50 Typography Tutorials Photoshop’s text and layer tools can be used to create some really awesome effects. We’ve put together a list of 60 of the best tutorials we could find to help you stay up to date on the latest trends and techniques. You’ll find some really cool grunge and glass styles (plus a few surprises!) Courtesy: LemonDesign1 Instead of listing 100 plus tutorials that you’ll bookmark never to come back, we’ve decided to take you through the basics of typography, hopefully inspiring and then teaching you. You may want to take a look at the following related posts: Introduction to Typography Link Typography is the art of arranging type, designing type, and modifying type glyphs. Here are some resources to give you further insight: The Wisest Mind Has Something Yet to Learn Link And we, too, never stop being inspired, learning and creating: How to Choose the Right Type Link Guess if you can, choose if you dare. Resources to Live by Link Here Come the Tutorials Link Go Crazy with 3D Link Chunky 3D letters33
FontPair - Helps you pair Google Fonts together Perfect Full Page Background Image Learn Development at Frontend Masters This post was originally published on August 21, 2009 and is now updated as it has been entirely revised. Both original methods are removed and now replaced by four new methods. The goal here is a background image on a website that covers the entire browser window at all times. Fills entire page with image, no white spaceScales image as neededRetains image proportions (aspect ratio)Image is centered on pageDoes not cause scrollbarsAs cross-browser compatible as possibleIsn’t some fancy shenanigans like Flash Image above credited to this site. Awesome, Easy, Progressive CSS3 Way We can do this purely through CSS thanks to the background-size property now in CSS3. Works in: Safari 3+Chrome Whatever+IE 9+Opera 10+ (Opera 9.5 supported background-size but not the keywords)Firefox 3.6+ (Firefox 4 supports non-vendor prefixed version) View Demo But careful, reader Pierre Orsander said they tried this and had some problems with links on the page going dead. Enjoy
What is typography? Learn the basic rules and terms of type! | Typography Typography is, quite simply, the art and technique of arranging type. It's central to the work and skills of a designer and is about much more than making the words legible. Your choice of typeface and how you make it work with your layout, grid, colour scheme, design theme and so on will make the difference between a good, bad and great design. There are lots of typography tutorials around to help you master the discipline. But good typography is often down to creative intuition. Once you're comfortable with the basics, visit some typography resources to investigate font families and discover some font pairings that are made for each other. Choosing a font There's an astonishing array of paid-for and free fonts to choose from online. A typeface, like any form of design, is created by craftsmen over a substantial period of time, using the talent and experience they've been honing for many years. 01. All typefaces are not created equally. 02. 03. 04. 05.
Codrops | Useful resources and inspiration for creative minds 20 Most Downloaded Fonts A unique opportunity for all the web designers and fans of digital typography! Today, Cruzine, daily online magazine for thousands of web designers, in collaboration with Fonts2u team, who recently introduced a cutting edge option for web fonts embedding, known as @font-face kits, offers today a unique collection of 20 most downloaded fonts. This list, containing different kinds of computer fonts, represents the most current trends and tendencies in the typography, web design, and other application fields for custom fonts. Take your chance to look through the collection of the most popular free fonts on the web and do not hesitate to download any font or fonts you would wish to use in your own projects. Also, you are welcomed to visit Fonts2u.com and give a try to their novel option of free @font-face kits downloads. akaDora karabinE. 28 Days Later Aerovias Brasil NF Champagne & Limousines the King & Queen font Harabara Bold Decker Hawaii Lover PT Banana Split Faith Collapsing Arista curlyJoe Cyclo
20+ интернет места со бесплатни кирилици | okno.mk Освен употребната фонтовите имаат и естетска вредност. Значи: можете и само да ги гледате ☺ Како вљубеник во типографијата, писмата и кириличните фонтови, многу често добивам прашања (или заклучоци) од типот „немам кирилични фонтови!“, „нема добри кирилици! 1. - Македонскиот портал (или блог) за графички дизајн има голема база на фонтови и сите се со комплетна поддршка за македонски јазик. 2. - Ласко Џуровски (Totem font) - најголемиот македонски мајстор на типографијата и правењето фонтови, дизајнерот на најпопуларниот македонски фонт Skola на својот Behance профил нуди за преземање лудница кирилици. 3. - Типокујна - во 2013 година беше одржана првата работилница за македонски кирилични фонтови. 5. - Фонтови направени од графичкиот дизајнер Миша Панфилов. 9.