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Tag: Adobe After Effects Adobe After Effects&Softimage “3D Compositing Guide – part2″ by Simon Reeves This is the 2nd part of this guide, more ‘how’ than ‘what’ from the first part. I’ve just realised how long ago it was now when I wrote the first part nearly 6 months, time flies these days . Check the first part about the different passes you may want to use and why, here... Quba HQ » Tutorials&Presets Are After Effects cameras difficult to use? Every now and then there is an outburst of tutorials, plugins, presets and rigs for After Effects camera controls. We have sure targets, orbit cameras, simple rigs, complex rigs and tons upon tons of tutorials on this subject. In fact, Rich from After Effects portal recently released a lengthy post over at aetuts+ compiling a list of resources, tools and videos talking about AE cameras. Personally, I find cameras in After Effects extremely intuitive, easy to use and simple, so I have problems understanding why does this topic tend to reemerge so often. Loading ... Vote in the poll above, and if you have something specific you’d like to see covered/explained – drop a comment underneath this post.

Tutorials Main Motionworks/ Tutorials Main Shop Tutorials Shows About Support © copyright 2011 Motionworks. loading Archive | After Effects Simple Camera Rig Posted on 10. Jun, 2013 by Jerzy Drozda Jr. If you ever struggled with your After Effects 3D camera than this tutorial is for you. See how you can use my Simple Camera Rig to solve all you camera problems. Morphing 3D Shapes Posted on 04. Creating truly three-dimensional shapes in After Effects was always a task with no perfect, fast and convenient solution. Studying 3D Camera Tracker Posted on 28. I’ve tried many match-moving applications over the years, and nothing beats the build-in 3D Camera Tracker in After Effects CS6, eventhough it’s fully automatic with no manual control over the tracking process. The Matrix Raining Code Posted on 02. Have you ever felt that theres something wrong with this world? Bitweiser Light Posted on 12. Problems with overerexposed footage? Youveelizer Posted on 06. UV mapping finally available in After Effects. Shutter Streak Posted on 27. Spot Focus Posted on 22. Tilt Shift Posted on 20. ChromAberration

Tutorials <div class="text-center no-script"> Toolfarm requires javascript to be turned on. Please turn on javascript and reload the page. </div> Burning Question: How can I learn NUKE quickly as an AE user? Nov 12, 2015 The Foundry’s NUKE has become a powerhouse in VFX. Go To Tutorial → Go To Tutorial → C4D Spotlight: MoGraph Tracer Object I have a big list of topics that I’d like to cover in CINEMA 4D as I’m learning it. Go To Tutorial → Go To Tutorial → In Depth: Repairing Damaged Pixels Dead pixels, stuck pixels, bad pixel, burnt pixels, hot pixels… there are lots of types of damaged pixels and they’re annoying. Go To Tutorial → Go To Tutorial → In Depth: Transitions, Part 2: The Swish Pan The swish pan is known by many monikers: whip pan, roll pan, swipe pan, flick pan, zip pan, and whoosh are just a few. Go To Tutorial → Go To Tutorial → In Depth: Gun Fire and Muzzle Flash If you’re planning on making an epic action film like Max Max: Fury Road or Rambo, you’re going to need lots of fire power.
