-and-error learning. The downside, of course, is that not all feedback is equally effective, and it can even be counterproductive, especially if it's presented in a solely negative or corrective way. So what exactly are the most effective ways to use feedback in educational settings? 1. 2. 3. 4.
Interactive: European Stereotypes As part of the Europa project, newspapers from six European countries (Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, and Italy) were asked to stereotype each other, and then asked cultural commentators in each country to assess how accurate they are. You can read the resulting articles on The Guardian website. Here's an extract from the one about the British: The stereotype is itself a stereotype. The European image of the Brit – either pukingly drunk football fan or snooty City gent, both living off past imperial glories, sullenly resenting being in Europe rather than ruling the world – is itself a cliche. Just as Brits know that every good Frenchman wears a striped shirt and beret, and that ruddy-faced Germans subsist on a diet of beer and sausage, so we know precisely what all those Europeans think of us. ALSO SEE• French stereotypes: arrogant and good in bed?
Rektors sommarlovtal – här är fem förslag – låna! Spring ut i ledigheten!Ligg i gröngräset och titta upp mot höga himlen!Fantisera ihop molntussar till himladjur.Drick saft i utflyktsmuggar. Sitt och ha vilsamt tråkigt! Lyssna till skvallerfåglarnas kvitter! Rädda en daggmask! Tjata dig till dataspelstid! Anne-Marie Körling Det här är ett lekfullt matematiskt sommartal till eleverna. Hej alla 765 elever! Om exakt 14 minuter och 32 sekunder och fyra små hundradelar får ni sommarlov. Ja, ert skolår! Ett helt år. Ni har varit här massor av timmar i skolan. Ni har haft 54 lärare till er tjänst och stöttning. Ni har också ätit massor av skolmat. Nu har ni ätit upp 4 ton potatisar, ätit 647 kg köttbullar, druckit upp 851 liter mjölk så vi i skolan tror att ni växt till er ordentligt. Om man skulle säga att ni alla har växt två centimeter under denna årskurs så har skolans elever vuxit 765 x 2 cm vilket 1530 cm. Ja, man talar om att man lär sig mycket. Det är er sommar. Bästa 765 elever. Hej HOPP! Det är nu det gäller, kära elever! Vi är här! Samlade!
English is all around! The English Blog Writing Worksheets STW Filing Cabinet Logged in members can use the Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet to save their favorite worksheets. Quickly access your most commonly used files AND your custom generated worksheets! Please login to your account or become a member today to utilize this helpful new feature. :) [x] close This document has been saved in your Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet. Here you can quickly access all of your favorite worksheets and custom generated files in one place! Click on My Filing Cabinet in the menu at the upper left to access it anytime! Grade Level Estimation Title: Grade Level Estimation: 1st2nd3rd4th5th Grade level may vary depending on location and school curriculum. Common Core Standards Common core standards listing. All common core standards details. If you think there should be a change in the common core standards listed for this worksheet - please let us know. [x] close Printable worksheets for writing paragraphs, letters, addresses, and more. Writing Projects