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National Women's History Museum - NWHM

National Women's History Museum - NWHM

Un musée virtuel de la photo vue du ciel - Grande Région Comme une encyclopédie de la photo aérienne, le musée virtuel de la société «L’Europe vue du ciel» a ouvert ce jeudi. Pour Jean-Luc Kaiser, initiateur du projet, ce site doit devenir une banque de données d’archives inédite dans le domaine, grâce aux apports et aux témoignages «que des collectionneurs ou professionnels voudront bien y apporter». L'entreprise a réalisé près de 142 000 photos et l'histoire de l’épopée de la photographie aérienne est expliqué sur site Internet. De plus, une exposition «physique» se tient sur l’aérodrome de Chambley Planet’air, tous les jours entre 14h et 17h. Le «web-musée» s’intéresse à l’histoire de la photo aérienne, débutée avec les prises de vues de Nadar, né il y a tout juste 155 ans, dont la première, réalisée en 1858, est considéré comme la première en France et probablement au monde. Chaque année, «L’Europe vue du ciel» réalise entre 10 000 et 15 000 photos. (JV/L'essentiel Online)

Natural Fertilizers for Citrus Trees Citrus trees are beneficial for gardeners--not only for the delicious harvest, but also for the shade, fragrance and splashes of color they provide. In order to produce top quality citrus fruit, these trees must be fertilized often and heavily with high levels of nitrogen. The most ideal time to fertilize citrus trees in frost free areas is in January, to encourage February blossoming. In areas where frost may occur until March, fertilize the trees after the last frost. Feed one- to two-year old trees every month, and older trees quarterly. Manure Manure not only refers to the fertile excrement that comes from animals after they eat plant matter, but also an addition of other materials mixed with the excrement. Blood Meal As one of the most prized single natural fertilizers available, blood meal, also called dried blood, is known for containing a quickly soluble form of every element that is needed for quality plant growth. Fish Emulsion

Wonderopolis | Where the Wonders of Learning Never Cease Musées en Ligne Accueil/TICC/Glossaire/Ressources en Ligne/Pratiques pédagogiques/Infos culturelles/Formation/Nouveaux collègues/Biblio./Programmes/Contacts Musées en ligne... my tree of life grows yarn: Anatomy of a Strapping Young Lad "Strapping young lad." There is nothing like those three words. Indeed, any of these words without the other two are meaningless. The three must combine and blend to form the most perfect of males. Here is Trevor Lewington and Brian Buchanan of Enter the haggis sporting their amiable qualities. Note their adorable and slightly silly smiles. As you can see, the world would be at a loss without fine young men such as these. Strapping Young Lad Bag Materials2 skeins Paton's Shetland Chunky Tweed Size 10.5 straight needlesTapestry needleA fat quarter of fabric for lining2 leather buttons2 snap closuressewing needle and brown thread Pattern Body-Cast on 36 stitches-Work in seed stitch until piece measures 17.5 inches. Flap-Pick up 30 stitches alongside one of the shorter sides of the body (i.e. the row you just cast off) Leave a three-stitch margin on either side, so that the stitches you are picking up are centered (your flap won’t be as wide as the body, obviously.)

Books Whatever your age and whatever type of books you like to read, we can always help you to find something new. You can use the Booktrust bookfinder to look for books to suit your tastes and interests, browse our archive of interviews with authors or just see what's out this month that should be catching your eye in the bookshop or the library. We recommend books for people of all ages, from babies to adults and offer you three categories - children's, teenage and adults - so that you can quickly find what's of most interest to you. Booktrust Best Book Guide 2013 Download the new 2013 Booktrust Best Book Guide, which brings together reviews of some of our favourite children's books published in the last year. Writing Tips Take a look at our latest writing tips from authors and experts in their field - including advice for getting motivated, getting your work to a high standard and getting published Children's Books Teenagers' Books Young Adults' Books Bookstart Booktime Letterbox Club Bookbuzz

La lutte des musées privés chinois Une pénurie de professionnels, le manque de fonds sont des problèmes pratiques pour les musées privés chinois L'annonce de l'entrée gratuite dans les musées d'État a été un véritable choc pour Wang Ziyong, propriétaire d'un musée privé à Shijiazhuang, dans la province du Hebei. Wang a expliqué que cette nouvelle constitue un nouveau revers pour son musée de la Tabatière, qui dépend des droits d'entrée pour pouvoir joindre les deux bouts. "Ils (les musées appartenant à l'Etat) bénéficient de subventions et nous n'aurions rien si nous décidions de renoncer aux droits d'entrée», a déclaré Wang. Un nombre croissant de musées publics sont devenus gratuits pour le public depuis 2008, lorsque le Conseil d'Etat a encouragé les musées à la gratuité pour les visiteurs. "Nous avons la difficulté pratique de ne pas pouvoir nous permettre plus de 40.000 yuans (6.310 $) pour la facture d'électricité mensuelle du musée pendant l'été", a déclaré Wang. Zhang Kun a contribué à cet article.

Motivation: How To Get It And Maintain It with 33 Tips This post is available in audio format. Being motivated is a wonderful state of your being. In that state your body leverages huge amounts of energy. Your emotional field is totally balanced, physically you’re able to climb the Everest and mentally you understand the whole Universe in a split of a second. I know you know the feeling. The good news is that you can re-create this state pretty much whenever you want. 1. Learning to ignore is a fantastic lesson. 2. And avoid it. 3. Watch comedies, read comics. 4. Do you remember when you had the first major success of your life? 5. This is one the easiest and simplest way to summon motivation. 6. You can’t be motivated if you work in an environment which does not represent you. 7. Like in other people success stories. 8. You will get bored if you work on the same projects for too long. 9. If you work constantly you will make some progress, that’s a rule. 10. With your friends or family. 11. 12. 13. 14. As part of the game. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Classroom Resources Home › Classroom Resources Grades K – 12 | Student Interactive Venn Diagram This interactive tool allows students to create Venn diagrams that contain two or three overlapping circles, enabling them to organize their information logically. Grades 3 – 12 | Mobile App Word Mover Word Mover allows children and teens to create "found poetry" by choosing from word banks and existing famous works; additionally, users can add new words to create a piece of poetry by moving/manipulating the text. Grades 3 – 12 | Student Interactive Trading Card Creator This tool provides a fun and useful way to explore a variety of topics such as a character in a book, a person or place from history, or even a physical object. Go to Lesson Plans Grades 2 – 5 | Lesson Plan Bringing Economic Vocabulary to Life Through Video Posters Imagine if vocabulary could come alive with the click of a button! Grades 6 – 8 | Lesson Plan E-pals Around the World Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan Grades 8 – 12 | Lesson Plan

Non-Hybrid Seeds | Non-Hybrid Vegetable Fruit Grain Herb Seeds Chicago History Museum | Classroom Resources The Chicago History Museum’s classroom resources include curriculum for grades 1 through 12 and include both online and downloadable activities; lesson plans span a variety of topics and meet a range of state learning standards. Abraham Lincoln Grades 5–12 This group of four lessons examines key subjects and events in Lincoln's lifetime. Each lesson includes high-quality reproductions of images and documents from the Museum's collection as well as background information, analysis questions, instructional strategies, and extension activities. > Explore the Abraham Lincoln lesson plans > Download the history soundscape audio files > Download the history soundscape citations (PDF, 109 KB) Catholic Chicago Resources for Teachers Grades 3–12 This resource originally developed for Catholic Chicago, a temporary exhibition on display through 2008 can also be used in the Chicago: Crossroads of America exhibition. > Learn more about how to use these materials during your visit Civil War Grades 3–12

Olga Suvorova Olga Suvorova "Olga Suvorova was born in St Petersburg in 1966 and studied monumental composition at the famous Repin Institute of Fine Arts in St Petersburg. She has been influenced by her parents, Igor and Natalya, both highly praised artists in St Petersburg. Other influences include Gustav Klimt, Piero della Francesca, and traditional Russian icons. Olga's talent was rewarded with a unique exhibition in the Institute in the spring of 1990; in 1993 she was awarded first prize for her year. Her paintings of the players in "Comedia de arte" have a haunting quality that sets her apart from the many young talented artists emerging from the Institute. Radio The Moth Radio Hour features our most beloved tales and the stories behind the stories. The series debuted in 2009 and is now airing on more than 200 stations nationwide. Due to popular demand, The Moth Radio Hour is now available WEEKLY. Preview the show now at PRX’s website! The Moth Radio Hour is produced by The Moth’s Artistic Director, Catherine Burns, and Jay Allison at Atlantic Public Media, and presented by PRX, the Public Radio Exchange. The Moth Radio Hour is produced with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The Moth Radio Hour is supported by the John D. and Catherine T. This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, which believes that a great nation deserves great art.

Memorado The origins of brain training For decades scientists from all over the world have investigated how our brain functions and how specific training programs could foster the strength of our brain. The earliest research on Brain Gym was conducted by Paul Dennison who was a school teacher in Los Angeles in the 1960s. The development of brain training In the 1990s, the topic of brain gym was looked at under the name of Brain fitness and defined as the ability of a human being to process information, understand relationships, take decisions and arrive at conclusions. The influence of brain training on education and health Whilst Memorado cannot influence formal education, we can change all the other options to enhance the fitness oft he brain. The structure of Memorado's brain training program Memorado's training program is focused on 5 aspects of brain training: Speed, Logic, Concentration, Reaction and Memory. What happens in the brain during training? IQ-Training - myth and truth

Women's contributions and accomplishments for the most part have been
overlooked and consequently omitted from mainstream culture. The
National Women's History Museum will help fill that void. by nda_librarian Apr 30
