Our Favorite Free SEO Tools for 2018 By Zach Tabler / January 25, 2018 Search Engine Optimization Search engine optimization should be an ongoing effort to improve your website’s organic search ranking and find new avenues to create content to expand your reach in meaningful ways. Free traffic? Many people talk about SEO as if it is its own thing, siloed from their digital marketing strategy. So that is why we have complied a list of free SEO tools and organized them into the different use cases for each of them. This post isn’t just for SEO professionals. Here is a quick table of contents so you can easily hop to the different types of SEO tools: Ongoing Monitoring Even if you do not have a dedicated team for SEO, it is important to stay on top of things. Google Analytics Chances are if you are reading this blog, you have used or at least looked at Google Analytics before, and if you haven’t, then you should get on it ASAP. Google Analytics is the best tool to understand your organic traffic. Susan AllehoffHS2 Solutions SEMRush
Linkedin.com Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast This compares audience composition of the site or mobile app to each platform population. The higher the index number, the more concentrated the property is in a particular demographic. As an example, if a property indexes 100 for age 18-24, that means a given visitor to it is as likely to be 18-24 as any internet user chosen at random. An index of 200 means the visitor is twice as likely to be 18-24, 50 means half as likely, and so on. 1. 2. 3. 4. The expanded view shows the percentage composition, the Internet average and the multiple. 1. 2. Example: 80% female segment on property ÷ 32% female internet average = 2.5x This chart breaks down the property's audience for a demographic. 1. SEO - DIGITAL MARKETING SEO: Important Things You Need To KnowSearch Engine Optimization or commonly referred to as SEO is a very common term that all website users usually encounter. But despite its popularity, only a few individuals know all of the fundamental aspects of the term by heart particularly the crucial role that SEO plays in every website’s revenue. So if you are interested in learning about SEO, try to read on the essential things that you need to know about search engine optimization provided below.Common SEO DefinitionSEO per se has no single definition. This is because the term is so broad that trying to define it is quite impossible given that the description provided usually depends on the person who is trying explain. Blogs and Publications Where You can Learn SEO Search Engine Optimization or commonly referred to as SEO involves a lot of complex procedures. 1. 2. 3. Important Google Algorithm Updates That All SEO Should Know 1. 2. 3. World’s Most Popular Search Engines 1. 2. 3. 1. 1. 2.
The Best Free Stock Image Resources on the Web Here at Buffer, we think a lot about visual content. We’ve shared our own study on the importance of images in Twitter posts for more social sharing. We’ve explored tools that help anyone create visual content. Our social media management tool incorporates image posting because we know how important that element is to engage your followers and fans. But there’s one question we get asked quite often: Where can you find free images that are high quality and cleared to use for your blog posts or social media content? It’s a question with a lot of different answers and caveats. In this post, we’ll share more than 20 different sources and tools for free images, covering searchable image sites, create-your-own-image tools, and more. (Related: If you are interested in learning how to pick and use such images, you might like our complete guide to using stock images in your marketing.) Understand these terms before using any free images A few things to know before we get started. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
The Simple SEO Lesson that Won’t Invoke Your Gag Reflex “We really do want to understand SEO.” I was on a conference call with a client who said that. And then: “Let’s plan to have a 15 minute call where you can explain SEO to us.” Gulp. Can SEO really be simplified to that extreme? (The article takes 15 minutes to read aloud and, of course, less to simply read.) What’s SEO mean? Search engine optimization. What can you do? That’s not all you can do. The other stuff you can do represents the hard, but more meaningful part. But for now, to answer the question, I’ll say SEO means the things you do onsite and off to help get presented by a search engine and discovered by its users. Search engine rankings are largely based on popularity Essentially, people turn to a search engine because they have a question. To help you find the answer you seek, the search engine tries to calculate the relevancy of web pages. BULLET: SEO boils down to indicating the relevance of your content to the search engines. How’s it do this? Why? The keys to keyword selection
taux de clic Adwords (SEA) Infographie : taux de clic Adwords (SEA) 5 (100%) 6 votes Notre infographie du vendredi est proposée aujourd'hui par le site Synodiance et propose un récapitulatif d'informations concernant une étude portant sur 80 comptes Google Adwords et analysant 8 mois de données SEA (soit 30 000 annonces, 4 500 000 clics et plus de 120 000 000 d’impressions) pour obtenir des statistiques sur le CTR : taux de clic marque/hors marque, influence des sitelinks et des extensions Adwords, etc. Principales conclusions de cette étude sur le taux de clic 1. Et, en résumé, sur l'infographie suivante (cliquez sur l'image pour en obtenir une version agrandie) :
Equipement numérique des français, usage des services mobiles les études Deloitte Tout savoir sur les Français et la technologie et comprendre le comportement des utilisateurs de mobile grâce aux études et statistiques compilées. Quel est le taux d’équipement des français en smartphone, tablettes, à internet, quels usages ? Découvrez toutes les réponses dans notre dossier. Tablettes : Quels usages ? > Source : AudienceLeMag Les jeunes et les smartphones – Q1 2014 – Mediametrie > En savoir plus sur Mediametrie Observatoire du Numerique Mai 2014 Connexion à l’internet des entreprises et des particuliers ; commerce électronique, l’Observatoire du Numérique est la référence en matière d’étude. Equipement audiovisuel des foyers S2 2013 – CSA Fin 2013, 55,9% des français possédaient un smartphone, 28,7% une tablette et 78% un ordinateur. Voir l’enquête Equipement Audiovisuel des foyers du S2 2013 # Téléchargez en PDF (CSA) Technology Media Telecommunications (2014) En savoir plus : Deloitte TMT 2014 Usages Mobiles (2013) Source : Deloitte Equipement et usage (Mai 2012)
Infographie : le search devient de plus en plus local L'arrivée des smartphones et la montée en puissance du ROPO le confirment, les internautes utilisent les moteurs de recherches pour trouver des informations proches. La démocratisation des smartphones a considérablement révolutionné les usages en matière de search, qui sont de plus en plus souvent effectués en situation de mobilité et qui, plus que jamais, s'accompagnent d'une volonté d'être le plus "local" possible. Aujourd'hui, 4 consommateurs sur 5 utilisent les moteurs de recherche pour trouver des informations locales, constate ainsi Google. Preuve de cette imbrication de plus en plus forte entre la recherche online et l'achat offline, le sacro-saint ROPO, 50% des utilisateurs visitent un magasin le jour même de leur recherche en ligne.
How GoPro and Tesla Hacked Digital Marketing Dominic Smith is a senior writer and content strategist for Rackspace Digital, the digital marketing infrastructure specialists. Digital marketing, like the “analog” marketing that came before it, relies on word of mouth. Clicks, shares, pins and retweets are all part of the conversation. Even in the age of BuzzFeed and go-viral formulas (online quizzes involving yesteryear celebrities apparently back in style), many brands still engage traditional ad agencies and marketing consultants to craft their message. But a handful of companies go it alone, even after they achieve considerable success. Two companies that have broken away from the pack for their unconventional use of digital marketing channels are GoPro Camera and Tesla, the electric car manufacturer. Its secret sauce? GoPro camera: A window onto the world At its most basic level, a camera is a lens, a window onto the world. It also gets credit for compassion and humanism thanks to slower, viral hits like “Fireman Saves Kitten.”