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21 Simple and Free SEO Tools

21 Simple and Free SEO Tools
Whenever I dream up a home improvement project for my place, I end up working smartest and fastest when I have the right tools at my disposal. It’s amazing the difference a good tool can make – and the extra time it takes to get work done without a helpful tool. Fast-forward to online marketing. How can you work smarter and faster with SEO? It starts with having the right tools. I’ve collected a big sampling of the best free SEO tools on the market—tools with a wide variety of uses and covering a number of common needs. 24 Free and Easy SEO Tools 1. Check the speed and usability of your site on multiple devices Enter a URL, and this tool will test the loading time and performance for desktop and for mobile, plus identify opportunities to improve (and pat you on the back for what you’re doing well). Alternatives: Pingdom, WebPageTest, and GTmetrix 2. See how your local business looks online 3. 700+ keyword ideas based on a single keyword Alternative: Übersuggest 4. Alternative: Piwik 5. 6. 7. 8.

50 recettes IFTTT pour faciliter la vie d'un CM ! Comme tout bon community manager, j’imagine que vous utilisez ou connaissez tout du moins l’outil IFTTT. Si ce n’est pas le cas, je peux vous assurer que cet outil gratuit va vous simplifier la vie que ce soit pour un usage professionnel que personnel. Pour résumer, IFTTT est un service web qui vous permet d’automatiser des tâches entre différents outils web. Dans cet article, je ne m’aventurerai pas plus à vous détailler la prise en main de l’outil tant il est simple à utiliser… Cependant, si vous avez des doutes ou quelques difficultés je peux vous orienter vers un article que j’ai écrit sur un autre blog ou même vers cet article publié récemment sur My Community Manager. Toutefois, vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste non exhaustive de recettes pour vous aider dans vos tâches de community management Matthieu Dixte

23 Tools to Test your Ecommerce Site Does your ecommerce site need a checkup? Testing can help you gauge your site’s performance and your customers’ experience. Best of all, many testing tools are either free or relatively inexpensive. Here is a list of tools to test your website. Usability Testing Concept Feedback. Google Analytics Content Experiments. ClickHeat. Crazy Egg. FiveSecondTest. Feedback Army. Silverback. Feng-GUI. Unbounce. Optimizely. Spur. Performance Testing Google PageSpeed Insights. Browsera. BrowserStack. Perfecto Mobile. Browsershots. Cross Browser Testing. W3C mobileOK Checker. Xenu Link Sleuth. SEOmoz. Link Research Tools.

Blog SMO Guide: How to Apply Social Media Optimization to Your Blog in 33 Steps Social media optimization (SMO) is the process of optimizing content for social interaction, discussion and sharing. SMO can be applied to blogging, microblogging (social status updates), product pages, email, and more. Similar to SEO, there are on-page specific factors. Why Bother with Social Media Optimization? In its simplicity, SMO enables you to drive more traffic, interaction, and conversion while learning about your target audience and capturing tangible metrics to gauge your social media initiatives. Social SEO - More shared links depicts you as an authority to search engines and improves SEO. Blog SMO Objectives SMO is a conversion optimization activity for social media, so you need to identify the action for which you're trying to optimize conversion. There will be a conversion rate for each of these activities. Blogging Content SMO Checklist The following checklist serves as a guide for tactics that help achieve blog SMO objectives. Website Global Template: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Image Optimization: How to Optimize Images for Your Blog Google hates a slow website, and it loves fast ones. This is going to continue because more and more people now browse their content on mobile devices, where you typically have slower connection speeds. Are you monitoring the performance of your web pages? On our blog, we typically include a lot of images and this can increase the page download time. Identify Your Slowest Pages In Google Analytics, under the section Behavior -> Site Speed -> Page Timings, you can see the average page download speed for all the pages on your website, and the variation for each page. So, for example, in the example below the first page (the home page) is 53.30% less than the average, which is good. View the average download speed of every page on your website What’s also really important about this report is that it automatically displays the results according to the pages with the most views first. Navigate through the first few pages of your results and start with the first five worst-performing pages. 1.

Comment se former au community management ? Autoformation ou formation continue ? Il y a encore quelques années, rien n’existait dans le domaine de la formation sur tout ce qui est web-marketing et community management. Avec l’engouement pour ces fonctions, de nombreuses formations ont vu le jour pour apprendre à percer dans ces domaines. Faut-il donc opter pour une formation courte ou une formation longue durée ? Vous allez trouver différentes formations de qualité ou pas. Mon propos est donc tourné vers l’autoformation ou les formations courtes avec des professionnels qui pourront rapidement devenir vos mentors. A mon sens, la première vraie formation c’est d’incarner le métier qui sera le vôtre. L’autre bonne pratique est de mettre en place un système de veille. Je vous recommande de suivre à ce titre trois sites très intéressants : Les MOOCs pour se former au community management Depuis quelques années sont apparu des nouvelles formes de formation appelées les Massive Open Online Courses. Les formations incontournables :

Free Link Building Tools: SEO SEO Tools Tools to help you build and market your website. Firefox ExtensionsWeb Tools If you need feedback or have any burning questions please ask in the community forum so we can get them sorted out. Overview Overview of site contents. Contains information about keywords, on page SEO, link building, and social interaction. Tips on how to buy traffic from search engines. Tracking Learn how to track your success with organic SEO and PPC ads. Credibility Creating a credible website is core to being linkworthy and selling to customers. Monetization Learn how to make money from your websites. Audio & Video Links to useful audio and video information. Interviews Exclusive member only interviews. Discounts Coupons and offers to help you save money promoting your websites. Site Map View all our training modules linked to on one page. Overview: Analyze your link profile compared to competing websites, and find pages which would be great sources to get links from. Hub Finder Link Research From the Search Engines

Search marketing stats round up Here's a selection of recent search stats, taken from a range of sources, including our UK Search Engine Benchmarking report, the Internet Statistics Compendium, and others. Topics covered include mobile search, SEO budgets, overall market size, Google's organic CTR, and user behaviour... Mobile search (Performics and ROI) According to a Performics study, people used mobile search at home in the evening (81%) followed by at home on weekends (80%), and at work (61%).66% use mobile search when watching TV, something which should get advertisers thinking, while 61% said they use it at work. 71% use mobile search to find information about a product or service having seen an ad, 68% use it to find the best price for a product. More than half of client-side respondents to the survey (54%) plan to spend more on SEO this year. Google's organic CTR (Optify)

Website Maintenance: 5 Essential SEO Maintenance Tasks I generally only go to the garage when my car doesn’t switch on or if there’s a noise that can’t be hidden with the radio. But that’s not how I treat my website! I like to oil my website engine well before it breaks down. How often do you do maintenance on your website? At least once a quarter, you should go through a checklist of items because you never know what might have happened to your site, or what you could improve. In this article, we outline seven website maintenance tasks that are specifically related to the SEO of your site. 1. The page title (known as the meta title) is important from Google’s perspective because it is used when indexing the content on your website. Website Maintenance: 7 SEO Maintenance tips to oil up your engine and 7 Maintenance Tips to oil up your engine In the first title, I use keywords that I want to rank for: ‘website maintenance’ and ‘SEO maintenance’. Are your page titles relevant? 2. In the previous point, we used the command ‘site:”name of website”‘.

France Top 20 February 2014 highlights: In France, 47.4 million people went online via their desktop or laptop, while more than 40 million watched videos online during February 2014.While the Top 5 Online Properties remained the same in comparison to January 2014, 20.1 million users helped Schibsted climb to 6th position in the official AOL, Inc. doubled its Unique Viewer numbers from January 2014, while new entry Plein-écran By HiMedia entered the Top 20 Video Property rankings at 17th position with 6.5 million viewers. January 2014 highlights: December 2013 highlights: In France, over 47.7 million people went online via their desktop or laptop in December 2013.Google continues to lead the website rankings with 44.5 million unique visitors during the month, followed by Microsoft Sites with 34 million and Facebook with 31.9 millionE-commerce sites such as Amazon, Ebay, Groupe Casino and Group Fnac performed well during the holiday season. November 2013 highlights: September 2013 highlights:

Free Link Building Tools from BuzzStream Use our free tools to find link opportunities, conduct link research or automate link building tasks. Free Tools Email Research ToolEnter a name, company and website and this tool will generate Google searches to find their email address. Link Building Query GeneratorAutomatically creates link building search queries to help you find link opportunities. Extract Descriptive Text from a URLTakes a list of URLs, extracts the descriptive text at the end of the URL and saves the list as a CSV file (e.g., turns into "programs"). Tools for BuzzStream Subscribers Link BuzzmarkerTurn a web page into a link contact for link building campaigns. Influence Evaluation ToolImport a list of domains and BuzzStream collects key metrics for all of them (e.g., PageRank, mozRank, unique visitors, cache date, site age, inbound links, etc.) List BuilderFilter contacts to build outreach lists.
