MindMup: Zero-Friction Free Online Mind Mapping Software - Mind Map in the cloud This operation requires a valid MindMup Gold License. To export, save, publish and embed larger maps using MindMup Gold, please log in or sign up for a Gold account. Enter your e-mail or account name and we'll send you a one-time password. We have sent a temporary access code to your e-mail. Please wait, your license is being restored We could not find that email or username. If you are a new user select Sign up, or go Back to provide a different email. Please wait, sending the access code to your e-mail The code you entered was rejected. If you think this is an error, please email us at contact@mindmup.com This operation is not authorised under your current MindMup Gold License. Click on Log Out to change the active license in this browser or View Subscription to see your subscription details and renew it. If you think that this is an error, please send us an e-mail at contact@mindmup.com This license is invalid or expired Click on Log Out to change the active license in this browser.
12 Android Tutorials for Beginners If you want to learn Android programming there are a lot of Android tutorials and other learning materials online. There are lots of beginner tutorials and tons of advanced tutorials from various sources. We at SitePoint also offer a new Android development tutorial every now and then. When there is so much information and you are a beginner, it’s easy to get confused about where to start. To make it easy for you and with no illusions that this list of Android tutorials is the best or complete, here are 12 Android tutorials to start with. Not all the tutorials and their content are strictly beginner beginner focussed. If you encounter a hurdle, just spend more time with the tutorial, reading it a couple of times if necessary. Building Your First App Naturally, we start the list with a tutorial from Google, the creators of Android. The tutorial has several ‘Best Practice’ sections at the end. Android Development – Tutorial It’s not an easy or quick tutorial. 3. An Android Tutorial/Book
ملف مفتوح لصناديق أدوات واجهة المستخدم بتصميم مسطح - Free Flat UI kit PSD | ازاى دوت كوم ملف مفتوح لصناديق أدوات واجهة المستخدم بتصميم مسطح – Free Flat UI kit PSD الكثير من مصممين المواقع يحتاجون الى ملفات مفتوحة بصيغة PSD لمساعدتهم فى التصميم وخصوصاً ملفات UI & UX واليوم نأتيكم بملف اكثر من رائع لبعض الادوات الخاصة بواجهة المستخدم بتصميم مسطح ( فلات ) سيفوتك كثير اذا لم تحمله الان هيا نتعرف على الادوات الموجودة داخل هذا الملف: ادوات التعرف على الكاتب او عضو فى الموقع – Profile ادوات التعرف على الكاتب او عضو فى الموقع – profile تصميم شكل التدوينات والمواضيع لمدونة او موقع – article تصميم شكل التدوينات والمواضيع لمدونة او موقع – article تصميم ادوات لوحة التحكم الخاصة بالمؤلفين ومدونون الموقع , الاحصائيات – Geek Board تصميم ادوات لوحة التحكم الخاصة بالمؤلفين ومدونون الموقع , الاحصائيات – Geek Board الخرائط وادوات التعرف على الاماكن – Locations الخرائط وادوات التعرف على الاماكن – Locations التقويم والاوقات – time macheen التقويم والاوقات – time macheen العداد - Number Cruncher العداد – Number Cruncher الان بعد ان تعرفت على محتويات الملف ماذا تنتظر ؟ حمله الان قالب Uihero الاحترافى بصيغة PSD
13 outils pour convertir à coup sûr vos internautes - Balises Infos Convertir le visiteur est a priori l’objectif ultime d’un site web. Que ce soit pour acheter un produit, lire plusieurs articles, télécharger une documentation ou s’inscrire à une newsletter, chaque concepteur de site ou d’application doit en permanence s’interroger sur la pertinence du chemin tracé pour amener l’internaute à effectuer une action déterminée durant sa session. Généralement, ce chemin passe par plusieurs étapes avec chacune un contenu pertinent et efficace associé. Que ce soit de l’information, un formulaire ou autre. Sondages, tests et comportements Pour connaître les attentes de vos utilisateurs, le mieux est de leur demander. Polldaddy : le grand classique des sondages en ligne. Usabilla- vous permet de recueillir l’impression des internautes grâce à des formulaires placés de part et d’autre de votre site. Naview vous aide à créer des prototypes de navigation et à les faire tester par des utilisateurs locaux ou distants. MouseStats est connu. Woopra est très puissant.
A Beginner's Guide to Design Patterns Ever wondered what design patterns are? In this article, I'll explain why design patterns are important, and will provide some examples, in PHP, of when and why they should be used. Design patterns are optimized, reusable solutions to the programming problems that we encounter every day. A design pattern is not a class or a library that we can simply plug into our system; it's much more than that. There are three basic kinds of design patterns: structural creationalbehavioral Structural patterns generally deal with relationships between entities, making it easier for these entities to work together. Creational patterns provide instantiation mechanisms, making it easier to create objects in a way that suits the situation. Behavioral patterns are used in communications between entities and make it easier and more flexible for these entities to communicate. Design patterns are, by principle, well-thought out solutions to programming problems. Pretty simple, right? We can use this code like so:
Was told to learn php/My SQL, by a (hopefully) future employer. : learnprogramming Reverse Image Search by Image Raider - Search by Image Notice Advanced Data Structures (6.851) Prof. Erik Demaine TAs: Tom Morgan, Justin Zhang [Home] [Lectures] [Assignments] [Project] [Problem Session] Data structures play a central role in modern computer science. Specifics Lecture time: Tuesday & Thursday 11–12:30 First lecture: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 Lecture room: 4-163 Units: 3-0-9, H-level & EC credit Registration: Subscribe to 6851-students mailing list on the web. Prerequisites The required prerequisite is 6.046, Design and Analysis of Algorithms or an equivalently thorough undergraduate algorithms class from another school (e.g., covering much of CLRS). Grading There are three requirements, other than attending lectures: Scribing one, maybe two, lectures. LaTeX Help Homework solutions, scribe notes, and final projects must be typeset in LaTeX. Past and Future The class is offered once every two years.
50+ Excellent Tutorials for Creating Website Layouts in Photoshop - Vandelay Design | Vandelay Design If you’re looking to learn more about web design or to improve your skills, following along with detailed, step-by-step tutorials can be a great use of your time. While there are a lot of resources and courses where you can pay to learn design, there are also plenty of quality tutorials available for free. In this post we’ll showcase 50 different tutorials that we feel are the best at showing you how to design and layout a simple website in Photoshop. You’ll find tutorials that teach how to design all different kinds of sites, and in a wide variety of design styles. Find a few that you like, work through them, and you’re sure to learn at least a few new things that you can put into practice in your own design work. Create a One-Page Retro Web Design Layout in Photoshop One-page sites are a popular choice for portfolio websites, and this tutorial shows you how to design an excellent one-page layout. Design a Textured Outdoors Website in Photoshop Design a Sleek, Dark Mobile App Website
Les outils web du social media manager Après avoir abordé les missions du social média manager, décrit sa charge de travail au quotidien, il nous est apparu pertinent, de vous proposer une liste d’outils web au quotidien. Cette liste d’outils du social media manager n’est bien évidemment pas exhaustive, son objet est de vous permettre de savoir qu’il est possible d’optimiser la collecte d’informations utiles pour mener et contrôler vos actions digitales. Pourquoi des outils web professionnels? De nombreuses appli web existent en mode gratuit, et les community managers les utilisent quand elles conviennent à la gestion de leurs problématiques. Ici, nous nous intéressons aux outils web de surveillance ou capables de performer pour la réalisation de vos campagnes. Le coût d’un social média manager rend son temps précieux. Plus sur les missions et le coût d’un social média manager Ces outils sont susceptibles d’améliorer ses performances, et de lui permettre de s’intéresser à l’essentiel: vos campagnes! Les outils web de partage
How to Create a Clean Website Layout in Photoshop | Web Layout Hi Guys! We're a huge web design resource and actually we were freaking boring till some day. But that's something we're already working on. And rest assured that today's tutorial will bring you some useful web design skills. This is an intermediate level tutorial and some may seem to be tricky, but why not have a try? But before we start check this useful resources that will help you to create stunning web design layout: First of all,look at the final result of our tutorial. To design a web layout like this,you should download the "Linecons Free - Vector Icons Pack" By the way, you can download a free template based on this design: Free Business Template. Step 1 Let's start at the beginning. Step 2 Now you should add some pattern to your background. Layer Style -> Blending options-> Pattern Overlay. Step 3 We want to create an awesome design, yeah? Put some grids to your design with intervals of 60px and 20px. Step 4 So... now it is time to design the menu of your future website. Step 5 Step 6
Kickstarter - Lancement de projet The fact that the potential audience had no say in this decision stuck uncomfortably in my brain. I thought: “What if people could go to a site and pledge to buy tickets for a show? And if enough money was pledged they would be charged and the show would happen. If not, it wouldn't.” I loved the idea, but I was focused on making music, not starting an internet company. Yet slowly over the next few years I started to work on the idea more and more. Once back in New York, I started to try and tackle the next steps: Who could build the website? In the fall of 2005, I met Yancey Strickler, and we became fast friends. About a year later, I was introduced to Charles Adler, through an old friend. But none of us could code. In the summer of 2008 things finally started to move again. Finally, on April 28, 2009, we launched Kickstarter to the public. There are so many projects that defined the early days. Perry Chen
Timeline Photos - Swap Round Project | Facebook