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Helen Timperley om professionellt lärande - Del 1

Helen Timperley om professionellt lärande - Del 1
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Learning Oriented Assessment What is Learning Oriented Assessment (LOA)? The term Learning Oriented Assessment is one of several which have been used in recent years with a similar purpose in mind: to carve out a place for a form of assessment with different priorities and values from those of traditional assessment, with its focus on reliability and validity. Like the classroom-based assessment movement in the US, or the Assessment Reform Group’s promotion of formative assessment or Assessment for Learning in the UK, LOA proposes a form of assessment whose primary purpose is to promote learning. Cambridge English Language Assessment approaches LOA from an assessment specialist perspective, taking a systemic view where assessment operates on multiple levels and takes many forms. Our conception of LOA reflects an intention to change the traditional relationship of assessment to learning. Cambridge English Empower takes learning-oriented approach Find out more about Cambridge English Empower Find out more about LOA

Center för skolutveckling Reciprocal Teaching Before Reciprocal Teaching can be used successfully by your students, they need to have been taught and had time to practice the four strategies that are used in reciprocal teaching (summarizing, questioning, predicting, clarifying). One way to get students prepared to use reciprocal teaching: (from Donna Dyer of the North West Regional Education Service Agency in North Carolina) Put students in groups of four. Distribute one note card to each member of the group identifying each person's unique role: Summarizer Questioner Clarifier Predictor Have students read a few paragraphs of the assigned text selection. Encourage them to use note-taking strategies such as selective underlining or sticky-notes to help them better prepare for their role in the discussion. For more information, see the article Reciprocal Teaching for the Primary Grades: "We Can Do It, Too!". Download blank templates

Startsidan - Svenska lärare ska motverka främlingsfientlighet, men samtidigt inte i sin lärargärning påverka eleverna att ta ställning för eller emot politiska partier. De ska leda diskussioner i klassrummet runt mångfald och invandring i en värld där det finns partier som omväxlande benämns ”populistiska”, ”högerextrema”, ”främlingsfientliga” eller rentav som ”rasistiska” och som blivit invalda i parlament och i andra demokratiska sammanhang. Mot denna bakgrund har Lärarnas Yrkesetiska Råd gjort ett uttalande som kanske hellre kan beskrivas som ett tankestöd i arbetet. Här finns diskussioner exempelvis kring hur rasism och främlingsfientlighet kan komma till uttryck och hur begreppen kan förstås. Här finns också resonemang runt lärares utrymme och skyldigheter att agera i sammanhanget och yrkesetiska aspekter på detta. Lärarnas Yrkesetiska Råd ger här inga enkla svar på svåra frågor.

Reciprocal Teaching for the Primary Grades: "We Can Do It, Too!" In 1978, Durkin (1978-1979) made what continues to be an alarming observation: less than 1% of classroom reading instruction was dedicated to comprehension instruction. When comprehension instruction occurred, the focus was on asking students questions about the text-assessing comprehension, not providing instruction. More recently, Pressley, Whar ton-McDonald, Mistretta-Hampston, and Echevarria (1998) examined reading instruction in 10 fourth- and fifth-grade classrooms. They too found little comprehension instruction and an emphasis on assessing comprehension. Taylor, Peterson, Pearson, and Rodriguez (2002) had similar findings when they observed literacy instruction in 88 classrooms. The lack of documented comprehension instruction, especially in the primary grades, has contributed to a student population in which 69% of fourth graders read below the National Assessment of Educational Progress' (NAEP) proficient reading level (NAEP, 2005). Comprehension strategy instruction

Framsida | Bedömning för lärande Reciprocal Teaching Strategies for Reading ComprehensionReciprocal Teaching[Palincsar et al, 1984, 1986] What Is Reciprocal Teaching?The creation of Palinscar and Brown, Reciprocal Teaching is in some ways a compilation of four comprehension strategies: summarizing questioning clarifying predicting Please understand that some think the choice of "reciprocal" in the name of this strategy is slightly misleading. It conjures up the image of a student in front of the class, or of students taking turns telling each other important ideas in the text. How Does It Work? How Might I Implement Reciprocal Teaching in my Classroom? One approach to teaching reciprocal teaching might be to have students work from a four-column chart, with each column headed by the different comprehension activity involved. You might also consider implementing reciprocal teaching the way Donna Dyer of the North West Regional Education Service Agency in North Carolina recommends. Put students in groups of four. © 1998-present by Raymond C.

Welcome to Dylan Wiliam’s website Professional development Finally! The revised Embedding formative assessment pack for schools and colleges to run their own two-year professional development programme on formative assessment is now available worldwide. Also, a series of high-quality video presentations by Dylan Wiliam, with a total running time of over two and a half hours, is now available world-wide. Learning styles – the emperor with no clothes | Adaptive Learning in ELT All aboard … The point of adaptive learning is that it can personalize learning. When we talk about personalization, mention of learning styles is rarely far away. Jose Ferreira of Knewton (but now ex-CEO Knewton) made his case for learning styles in a blog post that generated a superb and, for Ferreira, embarrassing discussion in the comments that were subsequently deleted by Knewton. FluentU (which I reviewed here) clearly approves of learning styles, or at least sees them as a useful way to market their product, even though it is unclear how their product caters to different styles. Busuu claims to be ‘personalised to fit your style of learning’. Learning styles are thriving in ELT coursebooks, too. Move it! Open Mind Elementary (A2) 2nd edition by Rogers, M., Taylor-Knowles, J. & Taylor-Knowles, S. Methodology books offer more tips for ways that teachers can cater to different learning styles. How about language teaching qualifications and frameworks? But, unfortunately, … Dembo, M.

"Vi har bara en trivselregel här: Jag är snäll" – Sveriges Skolledarforbund Nr 3/15 2015-03-19 Once in a life time. Så tänkte Anna Hansson-Bittár när hon fick möjlighet att förverkliga sin vision och bygga upp Brevik skola. Åtta år senare prisas modellen från flera håll. – Det har varit fantastiskt, men jag skulle aldrig göra om det, säger hon. Utanför det stora glaspartiet spelar barnen fotboll i snön. Att ge medarbetarna beröm och låta verksamheten genomsyras av vänlighet är en viktig del i ledarskapet.– Vi har bara en trivselregel här: jag är snäll. 2007 söker friskolekoncernen Pysslingen en rektor till den nya skolan på Brevikshalvön. I stället ritar hon årskursklasser där alla 40 eleverna i en årskurs går i samma klass men delas upp i röd och blå grupp. Första gången sökte 200 behöriga lärare de 20 tjänsterna. Då, 2007, jobbade hon dygnet runt med att färdigställa allt som måste bli klart inför starten.

Tanulj Másképp Műhely » Csapatépítő játékok Mit játsszunk a táborokban és osztálykiránduláson? Mit játsszunk az udvaron? Mit játszhatunk osztályfőnöki órán? A pozitív érzelmi hangolásnak, az összetartozás érzésének, az ÉRZELMEKNEK hatalmas szerepe van mind szubjektív jóllétünk, mind hatékony munkavégzésünk vagy tanulásunk szempontjából. Iskolán kívüli szabadidős közösségek, táborok és iskolai közegben működő osztályok, csoportok, arra nyitott pedagógusok számára ajánljuk ezeket az együttműködésre ösztönző játékokat. Céges csapatépítő tréningekre is alkalmasak felnőttek számára! Cél: mozgás, pozitív érzelmi hangolás, humor, vidám légkör megteremtése Névtanuló játék A közösségépítés első lépcsőfoka az ismerkedés, a nevek megtanulása. Játszani jó! TIPP: A játékot játszhatjuk nevek helyett szimbólumokkal, kedvenc állatokkal, színekkel is – akár ön-és társismeret fejlesztése céljából. Csapkodós Szintén alkalmas névtanulásra, de jégtörő, hangulatteremtő játéknak is remek. Kacsintós gyilkos játék Csábítós játék Párokba állunk, és körbe. Pizza

Startsida Att få hjälp av en kunnig person, en rektor, en kollega eller någon annan med kompetens att bedöma en lektion kan vara till stor hjälp för en lärare. Skolinspektionen har utarbetat ett observationsschema för denna typ av bedömning. Schemat används i första hand i samband med Skolinspektionens kvalitetsgranskningar. Men det kan också med fördel användas av en kollega eller någon annan som sitter med under lektionen. Schemat utgår från forskning om vad som är bra undervisning. PDF-formatObservationsschema (PDF-fil, nytt fönster) Word-formatObservationsschema (Word-fil, nytt fönster)
