6 Humans With Real “Superpowers” That Science Can’t Explain Whether they are savants who can paint a masterpiece blindfolded in seconds, geniuses who can calculate numbers only a computer could, or regular people who can remember every single detail of their lives down to the date and time, humans with special abilities seem to be abundant in society. But special abilities go far beyond what many savants are doing today, and science has been studying these abilities for decades, despite the fact that the results are not always emphasized by mainstream academia. Below are a few of many examples that will make you stop and question what you think you know. Ingo Swann & Remote Viewing Remote viewing is the ability of a person to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometers from their actual physical location. In these experiments, multiple individuals were able to describe distinct objects that were located in a separate room, and at other remote physical locations from where their body was not. Stephen Wiltshire
Ces 9 choses qui vous arrivent lorsque vous êtes en train de mourir... C'est hallucinant ! Y a-t-il une vie après la mort ? Voilà une question existentielle que la plupart des gens se posent, et à laquelle nous n'obtiendrons pas de réponse de notre vivant, puisqu'il faudrait mourir pour cela... Mais est-ce bien sûr..? Certaines personnes disent avoir approché de très près la mort, au point de pouvoir nous dire ce qui se trouve "de l'autre côté" . 1. La très grande majorité des personnes qui se sont sentis mourir ont déclaré avoir vu la fameuse "lumière au bout du tunnel". 2. Nombreuses sont les personnes qui ont eu l'impression que leur esprit sortait de leur propre corps, et qui ont pu observer leur enveloppe charnelle en dessous d'eux. 3. Beaucoup déclarent également avoir senti une sorte de présence extérieure. 4. Il est assez fréquent que les personnes qui ont frôlé la mort déclarent ensuite avoir eu des visions alors qu'ils etaient allongés, prêts à rendre leur dernier souffle. 5. 6. Soyez prêts à revivre les meilleurs et les pires instants de votre vie. 7. 8. 9.
Japanese Master Demonstrates the Power of Chi by Controlling Animals Buck Rogers, StaffWaking Times We too often take it for granted that human beings only have five senses, and whenever something cannot be immediately explained within the framework of modern science, we tend to brush it off as an anomaly, or an oddity. “I exchange energy with the animals, and then they go to sleep.” -Master Kanzawa Sensei For thousands of years practitioners of eastern martial and meditative arts have been attuned to the subtle presence of chi, the life force energy that animates all living things. Qigong is the practice of cultivating the energy, and Japanese chi master, Kanzawa Sensei is known for his ability to control animals with the power of his mind and chi, a rare and extraordinary example of the powers of Qigong. As he explains it, he exchanges energy with the animals, and then they go to sleep. “What he did after the filming though was most extraordinary as he worked with one of my female alpacas who that same morning was behaving very strangely.
Jean Jacques CHARBONNIER : voyage dans l’au-delà. | Richard Federmann « Pourquoi n’as-tu pas pleuré ? « Qui n’a jamais entendu cette phrase dans une situation dans laquelle la mort est évoquée ? Sujet tabou par excellence. L’homme civilisé a tout exploré : la planète, les fonds sous-marins, les mondes souterrains et même l’espace. Nous comprenons bien que le monde des morts est de l’ordre de l’invisible, de l’impalpable comme tout ce qui touche à l’âme. Le Docteur Charbonnier anesthésiste réanimateur ; Membre de la société française de réanimation se propose de répondre de façon claire et convaincante aux questions les plus récurrentes posées par les « non-initiés » et les sceptiques. Pour en savoir plus : jean-jacques.charbonnier.fr Vous avez aimé cette émission ?
Harvard Goes To The Himalayas – Monks With ‘Superhuman’ Abilities Show Scientists What We Can All Do It’s fascinating to consider just how many ancient teachings tell us that humans have the capacity to gain extraordinary powers through various techniques. Some of these techniques, known as siddhis in the yoga tradition (from the Sanskrit, meaning “perfection”), include meditation, static dancing, drumming, praying, fasting, psychedelics, and more. In Buddhism, for example, the existence of advanced powers is readily acknowledged; in fact, Buddha expected his disciples to be able to attain these abilities, but also to not become distracted by them. A Professor of Buddhist and Tibetan Studies at the University of Michigan, Donald Lopez Jr., describes the many abilities ascribed to Buddha: Again, there are numerous historical anecdotes of people with, as the Institute of Noetic Sciences calls them, ‘extended human capacities.” Since this article is focused on Buddhist monks, here is another example from the lore as written by Swami Rama in Living with the Himalayan Masters: R.C.
Découverte d'une hormone qui augmente la durée de vie RÉGIME. Faire un régime allonge t-il la durée de vie ? C'est prouvé chez un grand nombre d'espèces, de la levure aux primates, en passant par le chat. Mais attention : un régime drastique est difficilement soutenable, entraînant irritabilité, baisse de la libido et même baisse de la fertilité. Un lien établi entre allongement de la durée de vie et baisse de la fertilité DÉCOUVERTE. Dans la revue Nature communications, l'équipe détaille sa découverte : chez ce ver, manger moins entraîne la production d'une hormone, l'acide dafachronique, qui a la particularité d'augmenter la longévité et de diminuer la fertilité. Représentation de l'augmentation de la durée de vie par restriction calorique (en orange) par comparaison avec des animaux nourris à volonté (courbe blanche). Vers des applications thérapeutiques ? MÉCANISME.
Scientists Witness Eye-Opening Effects Of ‘QI Energy’ On Plant DNA & Cellular Growth Why does the title of this article emphasize that ‘truly impossible’ results were witnessed? Because providing an explanation for what happened here is literally impossible right now, despite the fact that it happened repeatedly. Extra ordinary human potential is something that has been studied for decades; and although a number of studies have been conducted which have yielded statistically significant results, there is still a harsh resistance by mainstream scientists to look at these topics. On the other hand, many distinguished scientists are also recognizing and accepting the importance and relevance of this type of phenomena. Quantum mechanics has questioned what we perceive to be the ‘material’ foundations of the world by showing that subatomic particles and atoms are not really solid objects, and has brought human consciousness into the equation. “I regard consciousness as fundamental. These abilities have been demonstrated before under controlled conditions. Take the FREE class.
Preuves de la télépathie comportementale de masse Preuves de la télépathie comportementale de masse Synapse Certains chercheurs le soupçonnaient déjà depuis longtemps, surtout des ethnologues, anthropologues, des spécialistes des systèmes d'informations et des spécialistes du comportement, il existait une forme inconnue de transmission des informations d'individus ou d'un groupe d'individus à un autre groupe d'individus d'une même espèce, même extrêmement éloignés l'un de l'autre et sans contacts physiques. Le phénomène a été également constaté par les archéologues et surtout les spécialistes de datations : des comportements et inventions humaines ont bien littéralement traversé les océans ou les espaces vides trop rapidement pour qu'il y ait des contacts physiques entre ces différentes sociétés humaines n'ayant pour certaines aucun lien tribal entre elles. La réalité de ce phénomène télépathique liant tous les individus d'une espèce a été prouvée assez récemment, grâce à l'observation constante de tribus de singes asiatiques. Synapses
Russia's Indigo Child: A reincarnated soul from Mars with fascinating knowledge baffles scientists Boriska, Russia’s Indigo Child: A young boy said to have lived on Mars and reincarnated on Earth According to reports, a young boy called Boris Kipriyanovich, who lives in Russia’s Volgograd region, is a reincarnated Indigo Child. His knowledge and skills have fascinated not only his parents but researchers who have studied the young boy. (scroll down for a video interview) Boriska’s mother claims the boys knowledge of the universe is fascinating. Ever since Boriska (his nickname) was four years old, he was used to visiting an anomalous zone referred to as Medvedetskaya Gryada, which a small mountain in the vicinity of Zhirinovsk, where the boy lives with his parents. While the story might sound fascinating and unbelievable to some, his parents, well-educated people are in fact worried about the incredible talents their son possesses. Boriska’s mother, a local doctor, noticed how special Boriska was since he was a baby. 15 days after birth the young child could hold his head without aid.
En Écosse, un enfant se souvient de sa vie antérieure : retour sur les lieux Scientists Witness “Woman With Exceptional Powers” Of Mind Rapidly Grow A Plant From A Seed Why does the title of this article emphasize that ‘truly impossible’ results were witnessed? Because providing an explanation for what happened here is literally impossible right now, despite the fact that it happened repeatedly. Extra ordinary human potential is something that has been studied for decades; and although a number of studies have been conducted which have yielded statistically significant results, there is still a harsh resistance by mainstream scientists to look at these topics. On the other hand, many distinguished scientists are also recognizing and accepting the importance and relevance of this type of phenomena. Material science is great, but it’s time to usher in the reality of non-material science, something Nikola Tesla said would advance humanity immensely, with progress increasing at an exponential rate. “I regard consciousness as fundamental. These abilities have been demonstrated before under controlled conditions. Pretty remarkable isn’t it?