.::. Blog do Birungueta - Software Portable .::. Samuel Lutheran Church - Muskegon, MI » Hedy Lamarr: Great Sluts in History - Beverly Diehl - Medium Austrian-born actress Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler was a goddess on screen… and a techno-geek in her spare time. She first scampered into movies in Germany in 1930, with her nude scenes and simulated orgasm in 1933’s Extase (Ecstacy) at age 18 raising controversy. At the time of the movie’s release, she was married to munitions manufacturer Friedrich Mandl, one of Hitler’s best buds. In 1937 she escaped to Paris, where she met Louis B. Cropped screenshot of Hedy Lamarr from the trailer for the film Lady of the Tropics (Photo credit: Wikipedia) With a new last name chosen in tribute to silent film star Barbara La Marr, Hedy La Marr would begin her Hollywood career with a film called Algiers, and go on to make dozens of movies in the 1930’s and 1940's. However her film roles did not satisfy her active mind. White Cargo one of Lamarr’s biggest hits at MGM, contains, arguably, her most memorable film quote delivered with hints of a provocative invitation: “I am Tondelayo.
Perché la pulizia del colon è importante? – Scopri DrNatura La disintossicazione non è una terapia sconosciuta e riservata a poch privilegiati usano ma . Prima di decidere quale metodo o prodotto utilizzare per questo scopo, è opportuno conoscere : , che, progressivamente, eliminano gli accumuli tossici depositati nel corso degli anni e i parassiti dannosi. Mentre si ripulisce il colon dai parassiti dannosi che mantengono in equilibrio la flora batterica, così come con estratti di piante terapeutiche come la silimarina (estratto di cardo mariano). Infine, con l'aiuto di erbe specifiche, vitamine, aminoacidi e sali minerali e da altre sostanze tossiche. Che cosa sono Drnatura e il Colonix? La ditta americana con due programmi di alto livello ed efficacia, e . Adesso potete acquistare il programma di disintossicazione più famoso al mondo con lo sconto del 22%-44%! Il prezzo della confezione di Colonix varia al momento in relazione alla quantità ordinata. Il Toxinout è vivamente raccomandato insieme al Colonix! "Incredibile! - Monica, 31 ottobre
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20 Brutal Truths About Life No One Wants to Admit It's much easier to talk about the weather, sports, and celebrities than your fear of mortality. Unfortunately, the more time you spend pretending that ultimate truths don't exist, the more time you waste not being your authentic self and getting the most out of every precious second. Time, not money, is your most valuable asset. Allow the list below to ignite the spark of motivation you need to make better use of the time you have on this planet. Sometimes we need to head into the storm to appreciate the light and have a renewed passion for the beauty of life. Here are 20 brutal truths that every single person needs to hear. 1. Stop pretending that you're invincible. 2. This truth may be saddening at first, but it also gives you permission to make amends with past difficulties and re-establish meaningful relationships with important figures in your life. 3. Even if you're one of the lucky ones who achieves his or her materialistic dreams, money only amplifies that which was already present.
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Koinonia THE MAN WHO WALKS WITH THE HEALER When a man chooses a woman who follows her calling, his only chance to maintain the connection is in following her… and above all in creating space for her to follow her own path. It may happen that he needs to abandon his own neediness, or that he finds a means of healing through their common path – but not in the gentlest manner. When a man chooses a woman who heals the collective wounds of the women by following her calling, his Yes for her equals a Yes to a bigger purpose far beyond building a house or raising children. Their connection goes beyond fulfilling the classical gender role models. For this man accepts the job of having the back of this woman, of catching her when she cannot transform the pain of the world anymore. Because when a man chooses a woman who aims for freedom, they can only achieve this together… and by him leaving his narcissistic aspects behind and recognizing the path of the woman as his own path towards freedom. ~ Moksha Devi Sunshine
MY gmail account was Hacked - Gmail Help If your account has been hacked/compromised/stolen and you have been able to regain access to it, there are several steps you should take to make sure it's secure again. Check each of the following account settings and make sure they are correct. Account Security: Settings -> Accounts -> Change Account Settings -> Change Password [pick a new secure password] Settings -> Accounts -> Change Account Settings -> Change password recovery options [verify your recovery phone number and e-mail address] Settings -> Accounts -> Change Account Settings -> Other Google account settings -> Email Address -> Edit [verify your name and other settings] Settings -> Accounts -> Change Account Settings -> Other Google account settings -> Security -> Password -> App Passwords -> Settings [revoke Access to any sites listed] Settings -> Accounts -> Change Account Settings -> Other Google account settings -> Security -> Account Permissions -> View All [revoke access to any untrusted sites/apps] Potential Spam:
The Barna Group - Barna Update How Women's ‘Health-Care Gaslighting’ Went Mainstream In her 23 years practicing medicine, Sherif has received a lot of thank-you notes from women she’s treated—and “they don’t say ‘Thank you for saving my life’ or ‘Thank you for that great diagnosis,’” she says. “They say, ‘Thank you for listening to me.’ Or ‘I know we couldn’t get to the bottom of it, but thank you for being there.’” So Sherif sees a common theme in the recent flurry of high-profile expressions of disappointment in women’s reproductive health care, feminist protests against President Donald Trump, and the #MeToo movement: All three, she says, result from women feeling that their complaints, concerns, and objections aren’t being listened to. “Perhaps it parallels what’s changing in our society,” Sherif says. “When we shine a light in those dirty, dark corners, I think it may give us courage to shed light on other things.” We want to hear what you think about this article.
Tor Project: Android Instructions Tor on Android Tor is available for Android by installing our package named Orbot. Orbot is an application that allows mobile phone users to access the web, instant messaging and email without being monitored or blocked by their mobile internet service provider. Orbot brings the features and functionality of Tor to the Android mobile operating system. Orbot contains Tor and libevent. Installing Orbot from a F-Droid repository Follow these instructions to install from Guardian Project's repository. Installing Orbot from the Android Market Orbot is available in the Android Market. Installing Tor from Guardian's website manually You can download the most recent version from the Guardian Project release listing. Screenshots of Tor on Android Proxy settings and configuration Orbot offers three interfaces into the Tor network: SOCKS 4A/5 proxy HTTP proxy Transparent proxying (on select devices) Platform specific notes For standard Android 1.x devices: For Android 2.x devices:
Chris Harrison - Visualizing the Bible This set of visualizations started as a collaboration between Christoph Römhild and myself. Christoph, a Lutheran Pastor, first emailed me in October of 2007. He described a data set he was putting together that defined textual cross references found in the Bible. The bar graph that runs along the bottom represents all of the chapters in the Bible. Soon after finishing the cross-references arc visualization, I set out to create a new data set derived from the Bible’s text. Additional details: Entities with less than 40 connections are drawn at an angle. With the biblical names list already compiled and a copy of the King James Bible sitting on my desktop, another visualization was inevitable. Visually, this is the entire Bible printed on a single piece of paper (you'll need to look at the high-res version to see it). I've provided the visualization in three color themes.