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Brain Pump - Learn something new

Brain Pump - Learn something new

The 10 best podcasts for designers Podcasts are quickly becoming a mainstay in design culture. They're a great way to find out what's going in the design world while you commute, work out at the gym, or take the dog for a walk. For those who've always wished they could turn on their radio and listen to people chatting about design, this post lists 12 informative, fun, and thought-provoking podcasts that every designer should be listening (and subscribing) to. If web design is your thing, here's a list of the 18 best web design podcasts.

How to Supercharge Problem Solving With Visual Thinking Dan Roam believes we are all capable of using visual thinking to solve complex problems. His first book, The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas With Pictures, helped ignite a movement of visual innovators and problem solvers. Since then, Dan has written four more books about visual thinking and even launched an online “napkin academy” to help unlock all of our potential to give visual form to ideas. We spoke with Dan about why visual thinking is such a powerful and underutilized practice for strategy and innovation. Lisa Kay Solomon: A lot of people confuse visual thinking with drawing. Can you tell us what you mean by visual thinking?

Read the World's Best Books for Free With the Harvard Classics Advertisement Most of us struggle to choose which book to read next. Either we’ve run out of recommendations, or our “to read” list leaves us spoiled for choice. And with time being so short, we don’t want to risk wasting any of it on a book that’s less than par. This article details a multi-volume collection of works known as The Harvard Classics, which can now be downloaded absolutely free of charge. Education That Beats Inflation: 6 Ways to Learn for Free By Lou Carlozo, dealnews contributor At dealnews, we pride ourselves on our ability to spot bargains in any consumer product category you can name. That includes looking in to ways to save on your and your brood's education, though we wouldn't blame you if you've given up hope, as college costs have soared far above inflation for years. According to a 2011 Pew Research Center report, a four-year private college education tripled in cost between 1980 and 2010.

A scientist explores the mysteries of the gut-brain connection Sacha Vega/iStock If you were asked where the human body’s nervous system is located, you’d probably answer “the brain” or “the spinal cord.” But besides the central nervous system, which consists of those two organs, our bodies also contain the enteric nervous system, a two-layer lining with more than 100 million nerve cells that spans our guts from the esophagus to the rectum. The enteric nervous system has been called “the second brain,” and it’s in constant contact with the one in our skull.

About IMOS Home About IMOS IMOS stands for "In Memory Of Socrates." Socrates urged us all to use our minds and, more specifically, our intellectual abilities to examine our lives, our beliefs, our principles, our actions and our ideas. As individuals and as a society, we far too often fail to follow this good advice. 8 Cheat Sheet Wallpapers for Designers and Developers Web designers and developers have a lot to remember, from keyboard shortcuts to function names. That’s why it’s handy to have cheat sheets near by for a quick reference. Most people like to print out there cheat sheets on paper and have them sitting on their desk, but another convenient place for a cheat sheet is right on your computers desktop in the form of a wallpaper. Here we’ve rounded up a few very useful cheat sheets for web designers and developers that can be used as desktop wallpapers. Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Color Theory Quick Reference Poster

13 Fascinating and Insightful Books to Read in 2018 - Inside Out Style I’ve always loved reading, in fact, I spent years working in publishing and working with amazing authors, and though I don’t have the time I used to, to read, I still love a good book. These days I “read” more using Audible (listening) than reading as I can listen to books when I’m driving, running or walking, mowing the lawn and gardening, and of course, cleaning. Listening to books makes me feel that doing chores and things I don’t enjoy (not a natural cleaner) is less of a waste of my precious time! What have I enjoyed or found fascinating reading/listening to this year? Let me share with you some I’ve found insightful and fascinating.
