is an interactive game to learn to Read with Phonics and learn Mathematics 23 Useful Websites for Teaching and Learning English September 6, 2014 Below are some valuable resources for ELL and ESL teachers. With these resources, you can find great ways to communicate more effectively, explore lessons, and be a great ELL teacher. Check out this lexicon that offers images demonstrating the true meaning of the word, making it easier for English language learners to understand. On this website, you’ll find quizzes, word games, puzzles, and a random sentence generator to help students better grasp English as a second language. is a really fun site for ELL learners, with reference tools like a dictionary and vocabulary, supplemented with quizzes, games, and a community forum. On this site, you’ll find free English videos for both students and teachers. Okanagan College’s resource offers 13 different unit lessons for learning and teaching English pronunciation. In this website from the BBC, students can find help with grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, with plenty of references to current events.
Listen A Minute: Easier English Listening and Activities Le tout 1er cours en 6e C'est LE cours où tout se joue, et c'est celui que j'adore. Je vais retrouver à la rentrée 3 classes de 6e et c'est toujours très intense ces premières heures. Indeed, keep calm! Avant de détailler la façon dont j'envisage ce premier contact, je crois bon de lister ce qui d'expérience ne fonctionne pas : Faire du ludique à fond les manettes : vous n'avez pas l'intention que vos élèves croient qu'on s'amuse en anglais. Oui mais bon du coup on fait quoi ? D'abord, listez vos objectifs pour cette séance très précise. Voici les miens : parler anglais et me faire comprendre (j'explique comment après) faire travailler mes élèves, tous montrer qu'il y a des règles et que je ne transige jamais dessus mettre les élèves en confiance (leur montrer qu'ils en savent déjà beaucoup) préparer le cahier (car nous en avons besoin dès la 2e séance) donner du travail à faire à la maison (pour diagnostiquer les élèves très tôt) Bon c'est pas encore très clair ? Parler anglais Exemple Exemple Let's recap!
Volunteer Curriculum | Minnesota Literacy Council The Minnesota Literacy Council created this curriculum with funding from the MN Department of Education. We invite you to adapt it for your own classrooms. The curriculum for our volunteer-led classes consists of individual 1 to 4 week units that each focus on one theme. Several factors make this curriculum unique: We utilize volunteer instructors and are dedicated to creating a curriculum which can be effectively used by our average volunteer with support of our coordinators. Pre-Literacy ESL CASAS (180 or lower) Compiled 6-month Curriculum Beginning ESL (CASAS 0-200) Descriptive Writing -- 1 week Classroom and Education -- 1 week Emotions -- 1 week Family -- 1 week Finding a Home -- 2 weeks Finding a Job -- 3 weeks Food and Restaurants -- 3 weeks Giving Directions -- 1 weeks Going to the Doctor -- 3 weeks Going to the Pharmacy -- 3 weeks Home Safety and Emergencies -- 2 weeks Money and Banking -- 2 weeks On the Job -- 3 weeks Places in the Community -- 2 weeks Shopping for Clothes -- 3 weeks
Diagram on the life cycle of a tadpole to a frog. Comparatif-anglais Tous les adjectifs d’une syllabe sont des adjectifs courts. (Ex : nice / cool / old / tall)Les adjectifs de 2 syllabes finissant par –y, - ow, - er sont considérés comme étant courts. (Ex : narrow / funny / clever) Note: Les adjectifs courts se terminant par -er et -ow peuvent faire leur comparatif en -er ou en more + adj : narrow ==> narrower ou more narrow clever ==> cleverer ou more clever Les autres adjectifs de 2 syllabes ou plus sont longs. Il existe 3 comparatifs : le comparatif de supériorité, d'égalité, et enfin d'infériorité. a) Comparatif de supériorité - Pour les adjectifs courts : adjectif + er + than This father is taller than his children. - Pour les adjectifs longs : more + adjectif + than My T-shirt is more colourful than yours. b) Comparatif d'égalité Pour le comparatif d'égalité, on ne fait plus la différence entre adjectifs courts et longs : as + adjectif + as That suitcase is as heavy as the box. c) Comparatif d'infériorité Asterix is less fat than Obélix. Consigne :
My Multicultural Self | Teaching Tolerance - Diversity, Equity and Justice FrameworkBefore endeavoring to develop cultural knowledge and awareness about others, we must first uncover and examine personal social and cultural identities. Guided self-reflection allows us to better understand how social group memberships inform who we are. This exercise is an important vehicle in any peer conflict mediation program to help students embrace the concept of being culturally responsive and culturally sensitive. Introduction What is culture? It is a shared system of meanings, beliefs, values and behaviors through which we interpret our experiences. Culture is learned, collective and changes over time. The following exercise explores the roots of cultural learning by naming aspects of identity important to each individual. Step One The teacher should complete a handout in advance to serve as a model for students. Mrs. Share how each of your identity bubbles is a lens through which you see the world. Allow students time to silently reflect on what they have written.
This shows that when you hit 2nd grade you will start getting grades vs. just S's AND N's. The term “grades” has become almost taboo among some educators in New Hampshire, where seven elementary schools are slowly ditching the word altogether through a program known as NG2. The program—short for “no grades, no grades”—is hallmarked by the schools shifting to a more competency-based assessment structure and removal of grade levels. Mary Earick, project director for NG2, says the purpose of the program is to create more flexible learning pathways for students through “competency-based multiage schooling,” which allows students to move on to new objectives only after mastering others. “[NG2] tackles long-standing educational barriers to personalized learning . . . that of 'Grades,'” Earick writes in an upcoming report on the project. Those barriers include “(1) student assessments that don't accurately reflect students’ true understandings and skills and (2) methods for grouping students (by age) that often poorly align to their true needs as learners.”
Jobs and work Vocabulary Useful Vocabulary Double click on any word to listen to the pronunciation. (Allow popups). Pronunciation - Click here Build Up To find out what someone's job is, you can ask, "What do you do?" Work - What do they do? Leaving or Losing your job There are many different ways to express leaving or losing a job. To Leave Your Job:- To resign | To quit | To leave your job = to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving. To retire = to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health. To Lose Your Job:- To be dismissed | To be fired | To get fired | To be sacked | To get the sack | To get the chop | To get your P45 | To lose your job = to be asked to leave a job, usually because you have done something wrong or badly, or sometimes as a way of saving the cost of employing you. To be made redundant = to lose your job because your employer no longer needs you. is a great website to start Elementary students off learnng about different basic skills. ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids. The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year. Apple, The New York Times, USA Today, Parents Magazine and Scholastic, to name just a few, have featured ABCya’s popular educational games. ABCya’s award-winning Preschool computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years. Our educational games are easy to use and classroom friendly, with a focus on the alphabet, numbers, shapes, storybooks, art, music, holidays and much more!
Be au prétérit simple-anglais Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°52909 : Be au prétérit simple - cours To be in the simple past tense : I was you were he/she/it was we were you were they were Was I? I was not you were not he/she/it was not we were not you were not they were not I wasn't you weren't he/she/it wasn't we weren't you weren't they weren't (contracted form) Short answers with to be : We usually use the contraction in the negative form. Was he here yesterday ? Were they at work at 8.00 am? Exercise : Complete the sentences. Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Be au prétérit simple - cours"Un exercice d'anglais gratuit pour apprendre l'anglais.